/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Eliot * Authors: Antoine Fraboulet * Olivier Teuliere * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *****************************************************************************/ /** * \file game_io.cpp * \brief Eliot game class file load/save handling * \author Antoine Fraboulet & Olivier Teuliere * \date 2002 - 2005 */ #include "pldrack.h" #include "round.h" #include "turn.h" #include "player.h" #include "game.h" #include "game_factory.h" #include "debug.h" using namespace std; /************************* * Ident string used to identify saved Eliot games *************************/ #define IDENT_STRING "Eliot" #define IDENT_FORMAT_14 "" #define IDENT_FORMAT_15 "1.5" /******************************************************** * * Loading games * ********************************************************/ Game * Game::load(FILE *fin, const Dictionary& iDic) { char buff[4096]; // 10d is \012 // 13d is \015 char delim[] = " \t\n\012\015|"; char *token; // Check characteristic string if (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fin) == NULL) { debug("Game::load cannot load first line\n"); return NULL; } if ((token = strtok(buff, delim)) == NULL) { debug("Game::load first line is empty\n"); return NULL; } /* checks for IDENT_STRING and file format */ if (string(token) != IDENT_STRING) { debug("Game::load IDENT_STRING %s unknown\n",token); return NULL; } if ((token = strtok(NULL, delim)) == NULL) { debug("Game_io::loading file format 1.4\n"); return Game::gameLoadFormat_14(fin,iDic); } if (string(token) == string(IDENT_FORMAT_15)) { debug("Game_io::loading file format 1.5\n"); return Game::gameLoadFormat_15(fin,iDic); } debug("Game::load unknown format %s\n",token); return NULL; } Game* Game::gameLoadFormat_14(FILE *fin, const Dictionary& iDic) { Tile tile; char buff[4096]; char rack[20]; char word[20]; char pos [5]; char delim[]=" \t\n\012\015"; char *token; Game *pGame = NULL; debug("Game::gameLoadFormat_14\n"); pGame = GameFactory::Instance()->createTraining(iDic); pGame->start(); /* rack word ?bonus pts coord */ /* EUOFMIE FUMEE * 26 H 4 */ /* read all turns until total */ while(fgets(buff,sizeof(buff),fin)) { token = strtok(buff,delim); if (token != NULL) { if (strcmp(token,"total")==0) { break; } /* rack */ strncpy(rack,token,sizeof(rack)); ((Training*)pGame)->setRack(RACK_MANUAL,false,string(rack)); debug("%s ",rack); /* word */ token = strtok(NULL,delim); if (!token || strcmp(token,"total")==0) { break; } strncpy(word,token,sizeof(word)); debug("\t%s ",word); /* bonus */ if ((token = strtok(NULL,delim)) == NULL) break; /* points */ if (token[0]=='*') { debug("%s\t",token); if ((token = strtok(NULL,delim)) == NULL) break; } /* pos 1 */ if ((token = strtok(NULL,delim)) == NULL) break; debug("(%s ",token); strncpy(pos,token,sizeof(pos)); /* pos 2 */ if ((token = strtok(NULL,delim)) == NULL) break; debug("%s)",token); strncat(pos,token,sizeof(pos)); debug("%s\n",pos); debug(" play %s %s\n",pos, word); pGame->play(string(pos),string(word)); } } return pGame; } Game* Game::gameLoadFormat_15(FILE *fin, const Dictionary& iDic) { Game *pGame = NULL; char buff[4096]; int num; char rack[20]; char word[20]; char ref[4]; int pts; int player; char *pos; Tile tile; /*************/ /* Game type */ /*************/ while (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fin)) { // Indication of game type pos = strstr(buff, "Game type: "); if (pos != NULL) { // No Game object should have been created yet if (pGame != NULL) { delete pGame; return NULL; } // Create the correct Game object if (strstr(buff, "Training")) { debug("Game::gameLoadFormat_15 new Training\n"); pGame = GameFactory::Instance()->createTraining(iDic); break; } else if (strstr(buff, "Free game")) { debug("Game::gameLoadFormat_15 new Freegame\n"); pGame = GameFactory::Instance()->createFreeGame(iDic); break; } else if (strstr(buff, "Duplicate")) { debug("Game::gameLoadFormat_15 new Duplicate\n"); pGame = GameFactory::Instance()->createDuplicate(iDic); break; } else { debug("Game::gameLoadFormat_15 unknown Game type\n"); return NULL; } } } debug(" Game type is ok, switching to player list\n"); /***************/ /* Player List */ /***************/ while (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fin)) { // Players type pos = strstr(buff, "Player "); if (pos != NULL) { int nb = 0; char type[20]; if (sscanf(pos, "Player %d: %19s", &nb, type) > 1) { if (string(type) == "Human") { debug(" add Human player\n"); pGame->addHumanPlayer(); } else if (string(type) == "Computer") { if (pGame->getMode() == kTRAINING) { debug(" mode == TRAINING, skip player list since we have a computer player\n"); break; } else { debug(" add Computer player\n"); pGame->addAIPlayer(); } } else { debug(" unknown player, bailing out\n"); delete pGame; return NULL; } } } else if (strstr(buff," N | RACK ")) { debug(" ok for player list, going turn list\n"); break; } } debug(" Player list ok, switching to turn list \n"); /*************/ /* Turn list */ /*************/ while (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fin)) { // Skip columns title if (strstr(buff,"| PTS | P |") != NULL) { debug(" ** PTS line, skiping\n"); continue; } // Skip columns title if (strstr(buff, "==") != NULL) { debug(" ** == line, skiping\n"); continue; } if (string(buff) == "\n") { debug(" ** empty line\n"); continue; } char bonus = 0; int res = sscanf(buff, " %2d | %8s | %s | %3s | %3d | %1d | %c", &num, rack, word, ref, &pts, &player, &bonus); debug(" -- line %s",buff); if (res < 6) { debug(" Game::load15 invalid line -%s-\n",buff); continue; } debug(" %2d | %8s | %s | %3s | %3d | %1d | %c \n", num, rack, word, ref, pts, player, bonus); // Integrity checks // TODO: add more checks if (pts < 0) { debug(" Game::load15 line -%s- points < 0 ?\n",buff); continue; } if (player < 0 || player > pGame->getNPlayers()) { debug(" Game::load15 line -%s- too much player (%d>%d)",buff,player,pGame->getNPlayers()); continue; } if (bonus && bonus != '*') { debug(" Game::load15 line -%s- wring bonus sign\n",buff); continue; } // Build a rack for the correct player PlayedRack pldrack; if ((res = pldrack.setManual(string(rack))) > 0) { debug(" Game::load15 set rack manual returned with error %d\n",res); } debug(" history rack %s\n",pldrack.toString().c_str()); // Build a round Round round; round.setPoints(pts); if (bonus == '*') round.setBonus(1); if (isalpha(ref[0])) { // Horizontal word round.accessCoord().setDir(Coord::HORIZONTAL); round.accessCoord().setRow(ref[0] - 'A' + 1); round.accessCoord().setCol(atoi(ref + 1)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < strlen(word); i++) { tile = Tile(word[i]); if (!pGame->m_board.getTile(round.getCoord().getRow(), round.getCoord().getCol() + i).isEmpty()) { round.addRightFromBoard(tile); } else { round.addRightFromRack(tile, islower(word[i])); pGame->m_bag.takeTile((islower(word[i])) ? Tile::Joker() : tile); } } } else { // Vertical word round.accessCoord().setDir(Coord::VERTICAL); round.accessCoord().setRow(ref[strlen(ref) - 1] - 'A' + 1); round.accessCoord().setCol(atoi(ref)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < strlen(word); i++) { tile = Tile(word[i]); if (!pGame->m_board.getTile(round.getCoord().getRow() + i, round.getCoord().getCol()).isEmpty()) { round.addRightFromBoard(tile); } else { round.addRightFromRack(tile, islower(word[i])); pGame->m_bag.takeTile((islower(word[i])) ? Tile::Joker() : tile); } } } // pGame->m_currPlayer = player; // // Update the rack for the player // pGame->m_players[player]->setCurrentRack(pldrack); // // End the turn for the current player (this creates a new rack) // pGame->m_players[player]->endTurn(round,num - 1); // Play the round pGame->helperPlayRound(round); } /**************************************/ /* End of turn list, switching to ... */ /**************************************/ // Last racks pos = strstr(buff, "Rack "); if (pos != NULL && pGame != NULL) { int nb = 0; char letters[20]; if (sscanf(pos, "Rack %d: %19s", &nb, letters) > 1) { // Create the played rack PlayedRack pldrack; pldrack.setManual(string(letters)); // Give the rack to the player pGame->m_players[nb]->setCurrentRack(pldrack); } // Read next line // continue; } // Finalize the game if (pGame) { // We don't really know whose turn it is, but at least we know that // the game was saved while a human was to play. for (int i = 0; i < pGame->getNPlayers(); i++) { if (pGame->m_players[i]->isHuman()) { pGame->m_currPlayer = i; break; } } } return pGame; } /******************************************************** * * Loading games * ********************************************************/ void Game::save(ostream &out, game_file_format format) const { if (getMode() == kTRAINING && format == FILE_FORMAT_STANDARD) { gameSaveFormat_14(out); } else { gameSaveFormat_15(out); } } void Game::gameSaveFormat_14(ostream &out) const { int i; char line[100]; const char decal[]=" "; out << IDENT_STRING << endl << endl; for(i = 0; i < m_history.getSize(); i++) { const Turn& turn = m_history.getTurn(i); string rack = turn.getPlayedRack().toString(PlayedRack::RACK_EXTRA); string word = turn.getRound().getWord(); string coord = turn.getRound().getCoord().toString(Coord::COORD_MODE_LONG); // rack [space] word [space] bonus points coord sprintf(line,"%s%s%s%s%c%4d %s", rack.c_str(), string(12 - rack.size(), ' ').c_str(), word.c_str(), string(16 - word.size(), ' ').c_str(), turn.getRound().getBonus() ? '*' : ' ', turn.getRound().getPoints(), coord.c_str() ); out << decal << line << endl; } out << endl; out << decal << "total" << string(24,' '); sprintf(line,"%4d", getCurrentPlayer().getPoints()); out << line << endl; } void Game::gameSaveFormat_15(ostream &out) const { const string decal = " "; // "Header" of the game out << IDENT_STRING << " " << IDENT_FORMAT_15 << endl << endl; // Game type out << "Game type: " << getModeAsString() << endl; // Player list for (int i = 0; i < getNPlayers(); i++) { out << "Player " << i << ": "; if (m_players[i]->isHuman()) out << "Human" << endl; else out << "Computer" << endl; } out << endl; // Title of the columns char line[100]; out << decal << " N | RACK | SOLUTION | REF | PTS | P | BONUS" << endl; out << decal << "===|==========|=================|=====|=====|===|======" << endl; // Print the game itself for (int i = 0; i < m_history.getSize(); i++) { const Turn& turn = m_history.getTurn(i); string word = turn.getRound().getWord(); string coord = turn.getRound().getCoord().toString(); sprintf(line, "%2d | %8s | %s%s | %3s | %3d | %1d | %c", i + 1, turn.getPlayedRack().toString().c_str(), /* pldrack */ word.c_str(), /* word */ string(15 - word.size(), ' ').c_str(), /* fill spaces */ coord.c_str(), /* coord */ turn.getRound().getPoints(), turn.getPlayer(), turn.getRound().getBonus() ? '*' : ' '); out << decal << line << endl; } switch (getMode()) { case kDUPLICATE: // TODO : we should note the score individualy out << endl << decal << "Total: " << m_points << endl; break; case kFREEGAME: out << endl << decal << "Total: " << m_points << endl; break; case kTRAINING: out << endl << decal << "Total: " << m_points << endl; break; } // Print current rack for all the players out << endl; for (int i = 0; i < getNPlayers(); i++) { string rack = m_players[i]->getCurrentRack().toString(); out << "Rack " << i << ": " << rack << endl; } } /// Local Variables: /// mode: c++ /// mode: hs-minor /// c-basic-offset: 4 /// indent-tabs-mode: nil /// End: