Christophe de Dinechin 2dccc72885 Release 0.7.0 "Temple" - Graphics Equation Rendering
This release introduces a few major improvements, including graphical
rendering of equations and matrices, the `Show` command to display
large objects full-screen, customizable constants, and date-related

== New features ==

* Graphical rendering of equations, fractions, matrices, vectors and
  lists. In graphical rendering mode, variables are showin in italics.
* Constants in the `ConstantsMenu`, split into categories, and loading
  from an optional `config/constants.csv` file, in a way
  similar to what existed for units.
* Inverse trigonometric functions (`asin`, `acos` and `atan`) now
  produce unit objects with the current angle mode as a unit. This can
  be configured by the `SetAngleUnits` / `NoAngleUnits` flags.
* `Cycle` (EEX key) now cycles between angle units.
* `R→D` and `D→R` commands to convert between degree and radian in a
  purely numerical way (no unit). This is for compatibility with HP.
* Add `→Deg`, `→Rad`, `→Grad`, `→πr` commands, which convert a number
  to the target unit using current angle mode, and convert an angle to
  the target angle unit.
* Conversion from DMS to HMS and from HMS to DMS
* Rendering of dates: `19681205_date` renders as `Fri 5/Dec/1968`,
  with a format configuration using the same flags as for the header.
  Note that the date format is `YYYYMMDD`, _not_ the same as on HP
  calculators. This allows `YYYYMMDD.hhmmss` for dates with time.
* `Date` and `Time` command to return the current date and time.
  Additionally, `DateTime` returns both date and time, and
  `ChronoTime` returns the time with 1/100s precision.
* `→Date` and `→Time` commands to set the system date and time
* `Date+`, `DDays` and date arithmetic using `+` or `-`, using day
  units for the results. As an extension relative to HP calculators,
  these will accept fractional days, or other time units. For example,
  adding `1000000_s` to `19681205_date` generates a date with time
  result, `Tue 16/Dec/1968, 13:46:40`
* `JulianDayNumber` and `DateFromJulianDayNumber` commands to convert
  between dates and Julian day numbers. These commands also accept
  fractional input.
* `Show` command showing a full-screen graphical rendering of the
  result on the stack. The resut is size-adjusted. For example, you
  can display all digits in `200!`. If the result does not fit on the
  screen, you can scroll using the _◀︎_ and _▶︎_, as well as _8_, _6_,
  _4_ and _2_. The maximum pixel size for `Show` is set by `MaxW`
  (default is the width of the LCD), the maximum height is set by
  `MaxH` (default is 2048 pixels).
* `AutoScaleStack` and `NoAutoScaleStack` settings to automatically
  adjust the font size for the stack elements.
* Support for system flags -20 to -26 (infinite results, overflow and

== Bug fixes ==

* simulator: Adjust DMCP month off-by-one error
* Repair insertion of `while` loops and similar commands on the
  command line
* Use stack format when drawing an object with `DrawText` (`DISP`)
* Arithmetic on unit objects no longer auto-simplifies, e.g.
  `1_s 1_s -` returns `0_s` and not `0`.
* Perform computations for `→Q` using integer values, which avoids an
  issue where increasing the number of iterations with an unachievable
  precision could prodduce `1/1` as the fractional result.
* Repair auto-simplification for `i*i=-1`
* Display a negative mixed fraction as `-1 1/3` and not `1 -1/3`.
* Do not insert `()` after a multiplication in algebraic mode
* Accept units and tagged objects in `PolarToReal` and `RealToPolar`
* Accept angle units as input for `→DMS`
* Off-by-one clipping error in header, erasing the shift annunciator
* Fix help for `FC?` (incorrectly stating that it tested for flat set)
* Lookup units and constants in a case sensitive way
* Fix labels for `ExpFit` and `LinFit` in `RegressionMenu`.

== Improvements ==

* tests: Adjust tests to match bugs fixed in v0.6.5
* dms: Accept entering minutes without third dot, e.g. `1.2.3 ENTER`
* menus: Split the Time, Date and Alarm menus
* Split rendered objects at space boundaries. This notably ensures
  that large numbers are split at digit grouping boundaries, and makes
  it possible to display larger programs on the stack. The rendering
  of programs and matrices/vectors/lists has also been fine-tuned.
* The "white circle" glyph has a thicker border, makes it more
  readable in menus.
* doc: Update the list of unimplemented features
* menus: Draw a white circle for disabled flags, and allow the menu
  function to toggle the flag. This made it possible to reduce the
  number of menu entries for flag-heavy menus.
* Mixed fractions are now the default, as opposed to improper fractions
* doc: Improve the quickstart guide, adding videos and screenshots
* doc: Improve the documentation for sin, cos and tan
* tests: Make it possible to interrupt a running test
* help: Skip HTML tags, e.g. <video>
* simulator: Add screenshot capability, and reduce window height
* menus: `ToolsMenu` selects time, date or angle menu based on units

Signed-off-by: Christophe de Dinechin <christophe@dinechin.org>
2024-03-02 15:36:39 +01:00

3.9 KiB

DB48X on DM42

The DB48X project intends to rebuild and improve the user experience of the HP48 family of calculators, notably their "Reverse Polish Lisp" (RPL) language with its rich set of data types and built-in functions, and Lisp-level programming power.

The project in this repository is presently targeting the SwissMicro DM42 and DM32 calculators. It leverages their built-in software platform, known as DMCP. There is also a simulator that is tested on macOS or Linux.

In the long-term, the vision is to be able to port DB48X on a number of different physical calculator platforms, like the ARM-based HP50 and related machines (HP49, HP48Gii, etc), and the HP Prime (at least the G1, since the G2 seems a bit more locked down), maybe others. The basis for that work can be found in the DB48X project.

This project was presented at FOSDEM 2023 and FOSDEM 2024

FOSDEM 2024 video

Why name the project DB48X?

DB stands for "Dave and Bill", who are more commonly known as Hewlett and Packard. The order is reversed compared to HP, since they reportedly chose the order at random, and it's about time Dave Packard was given preeminence.

Part of Dave and Bill's great legacy (beyond giving birth to the Silicon Valley) is a legendary series of calculators. The HP48 remains one of my favorites, notably for its rich built-in programming language, known as Reverse Polish Lisp (RPL). This project aims at recreating a decent successor to the HP48, at least in spirit.

State of the project

This is currently UNSTABLE and INCOMPLETE software. Please only consider installing this if you are a developer and interested in contributing. Or else, have a paperclip at hand just in case you need to reset your calculator.

The detailed current status is described in the STATUS file.

Self-test in the simulator

How to build this project

There is a separate document explaining how to build this project. The simulator includes a test suite, which you should run before submitting patches. To run these tests, pass the -T option to the simulator, or hit the F12 key in the simulator.

Built-in documentation

The calculator features an extensive built-in documentation that uses a restricted version of Markdown. You access that built-in help by holding a key down, or using the Help command

Other documentation

There is DMCP interface doc in progress see DMCP IFC doc (or you can download html zip from doc directory).

The source code of the DM42PGM program is also quite informative about the capabilities of the DMCP.