/* Eliot */ /* Copyright (C) 1999 Antoine Fraboulet */ /* */ /* This file is part of Eliot. */ /* */ /* Eliot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* Eliot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /** * \file mainframe.cc * \brief Main frame for the Eliot GUI * \author Antoine Fraboulet * \date 2005 */ #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include "wx/intl.h" #include "wx/menu.h" #include "wx/statusbr.h" #include "wx/sizer.h" #include "wx/filedlg.h" #include "wx/msgdlg.h" #include "ewx.h" #include "dic.h" #include "game.h" #include "game_factory.h" #include "player.h" #include "configdb.h" #include "confdimdlg.h" #include "confsearch.h" #include "printout.h" #include "mainframe.h" #ifdef ENABLE_SAVE_POSTSCRIPT #include "wx/dcps.h" #endif enum { Menu_Game_New = 1000, Menu_Game_Open, Menu_Game_Save, Menu_Game_Print, Menu_Game_PrintPreview, Menu_Game_PrintPS, Menu_Conf_Game = 2000, Menu_Conf_Game_Dic, Menu_Conf_Game_Tiles, Menu_Conf_Game_Search, Menu_Conf_Print, Menu_Conf_Aspect = 2100, Menu_Conf_Tile, Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_DrawTiles, Menu_Conf_Aspect_Font, Menu_Conf_Aspect_Font_Search = 2110, Menu_Conf_Aspect_Font_Board = 2111, Menu_Conf_Aspect_Font_Default = 2112, Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour = 2200, Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Lines = 2201, Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Wx2 = 2202, Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Wx3 = 2203, Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Lx2 = 2204, Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Lx3 = 2205, Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Background = 2206, Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Letters = 2207, Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_TestLetters = 2208, Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_TileBack = 2209, Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_TestTileBack = 2210, Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Default = 2211, #define IDBASE 3300 Menu_ShowBoard = (IDBASE + ID_Frame_Board), Menu_ShowVerif = (IDBASE + ID_Frame_Verif), Menu_ShowSearch = (IDBASE + ID_Frame_Search), Menu_ShowPlus1 = (IDBASE + ID_Frame_Plus1), Menu_ShowRacc = (IDBASE + ID_Frame_Racc), Menu_ShowBenj = (IDBASE + ID_Frame_Benj), Menu_ShowBag = (IDBASE + ID_Frame_Bag), Menu_Quit_Apropos = 4000, Menu_Quit_Confirm, Button_SetRack = 10000, Button_SetNew, Button_SetManual, Button_Search, Button_Play, Button_PlayBack, ListCtrl_ID = 11000, Rack_ID, Status_ID, }; BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MainFrame, wxFrame) // EVT_MENU(Menu_Game_New, MainFrame::OnMenuGameNew) EVT_MENU(Menu_Game_Open, MainFrame::OnMenuGameOpen) EVT_MENU(Menu_Game_Save, MainFrame::OnMenuGameSave) EVT_MENU(Menu_Game_Print, MainFrame::OnMenuGamePrint) EVT_MENU(Menu_Game_PrintPreview, MainFrame::OnMenuGamePrintPreview) EVT_MENU(Menu_Game_PrintPS, MainFrame::OnMenuGamePrintPS) // EVT_MENU(Menu_Conf_Game_Dic, MainFrame::OnMenuConfGameDic) EVT_MENU(Menu_Conf_Game_Search, MainFrame::OnMenuConfGameSearch) // EVT_MENU(Menu_Conf_Print, MainFrame::OnMenuConfPrint) // EVT_MENU_RANGE(Menu_Conf_Aspect_Font_Search, Menu_Conf_Aspect_Font_Default, MainFrame::OnMenuConfAspectFont) EVT_MENU_RANGE(Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Lines, Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Default, MainFrame::OnMenuConfAspectBoardColour) EVT_MENU_RANGE(Menu_ShowVerif, Menu_ShowBoard, MainFrame::OnMenuShowFrame) // EVT_MENU(Menu_Quit_Apropos, MainFrame::OnMenuQuitApropos) EVT_MENU(Menu_Quit_Confirm, MainFrame::OnMenuQuitConfirm) // EVT_BUTTON(Button_Play, MainFrame::OnPlay) EVT_BUTTON(Button_SetRack, MainFrame::OnSetRack) EVT_BUTTON(Button_SetNew, MainFrame::OnSetRack) EVT_BUTTON(Button_Search, MainFrame::OnSearch) EVT_BUTTON(Button_PlayBack, MainFrame::OnPlay) // EVT_TEXT_ENTER(Rack_ID, MainFrame::OnSearch) // EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED (ListCtrl_ID, MainFrame::OnListCtrlSelected) EVT_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED (ListCtrl_ID, MainFrame::OnListCtrlActivated) // EVT_CLOSE(MainFrame::OnCloseWindow) // END_EVENT_TABLE() /** ****************************** * * ******************************* */ MainFrame::MainFrame(wxPoint pos_, wxSize size_) : wxFrame((wxFrame *) NULL, -1, wxT("Eliot"), wxPoint(-1, -1), size_, wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, wxT("Eliot")), m_dic(NULL), m_game(NULL) { wxSysColourChangedEvent event; for(int i=0 ; i < MAX_FRAME_ID; i++) auxframes_ptr[i] = NULL; rack = new wxTextCtrl(this, Rack_ID, wxU(""), wxPoint(-1, -1), wxSize(-1, -1), wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER); rack->SetToolTip(wxT("Tirage")); results = new wxListCtrl(this, ListCtrl_ID); #if defined(ENABLE_LC_NO_HEADER) results->SetSingleStyle(wxLC_REPORT | wxLC_NO_HEADER | wxLC_SINGLE_SEL); #else results->SetSingleStyle(wxLC_REPORT | wxLC_SINGLE_SEL); #endif results->InsertColumn(0, wxT("Sol")); results->InsertColumn(1, wxT("*")); results->InsertColumn(2, wxT("Pos")); results->InsertColumn(3, wxT("Pts")); // XXX: results->SetToolTip(wxT("Résultats de la recherche")); results->SetToolTip(wxT("Resultats de la recherche")); InitFrames(); InitMenu(); statusbar = CreateStatusBar(2, 0, Status_ID); int ww[2] = {-1, 160}; statusbar->SetStatusWidths(2, ww); UpdateStatusBar(); b_rackrandomset = new wxButton(this, Button_SetRack, wxT(" Tirage ")); b_rackrandomnew = new wxButton(this, Button_SetNew, wxT(" Complement ")); b_search = new wxButton(this, Button_Search, wxT(" Rechercher ")); b_back = new wxButton(this, Button_PlayBack, wxT(" Arriere ")); b_play = new wxButton(this, Button_Play, wxT(" Jouer ")); b_rackrandomset->SetToolTip(wxT("Tirage aleatoire")); b_rackrandomnew->SetToolTip(wxT("Complement aleatoire du tirage")); b_search->SetToolTip( wxT("Recherche sur le tirage courant")); b_back->SetToolTip( wxT("Revenir un coup en arriere")); b_play->SetToolTip( wxT("Jouer le mot selectionne")); wxBoxSizer *buttonsizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); buttonsizer->Add(b_rackrandomset, 1, wxEXPAND | wxTOP | wxBOTTOM | wxLEFT , 1); buttonsizer->Add(b_rackrandomnew, 1, wxEXPAND | wxTOP | wxBOTTOM , 1); buttonsizer->Add(b_search, 1, wxEXPAND | wxTOP | wxBOTTOM , 1); buttonsizer->Add(b_back, 1, wxEXPAND | wxTOP | wxBOTTOM , 1); buttonsizer->Add(b_play, 1, wxEXPAND | wxTOP | wxBOTTOM | wxRIGHT, 1); wxBoxSizer *listsizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); listsizer->Add(rack , 0 , wxEXPAND | wxALL, 1); listsizer->Add(results , 1 , wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 1); wxBoxSizer *mainsizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); mainsizer->Add(listsizer , 1, wxEXPAND | wxVERTICAL, 0); mainsizer->Add(buttonsizer, 0, wxEXPAND , 0); SetAutoLayout(TRUE); SetSizer(mainsizer); mainsizer->Fit(this); mainsizer->SetSizeHints(this); SetClientSize(size_); Move(config.getFramePos(wxT(APPNAME))); wxString dicpath = config.getDicPath(); Dic_load(&m_dic, dicpath.mb_str()); if (m_dic) { // dictionary already selected } else { wxCommandEvent event; OnMenuConfGameDic(event); m_game = NULL; } m_game = GameFactory::Instance()->createTraining(m_dic); m_game->start(); InitFrames(); } /** ****************************** * * ******************************* */ MainFrame::~MainFrame() { config.setFramePos(wxT(APPNAME), GetPosition()); config.setFrameSize(wxT(APPNAME), GetClientSize()); if (m_game != NULL) { GameFactory::Instance()->releaseGame(*m_game); m_game = NULL; } if (m_dic) { Dic_destroy(m_dic); } } /** ****************************** * * ******************************* */ void MainFrame::InitMenu() { // menus wxMenu *menu_game = new wxMenu; // XXX: menu_game->Append(Menu_Game_New, wxT("Nouvelle"), wxT("Démarrer une nouvelle partie")); menu_game->Append(Menu_Game_New, wxT("Nouvelle"), wxT("Demarrer une nouvelle partie")); menu_game->Append(Menu_Game_Open, wxT("Charger..."), wxT("Charger une partie")); menu_game->Append(Menu_Game_Save, wxT("Sauver..."), wxT("Sauver cette partie")); menu_game->AppendSeparator(); menu_game->Append(Menu_Game_Print, wxT("Imprimer..."), wxT("Imprimer cette partie")); // XXX: menu_game->Append(Menu_Game_PrintPreview, wxT("Préimpression"), wxT("Préimpression de la partie")); menu_game->Append(Menu_Game_PrintPreview, wxT("Preimpression"), wxT("Preimpression de la partie")); #ifdef ENABLE_SAVE_POSTSCRIPT menu_game->AppendSeparator(); menu_game->Append(Menu_Game_PrintPS, wxT("Imprimer du PostScript"), wxT("Imprimer dans un fichier PostScript")); #endif // wxMenu *menu_conf_game = new wxMenu; menu_conf_game->Append(Menu_Conf_Game_Dic, wxT("Dictionnaire"), wxT("Choix du dictionnaire")); menu_conf_game->Append(Menu_Conf_Game_Search, wxT("Recherche"), wxT("Options de recherche")); // wxMenu *menu_tileback = new wxMenu; menu_tileback->Append(Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Letters , wxT("Lettres jouees"), wxT("Lettres jouees sur la grille")); menu_tileback->Append(Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_TestLetters , wxT("Lettres provisoires"), wxT("Lettres du mot a jouer")); menu_tileback->AppendSeparator(); //menu_tileback->Append(Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_DrawTiles , wxT("Dessiner les pions"), wxT("Dessiner les pions sur la grille")); menu_tileback->Append(Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_TileBack , wxT("Fonds lettres jouees"), wxT("Fonds des pions sur la grille")); menu_tileback->Append(Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_TestTileBack, wxT("Fonds lettres provisoires"), wxT("Fonds des pions sur la grille")); // wxMenu *menu_conf_board_colour = new wxMenu; menu_conf_board_colour->Append(Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Background, wxT("Fond"), wxT("Couleur du fond")); menu_conf_board_colour->Append(Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Lines, wxT("Lignes"), wxT("Couleur des lignes")); menu_conf_board_colour->Append(Menu_Conf_Tile, wxT("Pions et lettres"), menu_tileback, wxT("Pions et lettres")); menu_conf_board_colour->AppendSeparator(); // XXX: menu_conf_board_colour->Append(Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Letters, wxT("Lettres jouées"), wxT("Lettres jouées sur la grille")); menu_conf_board_colour->Append(Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Letters, wxT("Lettres jouees"), wxT("Lettres jouees sur la grille")); // XXX: menu_conf_board_colour->Append(Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_TestLetters, wxT("Lettres provisoires"), wxT("Lettres du mot à jouer")); menu_conf_board_colour->Append(Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_TestLetters, wxT("Lettres provisoires"), wxT("Lettres du mot a jouer")); menu_conf_board_colour->AppendSeparator(); menu_conf_board_colour->Append(Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Wx2, wxT("Mot compte double"), wxT("Mot compte double")); menu_conf_board_colour->Append(Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Wx3, wxT("Mot compte triple"), wxT("Mot compte triple")); menu_conf_board_colour->Append(Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Lx2, wxT("Lettre compte double"), wxT("Lettre compte double")); menu_conf_board_colour->Append(Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Lx3, wxT("Lettre compte triple"), wxT("Lettre compte triple")); menu_conf_board_colour->AppendSeparator(); menu_conf_board_colour->Append(Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Default, wxT("Couleurs d'origine"), wxT("Retrouver les couleurs d'origine")); // wxMenu *menu_conf_board_font = new wxMenu; // XXX: menu_conf_board_font->Append(Menu_Conf_Aspect_Font_Search, wxT("Lettres de recherche"), wxT("Police de caractères pour les recherches")); menu_conf_board_font->Append(Menu_Conf_Aspect_Font_Search, wxT("Lettres de recherche"), wxT("Police de caracteres pour les recherches")); // XXX: menu_conf_board_font->Append(Menu_Conf_Aspect_Font_Board, wxT("Lettres de la grille"), wxT("Police de caractères de la