doc: More steps in the Quickstart Guide.

Signed-off-by: Christophe de Dinechin <>
This commit is contained in:
Christophe de Dinechin 2024-03-01 00:10:54 +01:00
parent 51e56ad2c7
commit 31e76f6588
3 changed files with 423 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -6,23 +6,155 @@ DB48X, and show you how to use it efficiently.
[![Installation process](](
## Installation process
## Arithmetic operations
**Downloading the software**
Let's compute the area of a room made of a main section that is 6 meters by 8.3
meters, with an additional smaller section that is 3.5 meters by 2.8.
**Connecting the calculator to a computer**
A first way to do it is to use the reverse polish stack-based approach, by
typing the following sequence of keys: _6_, _ENTER_, _8_, _._, _3_, _×_, _3_,
_._, _5_, _ENTER_, _2_, _._, _8_, _×_, _+_. The result, `59.6`, shows on the
stack. Prior to pressing the _+_ key, the intermediate results for the two
multiplications, `49.8` and `9.8`, could be seen on the stack.
**Setup menu system (firmware menus)**
RPL also supports the standard algebraic notation. Begin the computation with
the _'()_ key. The editor contains quotes, `''` with the cursor between
them. The cursor shows the latter `A`, indicating algebraic entry. Type _6_,
_×_, _8_, _._, _3_, _+_, _3_, _._, _5_, _×_, _2_, _._, _8_. At this point,
the text editor should show the whole expression, `'6·8.3+3.5·2.8'`
or `'6×8.3+3.5×2.8'`. Press `ENTER` and the expression shows up on the
stack. Hitting the _=_ / _EVAL_ / _SPC_ key (located between the _._ and _+_
keys) evaluates the expression, to get the result `59.6`.
**Exposing internal storage as a USB disk**
Algebraic and reverse-polish computations are equivalent, and can be mixed and
matched during computations. Using one or the other is stricly a matter of
preference. Algebraic data entry makes it easier to view the entire
expression. Reverse-polish makes it easier to see intermediate results.
**Copying DB48X installation files**
**Copying DM42 installation files**
## Fractions
**Installing the DB48X QSPI file**
Let us now compute how many pies we need to feed 22 kids if we divide each pie
in 8 slices. Using the RPL approach, we would type _2_, _2_, _ENTER_, _8_,
_÷_. Using the algebraic notation, we would type _'()_, _2_, _2_, _÷_, _8_,
_ENTER_ and then use the _=_ to perform the computation.
With the default settings, you should see a mixed fraction, `2³/₄`. Unlike many
calculators, DB48X by default perform exact computations on fractions instead of
using approximate decimal numbers.
You can convert that fraction to a decimal value and back using the `Cycle`
command, which is bound to the _EEX_ key. A first press will show `2.75`, and a
second press will show the value again as fraction `2³/₄`.
## Mathematical functions
DB48X features a number of mathematical functions. Some of the functions are
directly available on the keyboard.
We can compute the length of the diagonal of a rectangle with sides 2m and 3m
using the Pythagorean theorem, and display it in millimeters.
In RPL, we can type the following sequence: _2_, _x²_ (🟨 _C_), _3_, _x²_,
_+_, _√x_ (_C_), _1_, _0_, _0_, _0_, _×_. The decimal result,
`3605.55127546`, is shown on the stack. The digits in the whole part of the
decimal number are grouped 3 by 3, while the digits in the fractional part are
grouped 5 by 5.
In algebraic mode, we can type the following sequence:
_'()_, _1_, _0_, _0_, _0_, _×_, _√x_,
_2_, _x²_ (🟨 _C_), _+_, _3_, _x²_, _ENTER_. The mathematical
expresssion shows up on the stack graphically. It can then be evaluated using
the _=_ key, and shows the same result as for RPL mode.
## Mixing algebraic and reverse-polish operations
In the algebraic expression, we have multiplied by 1000 first, whereas in the
RPL case, we multiplied by 1000 last. We can also multiply by 1000 last in
algebraic mode. There are at least two ways to do it.
A first method is to use the arrow key to exit the parentheses around the
argument of the square root function, as follows: _'()_, _√x_,
_2_, _x²_, _+_, _3_, _x²_, _▶_, _×_, _1_, _0_, _0_, _0_,
_ENTER_. The expression with the multiplication is then shown on the stack, and
can then be evaluated with the _=_ key.
