ToppingWidget 0 0 560 150 Qt::Horizontal _("Rack:") true _("Shu&ffle") _("Ref.:") 0 0 45 16777215 _("Enter the coordinates of the word. Specify the row before the column for horizontal words, and the column before the row for vertical words. E.g.: H4 or 4H") _("Enter the coordinates of the word. Specify the row before the column for horizontal words, and the column before the row for vertical words. E.g.: H4 or 4H") Qt::Vertical 20 40 _("Word:") _("Enter the word to play (case-insensitive). A joker from the rack must be written in parentheses. E.g.: w(o)rd or W(O)RD") _("Enter the word to play (case-insensitive). A joker from the rack must be written in parentheses. E.g.: w(o)rd or W(O)RD") _("Play") false 0 0 50 16777215 _("Get hints...") QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers true QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection QAbstractItemView::SelectRows true false true false