PrefsDialog 0 0 443 693 _("Preferences") _("Interface") _("Dictionary path:") 140 0 _("Enter the dictionary path (mandatory to start a game)") _("Open a browser window to choose the dictionary") _("Browse...") _("Definitions site:") _("Show/hide the tiles points on the board.") _("Display tiles points") true _("If checked, the game and player histories will display the rack and the corresponding solution on the same line") _("Align the rack and the solution in history") true _("If checked, a confirmation will be requested before replaying the game from a given turn. If unchecked, the action is performed without confirmation.") _("Warn before replaying a turn") true _("Timer total duration (in seconds):") _("Timer alert (in seconds):") _("Default computer level:") 100 100 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 999 180 -1 999 30 _("Duplicate mode") _("If checked, playing an invalid or misplaced word will not be possible. If unchecked, you will get 0 point and lose your turn") _("Refuse to play invalid moves") _("Min. players for a solo:") _("Solo value:") _("Value of the solo bonus. Set it to 0 if you don't want solo bonus") 10 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 _("Minimum number of players needed to take into account the solo bonus") 16 checkBoxDuplRefuseInvalid label_2 label_3 spinBoxDuplSoloValue horizontalSpacer spinBoxDuplSoloPlayers _("Free game mode") _("If checked, playing an invalid or misplaced word will not be possible. If unchecked, you will get 0 point and lose your turn") _("Refuse to play invalid moves") _("Training mode") _("If checked, any change to the rack in arbitration mode will update the 'Plus 1' tab of the 'Dictionary tools' window") _("Copy rack to the 'Plus 1' dictionary tool") _("Search results limit:") _("Maximum number of results returned by a search. The returned results will always be the best ones. Use 0 to disable the limit (warning: searches yielding many results can be extremely slow in this case!).") 100000 100 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 _("Arbitration mode") _("If checked, a Master move will be selected by default when searching the results. It is still possible to change the Master move afterwards.") _("Choose a Master move automatically") _("If checked, any change to the player rack in training mode will update the 'Plus 1' tab of the 'Dictionary tools' window") _("Copy rack to the 'Plus 1' dictionary tool") Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok lineEditIntfDicPath pushButtonIntfDicBrowse lineEditDefSite checkBoxIntfShowPoints checkBoxIntfAlignHistory checkBoxIntfWarnReplayTurn spinBoxDefaultLevel spinBoxTimerTotal spinBoxTimerAlert checkBoxDuplRefuseInvalid spinBoxDuplSoloPlayers spinBoxDuplSoloValue checkBoxFreeRefuseInvalid checkBoxIntfLinkTraining7P1 spinBoxTrainSearchLimit buttonBox buttonBox accepted() PrefsDialog accept() 257 619 157 274 buttonBox rejected() PrefsDialog reject() 325 619 286 274