grille")); menu_conf_board_font->Append(Menu_Conf_Aspect_Font_Board, wxT("Lettres de la grille"), wxT("Police de caracteres de la grille")); // wxMenu *menu_conf = new wxMenu; menu_conf->Append(Menu_Conf_Game, wxT("Jeu"), menu_conf_game, wxT("Configuration du jeu")); menu_conf->Append(Menu_Conf_Aspect_Font, wxT("Fonte des lettres"), menu_conf_board_font, wxT("Modification des fontes")); menu_conf->Append(Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour, wxT("Couleurs de la grille"), menu_conf_board_colour, wxT("Modification des couleurs")); menu_conf->Append(Menu_Conf_Print, wxT("Impression"), wxT("Dimensions de la partie")); // wxMenu *menu_frame = new wxMenu; menu_frame->Append(Menu_ShowBoard, wxT("Grille"), wxT("Grille de jeu")); // XXX: menu_frame->Append(Menu_ShowVerif, wxT("Vérification"), wxT("Vérification d'un mot dans le dictionnaire")); menu_frame->Append(Menu_ShowVerif, wxT("Verification"), wxT("Verification d'un mot dans le dictionnaire")); menu_frame->Append(Menu_ShowSearch, wxT("Recherche"), wxT("Recherche dans le dictionnaire")); menu_frame->AppendSeparator(); menu_frame->Append(Menu_ShowPlus1, wxT("Tirage + 1"), wxT("Lettres du tirage plus une")); menu_frame->Append(Menu_ShowRacc, wxT("Raccords"), wxT("Raccords sur un mot de la recherche")); menu_frame->Append(Menu_ShowBenj, wxT("Benjamins"), wxT("Benjamins sur un mot de la recherche")); menu_frame->AppendSeparator(); menu_frame->Append(Menu_ShowBag, wxT("Sac"), wxT("Lettres restantes dans le sac")); // wxMenu *menu_quit = new wxMenu; menu_quit->Append(Menu_Quit_Apropos, wxT("A propos..."), wxT("A propos d'Eliot")); menu_quit->Append(Menu_Quit_Confirm, wxT("Quitter"), wxT("Quitter")); // wxMenuBar *menu_bar = new wxMenuBar; menu_bar->Append(menu_game, wxT("Partie")); menu_bar->Append(menu_conf, wxT("Configuration")); // XXX: menu_bar->Append(menu_frame, wxT("Fenêtres")); menu_bar->Append(menu_frame, wxT("Fenetres")); menu_bar->Append(menu_quit, wxT("Quitter")); SetMenuBar(menu_bar); } /** ****************************** * * ******************************* */ void MainFrame::OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent&) { this->Destroy(); } void MainFrame::UpdateStatusBar() { wxString text; text << config.getDicName(); text << wxT(" "); text << config.getTileName(); if (statusbar) statusbar->SetStatusText(text, 0); text = wxT(""); if (m_game) { text << wxT("coup:") << (m_game->getNTurns() + 1) << wxT(" ") << wxT("points:") << m_game->getPlayer(0).getPoints(); } if (statusbar) statusbar->SetStatusText(text, 1); } //***************************************************************************** // MENU GAME //***************************************************************************** void MainFrame::OnMenuGameNew(wxCommandEvent&) { if (m_dic == NULL) { // XXX: wxMessageBox(wxT("Il n'y a pas de dictionnaire sélectionné"), wxT("Eliot: erreur"), wxMessageBox(wxT("Il n'y a pas de dictionnaire selectionne"), wxT("Eliot: erreur"), wxICON_INFORMATION | wxOK); return; } TODO("selection du type de partie dans OnMenuGameNew\n"); if (m_game != NULL) { GameFactory::Instance()->releaseGame(*m_game); m_game = NULL; } m_game = GameFactory::Instance()->createTraining(m_dic); m_game->start(); rack->SetValue(wxU("")); results->DeleteAllItems(); UpdateStatusBar(); UpdateFrames(); } /** ****************************** * * ******************************* */ void MainFrame::OnMenuGameOpen(wxCommandEvent&) { wxString txt; wxFileDialog dialog(this, wxT("Ouvrir une partie"), wxT(""), wxT(""), wxT("*"), wxOPEN); if (m_dic == NULL) { // XXX: wxMessageBox(wxT("Il n'y a pas de dictionnaire sélectionné"), wxT("Eliot: erreur"), wxMessageBox(wxT("Il n'y a pas de dictionnaire selectionne"), wxT("Eliot: erreur"), wxICON_INFORMATION | wxOK); return; } if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { FILE* fin; if ((fin = fopen(dialog.GetPath().mb_str(), "r")) == NULL) { txt << wxT("Impossible d'ouvrir") << dialog.GetPath(); wxMessageDialog msg(this, txt, wxT("Ouverture d'une partie")); msg.ShowModal(); return ; } m_game = Game::load(fin, m_dic); fclose(fin); if (m_game == NULL) { wxMessageDialog msg(this, wxT("Erreur pendant la lecture de la partie"), wxT("chargement de partie")); msg.ShowModal(); return; } } string r = m_game->getPlayedRack(m_game->getNTurns()); rack->SetValue(wxU(r.c_str())); results->DeleteAllItems(); UpdateStatusBar(); UpdateFrames(); } /** ****************************** * * ******************************* */ void MainFrame::OnMenuGameSave(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxFileDialog dialog(this, wxT("Sauver une partie"), wxT(""), wxT(""), wxT("*"), wxSAVE|wxOVERWRITE_PROMPT); if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { ofstream fout(dialog.GetPath().mb_str()); if (fout.rdstate() == ios::failbit) { wxString txt; // XXX: txt << wxT("Impossible de créer ") << dialog.GetPath(); txt << wxT("Impossible de creer ") << dialog.GetPath(); wxMessageDialog msg(this, txt, wxT("Sauvegarde de la partie")); msg.ShowModal(); return ; } m_game->save(fout); fout.close(); } } /** ****************************** * * ******************************* */ void MainFrame::OnMenuGamePrint(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { // TODO: gray out the menu instead... if (m_game == NULL) { wxMessageBox(wxT("Pas de partie en cours"), wxT("Eliot: erreur"), wxICON_INFORMATION | wxOK); return; } wxPrintDialogData printDialogData(config.getPrintData()); wxPrinter printer(&printDialogData); GamePrintout printout(*m_game); if (!printer.Print(this, &printout, TRUE)) // XXX: wxMessageBox(wxT("Impression non effectuée.")); wxMessageBox(wxT("Impression non effectuee.")); } /** ****************************** * * ******************************* */ void MainFrame::OnMenuGamePrintPreview(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { // TODO: gray out the menu instead... if (m_game == NULL) { wxMessageBox(wxT("Pas de partie en cours"), wxT("Eliot: erreur"), wxICON_INFORMATION | wxOK); return; } wxPrintData printdata = config.getPrintData(); wxString msg; wxPrintPreview *preview = new wxPrintPreview(new GamePrintout(*m_game), new GamePrintout(*m_game), & printdata); if (!preview->Ok()) { delete preview; // XXX: msg << wxT("Problème de prévisualisation.\n") msg << wxT("Probleme de previsualisation.\n") // XXX: << wxT("Il se peut que l'imprimante par défaut soit mal initialisée"); << wxT("Il se peut que l'imprimante par defaut soit mal initialisee"); // XXX: wxMessageBox(msg, wxT("Impression (prévisualisation)"), wxOK); wxMessageBox(msg, wxT("Impression (previsualisation)"), wxOK); return; } wxPreviewFrame *frame = new wxPreviewFrame(preview, this, wxT("Impression"), wxPoint(-1, -1), wxSize(600, 550)); frame->Centre(wxBOTH); frame->Initialize(); frame->Show(TRUE); } /** ****************************** * * ******************************* */ void MainFrame::OnMenuGamePrintPS(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { #ifdef ENABLE_SAVE_POSTSCRIPT // TODO: gray out the menu instead... if (m_game == NULL) { wxMessageBox(wxT("Pas de partie en cours"), wxT("Eliot: erreur"), wxICON_INFORMATION | wxOK); return; } wxString txt; wxFileDialog dialog(this, wxT("Imprimer dans un fichier PostScript"), wxT(""), wxT(""), wxT("*.ps"), wxSAVE|wxOVERWRITE_PROMPT); if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { wxPrintData printdataPS; printdataPS.SetPrintMode(wxPRINT_MODE_FILE); printdataPS.SetFilename(dialog.GetPath()); printdataPS.SetPaperId(wxPAPER_A4); printdataPS.SetQuality(wxPRINT_QUALITY_HIGH); printdataPS.SetOrientation(wxPORTRAIT); wxPostScriptDC printps(printdataPS); if (printps.Ok()) { wxPrintDialogData printDialogData(printdataPS); wxPostScriptPrinter printer(&printDialogData); GamePrintout printout(*m_game); if (!printer.Print(this, &printout, FALSE)) { // XXX: wxMessageBox(wxT("Impression non effectuée.")); wxMessageBox(wxT("Impression non effectuee.")); } else { wxString msg; // XXX: msg << wxT("Dessin effectué dans ") << dialog.GetPath() << wxT("\n"); msg << wxT("Dessin effectue dans ") << dialog.GetPath() << wxT("\n"); wxMessageBox(msg, wxT("Sauvegarde PostScript"), wxOK); } } else { wxString msg; msg << wxT("impossible d'initialiser le traitement PostScript.