* ==================== * TODO Current version * ==================== - Correct game handling : back() does not work done 27/12/2005 - Correct game save/load functions : Standard format done 29/12/2005 - Correc bag handling on setRackRandom done 30/12/2005 - add a profile/performance test for Dic_search and Regexp done 30/12/2005 - The dictionary must use codes for performance reasons, the board must also be made to use codes instead of tiles. Using class Tiles during search results in a HUGE performance penalty. Class cross is a performance killer. Will return back to using code bitmaps in board for cross search. Files cross.h and cross.cpp are to be removed or replaced by a 64 bits code bitmap. - Correct game save/load functions : Advanced format file saving for freegames and duplicate need a serious rewrite. We need to specifie a file format that can handle all the information contained in a multiplayer game. - Add "joker" type games in wxwin version of Eliot, Freegame and Duplicate will follow - full French i18n interface and error messages for wxwin. * ================== * Next Eliot version * ================== - new dictionnary format that includes tiles - number - points - printable equivalent - other languages support using the new dictionary - new wxWidgets interface - support of the different modes - ability to choose the number and type of the players - ability to display the history and score of all the players -- partly done : history is now a separate class - detection of blocked positions? - getopt support for all the interfaces (only ncurses is done) * ============= * Not so urgent * ============= - network support - add timers %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: outline %%% End: