stats: Add linear regression

Add computation of linear regression.

Update documentation

Related to #569

Signed-off-by: Christophe de Dinechin <>
This commit is contained in:
Christophe de Dinechin 2023-11-17 13:03:31 +01:00
parent e0e2d67e7a
commit 3a5282d9b3
7 changed files with 371 additions and 55 deletions

View file

@ -138,19 +138,117 @@ Calculates the sample standard deviation of each of the columns of coordinate va
The standard deviation is the square root of the `Variance`.
CMD(StandardDeviation) ALIAS(StandardDeviation, "SDev")
CMD(PopulationVariance) ALIAS(PopulationVariance, "PVar")
CMD(PopulationStandardDeviation) ALIAS(PopulationStandardDeviation, "PSDev")
CMD(PopulationCovariance) ALIAS(PopulationCovariance, "PCov")
CMD(IndependentColumn) ALIAS(IndependentColumn, "XCol")
CMD(DependentColumn) ALIAS(DependentColumn, "YCol")
NAMED(DataColumns, "ColΣ")
CMD(LinearRegression) ALIAS(LinearRegression, "LR")
CMD(LinearFit) ALIAS(LinearFit, "LinFit")
CMD(ExponentialFit) ALIAS(ExponentialFit, "ExpFit")
CMD(PowerFit) ALIAS(PowerFit, "PwrFit")
CMD(LogarithmicFit) ALIAS(LogarithmicFit, "LogFit")
## LinearRegression (LR)
Uses the currently selected statistical model to calculate the linear regression
coefficients (intercept and slope) for the selected dependent and independent
variables in the current statistics matrix (reserved variable `ΣData`).
The columns of independent and dependent data are specified by the first two
elements in the reserved variable `ΣParameters`, set by `XCol` and `YCol`, respectively.
The default independent and dependent columns are 1 and 2.
The selected statistical model is the fifth element in `ΣParameters`.
LR stores the intercept and slope (untagged) as the third and fourth elements,
respectively, in `ΣParameters`.
The coefficients of the exponential (`ExpFit`), logarithmic (`LogFit`),
and power (`PwrFit`) models are calculated using transformations that allow
the data to be fitted by standard linear regression.
The equations for these transformations are:
* `LinFit`: `y = slope * x + intercept`
* `LogFit`: `y = slope * ln(x) + intercept`
* `ExpFit`: `y = intercept * exp(slope * x)`
* `PwrFit`: `y = intercept * x ^ slope`
where b is the intercept and m is the slope. The logarithmic model requires
positive x-values (XCOL), the exponential model requires positive y-values
(YCOL), and the power model requires positive x- and y-values.
CMD(LinearRegression) ALIAS(LinearRegression, "LR")
## Intercept
Return the intercept value last computed by `LinearRegression`
This is a DB48X extension, not present on HP calculators
## Slope
Return the slope value last computed by `LinearRegression`
This is a DB48X extension, not present on HP calculators
## BestFit
Select the best linear regression mode based on current data, i.e. the
regression mode where the correlation value is the highest.
## LinearFit (LINFIT)
Select linear fit, i.e. try to model data with a linear equation `y = a*x+b`.
## ExponentialFit (EXPFIT)
Select exponential fit, i.e. try to model data with an equation `y = b*exp(a*x)`
## LogarithmicFit (LOGFIT)
Select logarithmic fit, i.e. try to model data with an equation `y = a*ln(x)+b`.
## PowerFit (PWRFIT)
Select power fit, i.e. try to model data with an equation `y = x^a * b`.
## FrequencyBins (BINS)
Sorts the elements of the independent column (XCOL) of the current statistics matrix (the reserved variable ΣDAT) into (nbins + 2) bins, where the left edge of bin 1 starts at value xmin and each bin has width xwidth.
BINS returns a matrix containing the frequency of occurrences in each bin, and a 2-element array containing the frequency of occurrences falling below or above the defined range of x-values. The array can be stored into the reserved variable ΣDAT and used to plot a bar histogram of the bin data (for example, by executing BARPLOT).
## PopulationVariance (PVAR)
Calculates the population variance of the coordinate values in each of the m
columns in the current statistics matrix (`ΣData`).
The population variance (equal to the square of the population standard
deviation) is returned as a vector of m real numbers, or as a single real number
if there is a single column of data.
## PopulationStandardDeviation (PSDEV)
Calculates the population standard deviation of each of the m columns of
coordinate values in the current statistics matrix (reserved variable `ΣData`).
The command returns a vector of m real numbers, or a single real number if there
is a single column of data.
## PopulationCovariance (PCOV)
Computes the population covariance of the independent and dependent data columns
in the current statistics matrix (reserved variable `ΣData`).
The columns are specified by the first two elements in reserved variable
`ΣParameters`, set by `XCol` and `YCol` respectively. If `ΣParameters` does not
exist, `PCOV` creates it and sets the elements to their default values, 1 and 2.
## IndependentColumn (XCOL)
Set the independent variable column in the reserved variable `ΣParameters`.
`XCol` ▶ (Update `ΣParameters`)
## DependentColumn (YCOL)
Set the dependent variable column in the reserved variable `ΣParameters`.
`YCol` ▶ (Update `ΣParameters`)
## DataColumns (COLΣ)
Set both the independent and dependent data columns in the reserved variable
`XCol` `YCol` ▶ (Update `ΣParameters`)