A second method is to mix and match algebraic and RPL, by typing
the following sequence: _'()_, _√x_, _2_, _x²_, _+_,
_3_, _x²_, _ENTER_. At this point, the expression without the
multiplication is on the stack. We can then multiply it by 1000 by typing
_1_, _0_, _0_, _0_, _×_. The expression with the multiplication is then shown on
the stack, and can then be evaluated with the _=_ key.
## Trigonometric functions
Consider that we need to build a plank ramp. We can ask a number of questions,
* If the plank is 5 meters in length, and the slope is 10 degrees, how high
will it reach?
* If we need to reach 60 cm above ground, what is the required slope?
In RPL, can answer the first question by typing _1_, _0_, _SIN_, _5_,
_×_. The result is shown in scientific format as `8.68240888335×₁₀⁻¹`.
In algebraic mode, we would type _'()_, _5_, _×_, _SIN_, _1_, _0_, _ENTER_
and then evaluating the expression with _=_. This shows the same result.
We can answer the second question using RPL by typing _6_, _0_, _ENTER_, _5_,
_ENTER_, _1_, _0_, _0_, _×_, _÷_, _sin⁻¹_ (🟨 _J_). The result is shown as
`6.89210257935°`. This is an example of *unit object*: the value is
associated with a unit, in that case the `°` symbol indicating that we use
degrees. DB48X supports three other angle modes, radians, grads and fractions of
pi (piradians).
Answering the same question using algebraic mode introduces a new little
keyboard trick. Type _'()_, _sin⁻¹_, _6_, _0_, _÷_, _'()_,
_5_, _×_, _1_, _0_, _0_, _ENTER_, and then evaluating the expression with the
_=_ key. Observe how the second use of the _'()_ key, which inserts parentheses
when used inside an expression.
## Selecting display modes
The scientific notation may not be the most readable in that case. How do we
display this result with three digits? We will use a *menu* for that. Menus are
an essential component of the DB48X user interface.
Let us type 🟨 _O_ (_Disp_). This shows the `DisplayModesMenu`. The menu
occupies three rows at the bottom of the screen, with six columns. Menus can
give a quick access to 18 functions directly, six more with a single shift 🟨,
and yet another six with the second shift 🟦. Hitting the shift key 🟨
repeatedly will highlight the different rows of the menu.
On the lower row of the menu, the second entry from the left is labeled `Fix`.
The `Fix` display mode shows a fixed number of digits after the decimal
separator. There are other modes, `Sci` to display in scientific notation, `Eng`
to display with engineering multiples (the exponent is a multiple of three), and
`Sig` to display at most a given number of digits.
We can type _3_, _F2_, where _F2_ is the second key from the left on the top row
of the keyboard. This activates the `Fix 3` mode, which shows three digits after
the decimal separator. The display changes to `0.868` for the answer to the
first question, and `6.892 °` for the answer to the second question.
## Displaying the on-line help for a function
Since the number of available commands in DB48X is quite high, it is useful to
be able to consult the built-in help. In order to get help on a command, simply
hold the corresponding key until the help shows up. For instance, to get
[help about the command](#std) under the `Std` label, simply hold the _F1_ key.
This also works for normal keyboard operations. For instance, if you hold the
_SIN_ key, you will get the [help about the sine command](#sin).
## Complex number operations
**Installing the DB48X program file**
## Switching between DM42 and DB48X

View file

@ -939,23 +939,155 @@ DB48X, and show you how to use it efficiently.
[![Installation process](](
## Installation process
## Arithmetic operations
**Downloading the software**
Let's compute the area of a room made of a main section that is 6 meters by 8.3
meters, with an additional smaller section that is 3.5 meters by 2.8.
**Connecting the calculator to a computer**
A first way to do it is to use the reverse polish stack-based approach, by
typing the following sequence of keys: _6_, _ENTER_, _8_, _._, _3_, _×_, _3_,
_._, _5_, _ENTER_, _2_, _._, _8_, _×_, _+_. The result, `59.6`, shows on the
stack. Prior to pressing the _+_ key, the intermediate results for the two
multiplications, `49.8` and `9.8`, could be seen on the stack.
**Setup menu system (firmware menus)**
RPL also supports the standard algebraic notation. Begin the computation with
the _'()_ key. The editor contains quotes, `''` with the cursor between
them. The cursor shows the latter `A`, indicating algebraic entry. Type _6_,
_×_, _8_, _._, _3_, _+_, _3_, _._, _5_, _×_, _2_, _._, _8_. At this point,
the text editor should show the whole expression, `'6·8.3+3.5·2.8'`
or `'6×8.3+3.5×2.8'`. Press `ENTER` and the expression shows up on the
stack. Hitting the _=_ / _EVAL_ / _SPC_ key (located between the _._ and _+_
keys) evaluates the expression, to get the result `59.6`.
**Exposing internal storage as a USB disk**
Algebraic and reverse-polish computations are equivalent, and can be mixed and
matched during computations. Using one or the other is stricly a matter of
preference. Algebraic data entry makes it easier to view the entire
expression. Reverse-polish makes it easier to see intermediate results.
**Copying DB48X installation files**
**Copying DM42 installation files**
## Fractions
**Installing the DB48X QSPI file**
Let us now compute how many pies we need to feed 22 kids if we divide each pie
in 8 slices. Using the RPL approach, we would type _2_, _2_, _ENTER_, _8_,
_÷_. Using the algebraic notation, we would type _'()_, _2_, _2_, _÷_, _8_,
_ENTER_ and then use the _=_ to perform the computation.
With the default settings, you should see a mixed fraction, `2³/₄`. Unlike many
calculators, DB48X by default perform exact computations on fractions instead of
using approximate decimal numbers.
You can convert that fraction to a decimal value and back using the `Cycle`
command, which is bound to the _EEX_ key. A first press will show `2.75`, and a
second press will show the value again as fraction `2³/₄`.
## Mathematical functions
DB48X features a number of mathematical functions. Some of the functions are
directly available on the keyboard.
We can compute the length of the diagonal of a rectangle with sides 2m and 3m
using the Pythagorean theorem, and display it in millimeters.
In RPL, we can type the following sequence: _2_, _x²_ (🟨 _C_), _3_, _x²_,
_+_, _√x_ (_C_), _1_, _0_, _0_, _0_, _×_. The decimal result,
`3605.55127546`, is shown on the stack. The digits in the whole part of the
decimal number are grouped 3 by 3, while the digits in the fractional part are
grouped 5 by 5.
In algebraic mode, we can type the following sequence:
_'()_, _1_, _0_, _0_, _0_, _×_, _√x_,
_2_, _x²_ (🟨 _C_), _+_, _3_, _x²_, _ENTER_. The mathematical
expresssion shows up on the stack graphically. It can then be evaluated using
the _=_ key, and shows the same result as for RPL mode.
## Mixing algebraic and reverse-polish operations
In the algebraic expression, we have multiplied by 1000 first, whereas in the
RPL case, we multiplied by 1000 last. We can also multiply by 1000 last in
algebraic mode. There are at least two ways to do it.
A first method is to use the arrow key to exit the parentheses around the
argument of the square root function, as follows: _'()_, _√x_,
_2_, _x²_, _+_, _3_, _x²_, _▶_, _×_, _1_, _0_, _0_, _0_,
_ENTER_. The expression with the multiplication is then shown on the stack, and
can then be evaluated with the _=_ key.
A second method is to mix and match algebraic and RPL, by typing
the following sequence: _'()_, _√x_, _2_, _x²_, _+_,
_3_, _x²_, _ENTER_. At this point, the expression without the
multiplication is on the stack. We can then multiply it by 1000 by typing
_1_, _0_, _0_, _0_, _×_. The expression with the multiplication is then shown on
the stack, and can then be evaluated with the _=_ key.
## Trigonometric functions
Consider that we need to build a plank ramp. We can ask a number of questions,
* If the plank is 5 meters in length, and the slope is 10 degrees, how high
will it reach?
* If we need to reach 60 cm above ground, what is the required slope?
In RPL, can answer the first question by typing _1_, _0_, _SIN_, _5_,
_×_. The result is shown in scientific format as `8.68240888335×₁₀⁻¹`.
In algebraic mode, we would type _'()_, _5_, _×_, _SIN_, _1_, _0_, _ENTER_
and then evaluating the expression with _=_. This shows the same result.
We can answer the second question using RPL by typing _6_, _0_, _ENTER_, _5_,
_ENTER_, _1_, _0_, _0_, _×_, _÷_, _sin⁻¹_ (🟨 _J_). The result is shown as
`6.89210257935°`. This is an example of *unit object*: the value is
associated with a unit, in that case the `°` symbol indicating that we use
degrees. DB48X supports three other angle modes, radians, grads and fractions of
pi (piradians).
Answering the same question using algebraic mode introduces a new little
keyboard trick. Type _'()_, _sin⁻¹_, _6_, _0_, _÷_, _'()_,
_5_, _×_, _1_, _0_, _0_, _ENTER_, and then evaluating the expression with the
_=_ key. Observe how the second use of the _'()_ key, which inserts parentheses
when used inside an expression.
## Selecting display modes
The scientific notation may not be the most readable in that case. How do we
display this result with three digits? We will use a *menu* for that. Menus are
an essential component of the DB48X user interface.
Let us type 🟨 _O_ (_Disp_). This shows the `DisplayModesMenu`. The menu
occupies three rows at the bottom of the screen, with six columns. Menus can
give a quick access to 18 functions directly, six more with a single shift 🟨,
and yet another six with the second shift 🟦. Hitting the shift key 🟨
repeatedly will highlight the different rows of the menu.
On the lower row of the menu, the second entry from the left is labeled `Fix`.
The `Fix` display mode shows a fixed number of digits after the decimal
separator. There are other modes, `Sci` to display in scientific notation, `Eng`
to display with engineering multiples (the exponent is a multiple of three), and
`Sig` to display at most a given number of digits.
We can type _3_, _F2_, where _F2_ is the second key from the left on the top row
of the keyboard. This activates the `Fix 3` mode, which shows three digits after
the decimal separator. The display changes to `0.868` for the answer to the
first question, and `6.892 °` for the answer to the second question.
## Displaying the on-line help for a function
Since the number of available commands in DB48X is quite high, it is useful to
be able to consult the built-in help. In order to get help on a command, simply
hold the corresponding key until the help shows up. For instance, to get
[help about the command](#std) under the `Std` label, simply hold the _F1_ key.
This also works for normal keyboard operations. For instance, if you hold the
_SIN_ key, you will get the [help about the sine command](#sin).
## Complex number operations
**Installing the DB48X program file**
## Switching between DM42 and DB48X

View file

@ -939,23 +939,155 @@ DB50X, and show you how to use it efficiently.
[![Installation process](](
## Installation process
## Arithmetic operations
**Downloading the software**
Let's compute the area of a room made of a main section that is 6 meters by 8.3
meters, with an additional smaller section that is 3.5 meters by 2.8.
**Connecting the calculator to a computer**
A first way to do it is to use the reverse polish stack-based approach, by
typing the following sequence of keys: _6_, _ENTER_, _8_, _._, _3_, _×_, _3_,
_._, _5_, _ENTER_, _2_, _._, _8_, _×_, _+_. The result, `59.6`, shows on the
stack. Prior to pressing the _+_ key, the intermediate results for the two
multiplications, `49.8` and `9.8`, could be seen on the stack.
**Setup menu system (firmware menus)**
RPL also supports the standard algebraic notation. Begin the computation with
the _'()_ key. The editor contains quotes, `''` with the cursor between
them. The cursor shows the latter `A`, indicating algebraic entry. Type _6_,
_×_, _8_, _._, _3_, _+_, _3_, _._, _5_, _×_, _2_, _._, _8_. At this point,
the text editor should show the whole expression, `'6·8.3+3.5·2.8'`
or `'6×8.3+3.5×2.8'`. Press `ENTER` and the expression shows up on the
stack. Hitting the _=_ / _EVAL_ / _SPC_ key (located between the _._ and _+_
keys) evaluates the expression, to get the result `59.6`.
**Exposing internal storage as a USB disk**
Algebraic and reverse-polish computations are equivalent, and can be mixed and
matched during computations. Using one or the other is stricly a matter of
preference. Algebraic data entry makes it easier to view the entire
expression. Reverse-polish makes it easier to see intermediate results.
**Copying DB50X installation files**
**Copying DM32 installation files**
## Fractions
**Installing the DB50X QSPI file**
Let us now compute how many pies we need to feed 22 kids if we divide each pie
in 8 slices. Using the RPL approach, we would type _2_, _2_, _ENTER_, _8_,
_÷_. Using the algebraic notation, we would type _'()_, _2_, _2_, _÷_, _8_,
_ENTER_ and then use the _=_ to perform the computation.
With the default settings, you should see a mixed fraction, `2³/₄`. Unlike many
calculators, DB50X by default perform exact computations on fractions instead of
using approximate decimal numbers.
You can convert that fraction to a decimal value and back using the `Cycle`
command, which is bound to the _EEX_ key. A first press will show `2.75`, and a
second press will show the value again as fraction `2³/₄`.
## Mathematical functions
DB50X features a number of mathematical functions. Some of the functions are
directly available on the keyboard.
We can compute the length of the diagonal of a rectangle with sides 2m and 3m
using the Pythagorean theorem, and display it in millimeters.
