/******************************************************************* * Eliot * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Olivier Teulière * Authors: Olivier Teulière * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *****************************************************************************/ #include "public_game.h" #include "game_params.h" #include "game.h" #include "training.h" #include "duplicate.h" #include "arbitration.h" #include "freegame.h" #include "topping.h" #include "game_factory.h" #include "game_exception.h" #include "xml_writer.h" #include "player.h" #include "pldrack.h" PublicGame::PublicGame(Game &iGame) : m_game(iGame) { } PublicGame::~PublicGame() { delete &m_game; } PublicGame::GameMode PublicGame::getMode() const { if (dynamic_cast(&m_game)) return kARBITRATION; else if (dynamic_cast(&m_game)) return kDUPLICATE; else if (dynamic_cast(&m_game)) return kFREEGAME; else if (dynamic_cast(&m_game)) return kTOPPING; else return kTRAINING; } const GameParams & PublicGame::getParams() const { return m_game.getParams(); } bool PublicGame::hasMasterGame() const { return m_game.hasMasterGame(); } const Dictionary & PublicGame::getDic() const { return m_game.getDic(); } const Board& PublicGame::getBoard() const { return m_game.getBoard(); } const Bag& PublicGame::getBag() const { return m_game.getBag(); } const PlayedRack& PublicGame::getCurrentRack() const { return m_game.getHistory().getCurrentRack(); } const History& PublicGame::getHistory() const { return m_game.getHistory(); } void PublicGame::addPlayer(Player *iPlayer) { m_game.addPlayer(iPlayer); } const Player& PublicGame::getPlayer(unsigned int iNum) const { return m_game.getPlayer(iNum); } const Player& PublicGame::getCurrentPlayer() const { return m_game.getCurrentPlayer(); } unsigned int PublicGame::getNbPlayers() const { return m_game.getNPlayers(); } unsigned int PublicGame::getNbHumanPlayers() const { return m_game.getNHumanPlayers(); } void PublicGame::setPlayerName(unsigned iPlayerId, const wstring &iName) { m_game.accessPlayer(iPlayerId).setName(iName); } void PublicGame::setPlayerTableNb(unsigned iPlayerId, unsigned iTableNb) { m_game.accessPlayer(iPlayerId).setTableNb(iTableNb); } bool PublicGame::hasPlayed(unsigned int player) const { return m_game.hasPlayed(player); } void PublicGame::start() { m_game.start(); } bool PublicGame::isFinished() const { return m_game.isFinished(); } int PublicGame::play(const wstring &iWord, const wstring &iCoord) { return m_game.play(iCoord, iWord); } int PublicGame::checkPlayedWord(const wstring &iWord, const wstring &iCoord, Move &oMove) const { return m_game.checkPlayedWord(iCoord, iWord, oMove, true, false); } int PublicGame::computePoints(const wstring &iWord, const wstring &iCoord) const { Move move; int res = m_game.checkPlayedWord(iCoord, iWord, move); if (res > 0) return -res; return move.getScore(); } void PublicGame::shuffleRack() { m_game.shuffleRack(); } void PublicGame::setTestRound(const Round &iRound) { m_game.accessBoard().testRound(iRound); } void PublicGame::removeTestRound() { m_game.accessBoard().removeTestRound(); } /***************************/ template static T & getTypedGame(Game &iGame) { T *typedGame = dynamic_cast(&iGame); if (typedGame == NULL) { throw GameException("Invalid game type"); } return *typedGame; } /***************************/ void PublicGame::trainingSearch() { getTypedGame(m_game).search(); } const Results& PublicGame::trainingGetResults() const { return getTypedGame(m_game).getResults(); } int PublicGame::trainingPlayResult(unsigned int iResultIndex) { return getTypedGame(m_game).playResult(iResultIndex); } void PublicGame::trainingSetRackRandom(bool iCheck, RackMode iRackMode) { if (iRackMode == kRACK_NEW) getTypedGame(m_game).setRackRandom(iCheck, Game::RACK_NEW); else getTypedGame(m_game).setRackRandom(iCheck, Game::RACK_ALL); } void PublicGame::trainingSetRackManual(bool iCheck, const wstring &iLetters) { getTypedGame(m_game).setRackManual(iCheck, iLetters); } /***************************/ vector PublicGame::toppingGetTriedMoves() const { return getTypedGame(m_game).getTriedMoves(); } /***************************/ void PublicGame::duplicateSetPlayer(unsigned int p) { getTypedGame(m_game).setPlayer(p); } void PublicGame::duplicateSetMasterMove(const Move &iMove) { getTypedGame(m_game).setMasterMove(iMove); } const Move & PublicGame::duplicateGetMasterMove() const { return getTypedGame(m_game).getMasterMove(); } /***************************/ int PublicGame::freeGamePass(const wstring &iToChange) { return getTypedGame(m_game).pass(iToChange); } /***************************/ void PublicGame::arbitrationSetRackRandom() { getTypedGame(m_game).setRackRandom(); } void PublicGame::arbitrationSetRackManual(const wstring &iLetters) { getTypedGame(m_game).setRackManual(iLetters); } void PublicGame::arbitrationSearch(LimitResults &oResults) { return getTypedGame(m_game).search(oResults); } Move PublicGame::arbitrationCheckWord(const wstring &iWord, const wstring &iCoords) const { return getTypedGame(m_game).checkWord(iWord, iCoords); } void PublicGame::arbitrationToggleSolo(unsigned iPlayerId) { Arbitration &game = getTypedGame(m_game); if (game.getSolo(iPlayerId) != 0) game.removeSolo(iPlayerId); else game.setSolo(iPlayerId); } int PublicGame::arbitrationGetSolo(unsigned iPlayerId) const { return getTypedGame(m_game).getSolo(iPlayerId); } void PublicGame::arbitrationToggleWarning(unsigned iPlayerId) { Arbitration &game = getTypedGame(m_game); if (game.hasWarning(iPlayerId)) game.removeWarning(iPlayerId); else game.addWarning(iPlayerId); } bool PublicGame::arbitrationHasWarning(unsigned iPlayerId) const { return getTypedGame(m_game).hasWarning(iPlayerId); } void PublicGame::arbitrationTogglePenalty(unsigned iPlayerId) { Arbitration &game = getTypedGame(m_game); if (game.getPenalty(iPlayerId) != 0) game.removePenalty(iPlayerId); else game.addPenalty(iPlayerId); } int PublicGame::arbitrationGetPenalty(unsigned iPlayerId) const { return getTypedGame(m_game).getPenalty(iPlayerId); } void PublicGame::arbitrationAssign(unsigned iPlayerId, const Move &iMove) { getTypedGame(m_game).assignMove(iPlayerId, iMove); } void PublicGame::arbitrationFinalizeTurn() { getTypedGame(m_game).finalizeTurn(); } /***************************/ PublicGame *PublicGame::load(const string &iFileName, const Dictionary &iDic) { Game *game = GameFactory::Instance()->load(iFileName, iDic); return new PublicGame(*game); } void PublicGame::save(const string &iFileName) const { XmlWriter::write(m_game, iFileName); } /***************************/ unsigned int PublicGame::getCurrTurn() const { // +1 to have a 1-based index (more user-friendly) return m_game.getNavigation().getCurrTurn() + 1; } unsigned int PublicGame::getNbTurns() const { return m_game.getNavigation().getNbTurns(); } bool PublicGame::isFirstTurn() const { return m_game.getNavigation().isFirstTurn(); } bool PublicGame::isLastTurn() const { return m_game.getNavigation().isLastTurn(); } void PublicGame::firstTurn() { m_game.accessNavigation().firstTurn(); } void PublicGame::prevTurn() { m_game.accessNavigation().prevTurn(); } void PublicGame::nextTurn() { m_game.accessNavigation().nextTurn(); } void PublicGame::lastTurn() { m_game.accessNavigation().lastTurn(); } void PublicGame::clearFuture() { m_game.accessNavigation().clearFuture(); } void PublicGame::printTurns() const { m_game.getNavigation().print(); }