ArbitrationWidget 0 0 839 292 Qt::Horizontal _("Rack") _("Rack:") 80 0 _("Random") _("Search") _("Possible words") _("Filter results:") QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers true 0 false true _("Word:") 60 0 _("Ref.:") 0 0 45 16777215 false _("Check word") _("Assignments") _("Master move:") 0 0 false _("Select") _("Hide players with an assigned move") QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers true QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection 0 true true false _("Assign move") false _("Indicate that the selected player(s) did not play") _("No move") Qt::Horizontal 40 20 _("Validate the current turn and start a new one") _("End turn") ClickableLabel QLabel
lineEditRack buttonRandom buttonSearch lineEditFilter treeViewResults lineEditWord lineEditCoords buttonCheck buttonSelectMaster checkBoxHideAssigned treeViewPlayers buttonAssign buttonNoMove buttonEndTurn