\n"); wxMessageBox(msg, wxT("Sauvegarde PostScript"), wxOK); } } #endif } // // MENU CONFIG // /** ****************************** * * ******************************* */ void MainFrame::OnMenuConfGameDic(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxString txt, msg, dicpath; wxFileDialog dialog(this, wxT("Choisir un dictionnaire"), wxT(""), wxT("*.dawg"), wxT("*.dawg"), wxOPEN); if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { wxString dicpath = dialog.GetPath(); Dictionary dic; int res = Dic_load(&dic, dicpath.mb_str()); if (res == 0) { if (m_dic) { Dic_destroy(m_dic); } m_dic = dic; config.setDicPath(dialog.GetPath(), ::wxFileNameFromPath(dialog.GetPath())); } else { switch (res) { case 0: /* cas normal */ break; // XXX: case 1: msg << wxT("chargement: problème d'ouverture de ") << dicpath << wxT("\n"); break; case 1: msg << wxT("chargement: probleme d'ouverture de ") << dicpath << wxT("\n"); break; // XXX: case 2: msg << wxT("chargement: mauvais en-tête de dictionnaire\n"); break; case 2: msg << wxT("chargement: mauvais en-tete de dictionnaire\n"); break; // XXX: case 3: msg << wxT("chargement: problème 3 d'allocation mémoire\n"); break; case 3: msg << wxT("chargement: probleme 3 d'allocation memoire\n"); break; // XXX: case 4: msg << wxT("chargement: problème 4 d'allocation mémoire\n"); break; case 4: msg << wxT("chargement: probleme 4 d'allocation memoire\n"); break; // XXX: case 5: msg << wxT("chargement: problème de lecture des arcs du dictionnaire\n"); break; case 5: msg << wxT("chargement: probleme de lecture des arcs du dictionnaire\n"); break; // XXX: default: msg << wxT("chargement: problème non-répertorié\n"); break; default: msg << wxT("chargement: probleme non-repertorie\n"); break; } wxMessageDialog dlg(NULL, msg, wxT(APPNAME)); dlg.ShowModal(); } } UpdateStatusBar(); UpdateFrames(); } /** ****************************** * * ******************************* */ void MainFrame::OnMenuConfGameSearch(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { ConfSearchDlg dlg(this); dlg.ShowModal(); } // **************** // MENU CONF PRINT // **************** void MainFrame::OnMenuConfPrint(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { ConfDimDlg dlg(this, config.getPrintData(), config.getPageSetupData()); if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { config.setPrintData(dlg.getPrintData()); config.setPageSetupData(dlg.getPageSetupData()); } } // **************** // MENU CONF FONTS // **************** void MainFrame::OnMenuConfAspectFont(wxCommandEvent& event) { int id; wxString attr; id = event.GetId(); if (! GetMenuBar()->FindItem(id)) return; switch (id) { case Menu_Conf_Aspect_Font_Search: attr = wxString(LISTFONT); break; case Menu_Conf_Aspect_Font_Board: attr = wxString(BOARDFONT); break; case Menu_Conf_Aspect_Font_Default: attr = wxU("Default"); break; default: INCOMPLETE; break; } if (attr == wxU("Default")) config.setFontDefault(); else config.setFont(attr, config.ChooseFont(this, config.getFont(attr))); UpdateFrames(FORCE_REFRESH); } // ************************ // MENU CONF BOARD COLOURS // ************************ void MainFrame::OnMenuConfAspectBoardColour(wxCommandEvent& event) { int id; wxString attr; id = event.GetId(); if (! GetMenuBar()->FindItem(id)) return; switch (id) { case Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Lines: attr = wxString(BCOLOURLINES); break; case Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Wx2: attr = wxString(BCOLOURWX2); break; case Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Wx3: attr = wxString(BCOLOURWX3); break; case Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Lx2: attr = wxString(BCOLOURLX2); break; case Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Lx3: attr = wxString(BCOLOURLX3); break; case Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Background: attr = wxString(BCOLOURBACKGROUND); break; case Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Letters: attr = wxString(BCOLOURLETTERS); break; case Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_TestLetters: attr = wxString(BCOLOURTSTLETTERS); break; case Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_TileBack: attr = wxString(BTILEBACKGROUND); break; case Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_TestTileBack: attr = wxString(BTSTTILEBACKGROUND); break; case Menu_Conf_Aspect_BoardColour_Default: attr = wxU("Default"); break; default: INCOMPLETE; break; } if (attr == wxU("Default")) config.setColourDefault(); else config.setColour(attr, config.ChooseColour(this, config.getColour(attr))); UpdateFrames(FORCE_REFRESH); } //************************************************************************************** // MENU QUIT //************************************************************************************** void MainFrame::OnMenuQuitApropos(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxString msg; // XXX: msg << wxT("Eliot\n© Antoine Fraboulet 1999-2004\n\n"); msg << wxT("Eliot\nCopyright Antoine Fraboulet 1999-2004\n\n"); msg << wxT("This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"); msg << wxT("it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n"); msg << wxT("the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n"); msg << wxT("(at your option) any later version.\n\n"); msg << wxT("Version ") << wxT(VERSION) << wxT("\n"); wxMessageBox(msg, wxT("A propos d'Eliot"), wxICON_INFORMATION | wxOK); } void MainFrame::OnMenuQuitConfirm(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { Close(TRUE); } //************************************************************************************** // BUTTONS //************************************************************************************** void MainFrame::OnSetRack(wxCommandEvent& event) { if (m_dic == NULL) { // XXX: wxMessageBox(wxT("Il n'y a pas de dictionnaire sélectionné"), wxT("Eliot: erreur"), wxMessageBox(wxT("Il n'y a pas de dictionnaire selectionne"), wxT("Eliot: erreur"), wxICON_INFORMATION | wxOK); return; } int id; Game::set_rack_mode mode = Game::RACK_NEW; bool check = config.getRackChecking(); wxString msg; switch ((id = event.GetId())) { case Button_SetRack: mode = Game::RACK_ALL; break; case Button_SetNew: mode = Game::RACK_NEW; break; case Button_SetManual: break; default: return; } int res = m_game->setRackRandom(0, check, mode); switch (res) { case 0x00: /* ok */ break; case 0x01: msg << wxT("Le sac ne contient plus assez de lettres.") << wxT("\n"); wxMessageBox(msg, wxT("Correction du tirage"), wxICON_INFORMATION | wxOK); break; case 0x02: { msg << wxT("Le tirage doit contenir au moins 2 consonnes et 2 voyelles") << wxT("\n"); wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, wxT("Correction du tirage")); dlg.ShowModal(); } break; case 0x03: { msg << wxT("Le tirage doit contenir au moins 2 consonnes et 2 voyelles") << wxT("\n") << wxT("mais le sac ne contient plus assez de lettres") << wxT("\n") << wxT("\n"); wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, wxT("Correction du tirage")); dlg.ShowModal(); } break; default: INCOMPLETE; break; } string r = m_game->getPlayerRack(0,true); rack->SetValue(wxU(r.c_str())); ((Training*)m_game)->removeTestPlay(); results->DeleteAllItems(); UpdateFrames(); } void MainFrame::Search() { ((Training*)m_game)->search(); // to speed up inserting we hide the control temporarily // but this is not good on slow machines as it shows an empty // square instead of the list //results->Hide(); results->DeleteAllItems(); results->SetFont(config.getFont(LISTFONT)); for (int i = 0; i < ((Training*)m_game)->getNResults(); i++) { wxString word = wxU(((Training*)m_game)->getSearchedWord(i).c_str()); wxString coords = wxU(((Training*)m_game)->getSearchedCoords(i).c_str()); wxChar bonus = ((Training*)m_game)->getSearchedBonus(i) ? '*' : ' '; wxString pts; pts << ((Training*)m_game)->getSearchedPoints(i); long tmp = results->InsertItem(i, word); results->SetItemData(tmp, i); tmp = results->SetItem(i, 1, bonus); tmp = results->SetItem(i, 2, coords); tmp = results->SetItem(i, 3, pts); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) results->SetColumnWidth(i, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE); results->Show(); if (((Training*)m_game)->getNResults() > 0) { results->SetItemState(0, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED | wxLIST_MASK_STATE); ((Training*)m_game)->testPlay(0); } } void MainFrame::OnSearch(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxString msg; if (m_dic == NULL) { wxMessageBox(wxT("Vous devez choisir un dictionnaire"), wxT("Eliot: erreur"), wxICON_INFORMATION | wxOK); return; } ((Training*)m_game)->removeTestPlay(); switch (((Training*)m_game)->setRackManual(config.getRackChecking(), (const char*)rack->GetValue().mb_str())) { case 0x00: break; case 0x01: msg << wxT("Le sac ne contient pas assez de lettres") << wxT("\n") << wxT("pour assurer le tirage."); wxMessageBox(msg, wxT("Correction du tirage"), wxICON_INFORMATION | wxOK); return; case 0x02: msg << wxT("Le tirage doit contenir au moins 2 consonnes et 2 voyelles") << wxT("\n"); wxMessageBox(msg, wxT("Correction du tirage"), wxICON_INFORMATION | wxOK); return; // XXX: default: statusbar->SetStatusText(wxT("Le tirage a été modifié manuellement"), 0); break; default: statusbar->SetStatusText(wxT("Le tirage a ete modifie manuellement"), 0); break; } string r = m_game->getPlayerRack(0,true); rack->SetValue(wxU(r.c_str())); Search(); UpdateStatusBar(); UpdateFrames(); } void MainFrame::Play(int n) { ((Training*)m_game)->removeTestPlay(); if (n == -1) { m_game->back(1); } else { ((Training*)m_game)->playResult(n); } if (m_game->getNTurns() >= 0) { string r = m_game->getPlayerRack(0,true); rack->SetValue(wxU(r.c_str())); results->DeleteAllItems(); UpdateStatusBar(); UpdateFrames(); } } void MainFrame::OnPlay(wxCommandEvent& event) { if (m_dic == NULL) { // XXX: wxMessageBox(wxT("Il n'y a pas de dictionnaire sélectionné"), wxT("Eliot: erreur"), wxMessageBox(wxT("Il n'y a pas de dictionnaire selectionne"), wxT("Eliot: erreur"), wxICON_INFORMATION | wxOK); return; } long item = -1; int id = event.GetId(); switch (id) { case Button_Play: item = results->GetNextItem(item, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); if (item > -1) Play(item); break; case Button_PlayBack: Play(-1); break; default: return; break; } } void MainFrame::OnListCtrlSelected(wxListEvent& event) { ((Training*)m_game)->removeTestPlay(); ((Training*)m_game)->testPlay(event.m_itemIndex); UpdateFrames(); } void MainFrame::OnListCtrlActivated(wxListEvent& event) { if (event.m_itemIndex > -1) Play(event.m_itemIndex); } //********************************* // SPECIAL FRAMES //********************************* void MainFrame::InitFrames() { if (m_game == NULL) { return; } for(int i=0 ; i < MAX_FRAME_ID; i++) { if (auxframes_ptr[i] != NULL) { delete auxframes_ptr[i]; } } auxframes_ptr[ ID_Frame_Verif ] = new VerifFrame (this, m_game->getDic()); auxframes_ptr[ ID_Frame_Search ] = new SearchFrame(this, m_game->getDic()); auxframes_ptr[ ID_Frame_Plus1 ] = new Plus1Frame (this, *m_game); auxframes_ptr[ ID_Frame_Racc ] = new RaccFrame (this, *m_game, results); auxframes_ptr[ ID_Frame_Benj ] = new BenjFrame (this, *m_game, results); auxframes_ptr[ ID_Frame_Bag ] = new BagFrame (this, *m_game); auxframes_ptr[ ID_Frame_Board ] = new BoardFrame (this, *m_game); for (int i = MIN_FRAME_ID; i < MAX_FRAME_ID; i++) { auxframes_ptr[i]->Reload(); } } void MainFrame::OnMenuShowFrame(wxCommandEvent& event) { int id; id = event.GetId(); if (!GetMenuBar()->FindItem(id)) return; id -= IDBASE; if ((id < 0) || (id >= MAX_FRAME_ID)) { INCOMPLETE; return; } if (auxframes_ptr[id] == NULL) { debug("ShowFrame: auxframes_ptr[%d] == NULL\n", id); return; } auxframes_ptr[id]->SwitchDisplay(); } void MainFrame::UpdateFrames(refresh_t force) { for (int id = 0; id < MAX_FRAME_ID; id++) { if (auxframes_ptr[id]) { // debug("UpdateFrames %d\n",id); auxframes_ptr[id]->Refresh(force); } } }