Saved games: save some statistics (not used when loading the game)

This commit is contained in:
Olivier Teulière 2012-10-24 00:28:55 +02:00
parent c748d02950
commit 34ed25e9e9

View file

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
#include "xml_writer.h"
#include "encoding.h"
#include "turn.h"
#include "turn_data.h"
#include "game_params.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "player.h"
@ -216,6 +217,7 @@ void XmlWriter::write(const Game &iGame, const string &iFileName)
if (turn->getCommands().empty() && turn == turnVect.back())
out << indent << "<Turn>" << endl;
BOOST_FOREACH(const Command *cmd, turn->getCommands())
@ -309,6 +311,60 @@ void XmlWriter::write(const Game &iGame, const string &iFileName)
// End of the game history
// ------------------------
// Statistics
out << indent << "<!-- These statistics are simply informative, "
<< "they are not used when loading a game. -->" << endl;
out << indent << "<Statistics>" << endl;
// Compute the total number of points in the game
int gameTotal = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < iGame.getHistory().getSize(); ++i)
gameTotal += iGame.getHistory().getTurn(i).getMove().getScore();
out << indent << "<GameStats"
<< " totalScore=\"" << gameTotal << "\""
<< " />" << endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < iGame.getNPlayers(); ++i)
const Player &player = iGame.getPlayer(i);
const int playerTotal = player.getTotalScore();
// Compute the percentage, compared to the top
long int percentage = lround((double)100 * playerTotal / gameTotal);
// Compute the rank of the player (naive algorithm)
int rank = 1;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < iGame.getNPlayers(); ++j)
if (i == j)
if (playerTotal < iGame.getPlayer(j).getTotalScore())
out << indent << "<PlayerStats"
<< " playerId=\"" << player.getId() << "\"" << endl;
out << indent << " rawScore=\"" << player.getMovePoints() << "\""
<< " warningsNb=\"" << player.getWarningsNb() << "\""
<< " penaltiesPoints=\"" << player.getPenaltyPoints() << "\""
<< " solosPoints=\"" << player.getSoloPoints() << "\"" << endl;
out << indent << " totalScore=\"" << playerTotal << "\""
<< " diffWithTop=\"" << (playerTotal - gameTotal) << "\""
<< " percentTop=\"" << percentage << "%\""
<< " rank=\"" << rank << "\""
<< " />" << endl;
out << indent << "</Statistics>" << endl;
// End of the statistics
out << "</EliotGame>" << endl;