In RPL, we can type the following sequence: _2_, _x²_ (🟨 _C_), _3_, _x²_,
_+_, _√x_ (_C_), _1_, _0_, _0_, _0_, _×_. The decimal result,
`3605.55127546`, is shown on the stack. The digits in the whole part of the
decimal number are grouped 3 by 3, while the digits in the fractional part are
grouped 5 by 5.
In algebraic mode, we can type the following sequence:
_'()_, _1_, _0_, _0_, _0_, _×_, _√x_,
_2_, _x²_ (🟨 _C_), _+_, _3_, _x²_, _ENTER_. The mathematical
expresssion shows up on the stack graphically. It can then be evaluated using
the _=_ key, and shows the same result as for RPL mode.
## Mixing algebraic and reverse-polish operations
In the algebraic expression, we have multiplied by 1000 first, whereas in the
RPL case, we multiplied by 1000 last. We can also multiply by 1000 last in
algebraic mode. There are at least two ways to do it.
A first method is to use the arrow key to exit the parentheses around the
argument of the square root function, as follows: _'()_, _√x_,
_2_, _x²_, _+_, _3_, _x²_, _▶_, _×_, _1_, _0_, _0_, _0_,
_ENTER_. The expression with the multiplication is then shown on the stack, and
can then be evaluated with the _=_ key.
A second method is to mix and match algebraic and RPL, by typing
the following sequence: _'()_, _√x_, _2_, _x²_, _+_,
_3_, _x²_, _ENTER_. At this point, the expression without the
multiplication is on the stack. We can then multiply it by 1000 by typing
_1_, _0_, _0_, _0_, _×_. The expression with the multiplication is then shown on
the stack, and can then be evaluated with the _=_ key.
## Trigonometric functions
Consider that we need to build a plank ramp. We can ask a number of questions,
* If the plank is 5 meters in length, and the slope is 10 degrees, how high
will it reach?
* If we need to reach 60 cm above ground, what is the required slope?
In RPL, can answer the first question by typing _1_, _0_, _SIN_, _5_,
_×_. The result is shown in scientific format as `8.68240888335×₁₀⁻¹`.
In algebraic mode, we would type _'()_, _5_, _×_, _SIN_, _1_, _0_, _ENTER_
and then evaluating the expression with _=_. This shows the same result.
We can answer the second question using RPL by typing _6_, _0_, _ENTER_, _5_,
_ENTER_, _1_, _0_, _0_, _×_, _÷_, _sin⁻¹_ (🟨 _J_). The result is shown as
`6.89210257935°`. This is an example of *unit object*: the value is
associated with a unit, in that case the `°` symbol indicating that we use
degrees. DB50X supports three other angle modes, radians, grads and fractions of
pi (piradians).
Answering the same question using algebraic mode introduces a new little
keyboard trick. Type _'()_, _sin⁻¹_, _6_, _0_, _÷_, _'()_,
_5_, _×_, _1_, _0_, _0_, _ENTER_, and then evaluating the expression with the
_=_ key. Observe how the second use of the _'()_ key, which inserts parentheses
when used inside an expression.
## Selecting display modes
The scientific notation may not be the most readable in that case. How do we
display this result with three digits? We will use a *menu* for that. Menus are
an essential component of the DB50X user interface.
Let us type 🟨 _O_ (_Disp_). This shows the `DisplayModesMenu`. The menu
occupies three rows at the bottom of the screen, with six columns. Menus can
give a quick access to 18 functions directly, six more with a single shift 🟨,
and yet another six with the second shift 🟦. Hitting the shift key 🟨
repeatedly will highlight the different rows of the menu.
On the lower row of the menu, the second entry from the left is labeled `Fix`.
The `Fix` display mode shows a fixed number of digits after the decimal
separator. There are other modes, `Sci` to display in scientific notation, `Eng`
to display with engineering multiples (the exponent is a multiple of three), and
`Sig` to display at most a given number of digits.
We can type _3_, _F2_, where _F2_ is the second key from the left on the top row
of the keyboard. This activates the `Fix 3` mode, which shows three digits after
the decimal separator. The display changes to `0.868` for the answer to the
first question, and `6.892 °` for the answer to the second question.
## Displaying the on-line help for a function
Since the number of available commands in DB50X is quite high, it is useful to
be able to consult the built-in help. In order to get help on a command, simply
hold the corresponding key until the help shows up. For instance, to get
[help about the command](#std) under the `Std` label, simply hold the _F1_ key.
This also works for normal keyboard operations. For instance, if you hold the
_SIN_ key, you will get the [help about the sine command](#sin).
## Complex number operations
**Installing the DB50X program file**
## Switching between DM32 and DB50X