View file

@ -5625,22 +5625,120 @@ Calculates the sample standard deviation of each of the columns of coordinate va
The standard deviation is the square root of the `Variance`.
CMD(StandardDeviation) ALIAS(StandardDeviation, "SDev")
CMD(PopulationVariance) ALIAS(PopulationVariance, "PVar")
CMD(PopulationStandardDeviation) ALIAS(PopulationStandardDeviation, "PSDev")
CMD(PopulationCovariance) ALIAS(PopulationCovariance, "PCov")
CMD(IndependentColumn) ALIAS(IndependentColumn, "XCol")
CMD(DependentColumn) ALIAS(DependentColumn, "YCol")
NAMED(DataColumns, "ColΣ")
CMD(LinearRegression) ALIAS(LinearRegression, "LR")
CMD(LinearFit) ALIAS(LinearFit, "LinFit")
CMD(ExponentialFit) ALIAS(ExponentialFit, "ExpFit")
CMD(PowerFit) ALIAS(PowerFit, "PwrFit")
CMD(LogarithmicFit) ALIAS(LogarithmicFit, "LogFit")
## LinearRegression (LR)
Uses the currently selected statistical model to calculate the linear regression
coefficients (intercept and slope) for the selected dependent and independent
variables in the current statistics matrix (reserved variable `ΣData`).
The columns of independent and dependent data are specified by the first two
elements in the reserved variable `ΣParameters`, set by `XCol` and `YCol`, respectively.
The default independent and dependent columns are 1 and 2.
The selected statistical model is the fifth element in `ΣParameters`.
LR stores the intercept and slope (untagged) as the third and fourth elements,
respectively, in `ΣParameters`.
The coefficients of the exponential (`ExpFit`), logarithmic (`LogFit`),
and power (`PwrFit`) models are calculated using transformations that allow
the data to be fitted by standard linear regression.
The equations for these transformations are:
* `LinFit`: `y = slope * x + intercept`
* `LogFit`: `y = slope * ln(x) + intercept`
* `ExpFit`: `y = intercept * exp(slope * x)`
* `PwrFit`: `y = intercept * x ^ slope`
where b is the intercept and m is the slope. The logarithmic model requires
positive x-values (XCOL), the exponential model requires positive y-values
(YCOL), and the power model requires positive x- and y-values.
CMD(LinearRegression) ALIAS(LinearRegression, "LR")
## Intercept
Return the intercept value last computed by `LinearRegression`
This is a DB48X extension, not present on HP calculators
## Slope
Return the slope value last computed by `LinearRegression`
This is a DB48X extension, not present on HP calculators
## BestFit
Select the best linear regression mode based on current data, i.e. the
regression mode where the correlation value is the highest.
## LinearFit (LINFIT)
Select linear fit, i.e. try to model data with a linear equation `y = a*x+b`.
## ExponentialFit (EXPFIT)
Select exponential fit, i.e. try to model data with an equation `y = b*exp(a*x)`
## LogarithmicFit (LOGFIT)
Select logarithmic fit, i.e. try to model data with an equation `y = a*ln(x)+b`.
## PowerFit (PWRFIT)
Select power fit, i.e. try to model data with an equation `y = x^a * b`.
## FrequencyBins (BINS)
Sorts the elements of the independent column (XCOL) of the current statistics matrix (the reserved variable ΣDAT) into (nbins + 2) bins, where the left edge of bin 1 starts at value xmin and each bin has width xwidth.
BINS returns a matrix containing the frequency of occurrences in each bin, and a 2-element array containing the frequency of occurrences falling below or above the defined range of x-values. The array can be stored into the reserved variable ΣDAT and used to plot a bar histogram of the bin data (for example, by executing BARPLOT).
## PopulationVariance (PVAR)
Calculates the population variance of the coordinate values in each of the m
columns in the current statistics matrix (`ΣData`).
The population variance (equal to the square of the population standard
deviation) is returned as a vector of m real numbers, or as a single real number
if there is a single column of data.
## PopulationStandardDeviation (PSDEV)
Calculates the population standard deviation of each of the m columns of
coordinate values in the current statistics matrix (reserved variable `ΣData`).
The command returns a vector of m real numbers, or a single real number if there
is a single column of data.
## PopulationCovariance (PCOV)
Computes the population covariance of the independent and dependent data columns
in the current statistics matrix (reserved variable `ΣData`).
The columns are specified by the first two elements in reserved variable
`ΣParameters`, set by `XCol` and `YCol` respectively. If `ΣParameters` does not
exist, `PCOV` creates it and sets the elements to their default values, 1 and 2.
## IndependentColumn (XCOL)
Set the independent variable column in the reserved variable `ΣParameters`.
`XCol` ▶ (Update `ΣParameters`)
## DependentColumn (YCOL)
Set the dependent variable column in the reserved variable `ΣParameters`.
`YCol` ▶ (Update `ΣParameters`)
## DataColumns (COLΣ)
Set both the independent and dependent data columns in the reserved variable
`XCol` `YCol` ▶ (Update `ΣParameters`)
# Operations with Strings

View file

@ -5625,22 +5625,120 @@ Calculates the sample standard deviation of each of the columns of coordinate va
The standard deviation is the square root of the `Variance`.
CMD(StandardDeviation) ALIAS(StandardDeviation, "SDev")
CMD(PopulationVariance) ALIAS(PopulationVariance, "PVar")
CMD(PopulationStandardDeviation) ALIAS(PopulationStandardDeviation, "PSDev")
CMD(PopulationCovariance) ALIAS(PopulationCovariance, "PCov")
CMD(IndependentColumn) ALIAS(IndependentColumn, "XCol")
CMD(DependentColumn) ALIAS(DependentColumn, "YCol")
NAMED(DataColumns, "ColΣ")
CMD(LinearRegression) ALIAS(LinearRegression, "LR")
CMD(LinearFit) ALIAS(LinearFit, "LinFit")
CMD(ExponentialFit) ALIAS(ExponentialFit, "ExpFit")
CMD(PowerFit) ALIAS(PowerFit, "PwrFit")
CMD(LogarithmicFit) ALIAS(LogarithmicFit, "LogFit")
## LinearRegression (LR)
Uses the currently selected statistical model to calculate the linear regression
coefficients (intercept and slope) for the selected dependent and independent
variables in the current statistics matrix (reserved variable `ΣData`).
The columns of independent and dependent data are specified by the first two
elements in the reserved variable `ΣParameters`, set by `XCol` and `YCol`, respectively.
The default independent and dependent columns are 1 and 2.
The selected statistical model is the fifth element in `ΣParameters`.
LR stores the intercept and slope (untagged) as the third and fourth elements,
respectively, in `ΣParameters`.
The coefficients of the exponential (`ExpFit`), logarithmic (`LogFit`),
and power (`PwrFit`) models are calculated using transformations that allow
the data to be fitted by standard linear regression.
The equations for these transformations are:
* `LinFit`: `y = slope * x + intercept`
* `LogFit`: `y = slope * ln(x) + intercept`
* `ExpFit`: `y = intercept * exp(slope * x)`
* `PwrFit`: `y = intercept * x ^ slope`
where b is the intercept and m is the slope. The logarithmic model requires
positive x-values (XCOL), the exponential model requires positive y-values
(YCOL), and the power model requires positive x- and y-values.
CMD(LinearRegression) ALIAS(LinearRegression, "LR")
## Intercept
Return the intercept value last computed by `LinearRegression`
This is a DB50X extension, not present on HP calculators
## Slope
Return the slope value last computed by `LinearRegression`
This is a DB50X extension, not present on HP calculators
## BestFit
Select the best linear regression mode based on current data, i.e. the
regression mode where the correlation value is the highest.
## LinearFit (LINFIT)
Select linear fit, i.e. try to model data with a linear equation `y = a*x+b`.
## ExponentialFit (EXPFIT)
Select exponential fit, i.e. try to model data with an equation `y = b*exp(a*x)`
## LogarithmicFit (LOGFIT)
Select logarithmic fit, i.e. try to model data with an equation `y = a*ln(x)+b`.
## PowerFit (PWRFIT)
Select power fit, i.e. try to model data with an equation `y = x^a * b`.
## FrequencyBins (BINS)
Sorts the elements of the independent column (XCOL) of the current statistics matrix (the reserved variable ΣDAT) into (nbins + 2) bins, where the left edge of bin 1 starts at value xmin and each bin has width xwidth.
BINS returns a matrix containing the frequency of occurrences in each bin, and a 2-element array containing the frequency of occurrences falling below or above the defined range of x-values. The array can be stored into the reserved variable ΣDAT and used to plot a bar histogram of the bin data (for example, by executing BARPLOT).
## PopulationVariance (PVAR)
Calculates the population variance of the coordinate values in each of the m
columns in the current statistics matrix (`ΣData`).
The population variance (equal to the square of the population standard
deviation) is returned as a vector of m real numbers, or as a single real number
if there is a single column of data.
## PopulationStandardDeviation (PSDEV)
Calculates the population standard deviation of each of the m columns of
coordinate values in the current statistics matrix (reserved variable `ΣData`).
The command returns a vector of m real numbers, or a single real number if there
is a single column of data.
## PopulationCovariance (PCOV)
Computes the population covariance of the independent and dependent data columns
in the current statistics matrix (reserved variable `ΣData`).
The columns are specified by the first two elements in reserved variable
`ΣParameters`, set by `XCol` and `YCol` respectively. If `ΣParameters` does not
exist, `PCOV` creates it and sets the elements to their default values, 1 and 2.
## IndependentColumn (XCOL)
Set the independent variable column in the reserved variable `ΣParameters`.
`XCol` ▶ (Update `ΣParameters`)
## DependentColumn (YCOL)
Set the dependent variable column in the reserved variable `ΣParameters`.
`YCol` ▶ (Update `ΣParameters`)
## DataColumns (COLΣ)
Set both the independent and dependent data columns in the reserved variable
`XCol` `YCol` ▶ (Update `ΣParameters`)
# Operations with Strings

View file

@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ CMD(Variance) ALIAS(Variance, "Var")
CMD(Correlation) ALIAS(Correlation, "Corr")
CMD(Covariance) ALIAS(Covariance, "Cov")
CMD(StandardDeviation) ALIAS(StandardDeviation, "SDev")
CMD(FrequencyBins) ALIAS(FrequencyBins, "Bins")
CMD(PopulationVariance) ALIAS(PopulationVariance, "PVar")
CMD(PopulationStandardDeviation) ALIAS(PopulationStandardDeviation, "PSDev")
CMD(PopulationCovariance) ALIAS(PopulationCovariance, "PCov")

View file

@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ MENU(PopulationMenu,
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"XCol", ID_IndependentColumn,
"YCol", ID_DependentColumn,
"Bins", ID_Bins,
"Bins", ID_FrequencyBins,
"PopVar", ID_PopulationVariance,
"PopSDev", ID_PopulationStandardDeviation,
"PCovar", ID_PopulationCovariance);

View file

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include "arithmetic.h"
#include "compare.h"
#include "integer.h"
#include "tag.h"
#include "variables.h"
@ -1194,7 +1195,7 @@ COMMAND_BODY(PopulationCovariance)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -1261,11 +1262,32 @@ COMMAND_BODY(Slope)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute linear regression
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
return ERROR;
StatsAccess stats;
if (!stats)
return ERROR;
algebraic_g n = stats.num_rows();
algebraic_g sx2 = stats.sum_x2();
algebraic_g sx = stats.sum_x();
algebraic_g sy = stats.sum_y();
algebraic_g sxy = stats.sum_xy();
algebraic_g ssxx = sx2 - sx * sx / n;
algebraic_g ssxy = sxy - sx * sy / n;
algebraic_g slope = ssxy / ssxx;
algebraic_g intercept = (sy - slope * sx) / n;
if (!intercept || !slope)
return ERROR;
stats.intercept = intercept;
stats.slope = slope;
tag_g itag = tag::make("Intercept", intercept.Safe());
tag_g stag = tag::make("Slope", slope.Safe());
if (!itag || !stag)
return ERROR;
if (!rt.push(itag.Safe()) || !rt.push(stag.Safe()))
return ERROR;
return OK;

View file

@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ COMMAND_DECLARE(StandardDeviation);