#!/bin/bash # --- TODO # * DONE remove dependance on debian based host # ** DONE use linaro toolchain # https://launchpad.net/linaro-toolchain-binaries/trunk/ # * DOING clean up script # * TODO package the kernel in a real slackware package # * TODO switch userland to hard-float binaries # * TODO build rootfs from slackwarearm-current # ftp://ftp.arm.slackware.com/slackwarearm/slackwarearm-devtools/minirootfs/scripts/ # * DONE compile mkimage as part of the build process? # * TODO organize patches by corresponding sources # * DONE review $CWD/scripts/resize2fs-arch.sh # * TODO compile out-of-tree set -e # --- Configuration ------------------------------------------------------------- #change to your needs IMG_NAME=${IMG_NAME:-"SlackwareARM_cubitruck"} VERSION=${VERSION:-0.2} COMPILE=${COMPILE:-"true"} DEST=${DEST:-~/cubieslack} DISPLAY=${DISPLAY:-3} # "3:hdmi; 4:vga" IMAGE_SIZE_MB=${IMAGE_SIZE_MB:-2000} SLACKWARE_VERSION=${SLACKWARE_VERSION:-14.1} ROOTFS_VERSION=${ROOTFS_VERSION:-04Nov13} CONFIG_HZ=${CONFIG_HZ:-300HZ} # 250HZ, 300HZ or 1000HZ TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=${TOOLCHAIN_VERSION:-4.8-2013.10} TOOLCHAIN_URL_RANDOM_NUMBER=${TOOLCHAIN_URL_RANDOM_NUMBER:-155358238} # --- Script -------------------------------------------------------------------- CWD=$(pwd) mkdir -p $DEST #Requires root .. if [ "$UID" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Please run as root" exitssid=CUBIE interface=wlan0 hw_mode=g channel=1 bridge=br0 logger_syslog=0 logger_syslog_level=0 wmm_enabled=0 wpa=2 preamble=1 wpa_psk=66eb31d2b48d19ba216f2e50c6831ee11be98e2fa3a8075e30b866f4a5ccda27 wpa_passphrase=12345678 wpa_key_mgmt=WPA-PSK wpa_pairwise=TKIP rsn_pairwise=CCMP auth_algs=1 macaddr_acl=0 fi echo "Building Cubietruck-Slackware in $DEST from $CWD" sleep 3 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Downloading necessary files for building - aka Toolchain #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "------ Downloading cross-compiler" #Read this for further information if you run into problems with gcc compiler #http://linux-sunxi.org/Toolchain wget -c https://launchpadlibrarian.net/$TOOLCHAIN_URL_RANDOM_NUMBER/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-${TOOLCHAIN_VERSION}_linux.tar.xz tar xf gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-${TOOLCHAIN_VERSION}_linux.tar.xz CROSS_COMPILE=$PWD/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-${TOOLCHAIN_VERSION}_linux/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Preparing output / destination files #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "------ Clone / Pull sources and patch" mkdir -p $DEST/output cp output/uEnv.txt $DEST/output # Boot loader if [ -d "$DEST/u-boot-sunxi" ]; then ( cd $DEST/u-boot-sunxi; git pull ) else git clone https://github.com/cubieboard/u-boot-sunxi $DEST/u-boot-sunxi # Applying Patch for 2gb memory patch -f $DEST/u-boot-sunxi/include/configs/sunxi-common.h < $CWD/patch/memory.patch || true fi # Allwinner tools if [ -d "$DEST/sunxi-tools" ]; then ( cd $DEST/sunxi-tools; git pull ) else git clone https://github.com/linux-sunxi/sunxi-tools.git $DEST/sunxi-tools fi # Hardware configurations if [ -d "$DEST/cubie_configs" ]; then ( cd $DEST/cubie_configs; git pull ) else git clone https://github.com/cubieboard/cubie_configs $DEST/cubie_configs # Applying Patch for high load. Could cause troubles with USB OTG port sed -e 's/usb_detect_type = 1/usb_detect_type = 0/g' $DEST/cubie_configs/sysconfig/linux/cubietruck.fex > $DEST/cubie_configs/sysconfig/linux/ct.fex # Prepare fex files for VGA & HDMI sed -e 's/screen0_output_type.*/screen0_output_type = 3/g' $DEST/cubie_configs/sysconfig/linux/ct.fex > $DEST/cubie_configs/sysconfig/linux/ct-hdmi.fex sed -e 's/screen0_output_type.*/screen0_output_type = 4/g' $DEST/cubie_configs/sysconfig/linux/ct.fex > $DEST/cubie_configs/sysconfig/linux/ct-vga.fex fi # Patwood's kernel 3.4.75+ if [ -d "$DEST/linux-sunxi" ]; then ( cd $DEST/linux-sunxi; git pull -f ) else git clone https://github.com/patrickhwood/linux-sunxi $DEST/linux-sunxi ###PATCH kernel CONFIG_HZ, Arm dfault is hardcoded 100hz (10ms latency!). For mulitimedia and desktop a higher frequency is recomended. test -f $CWD/patch/$CONFIG_HZ.patch && patch -f $DEST/linux-sunxi/arch/arm/Kconfig < $CWD/patch/$CONFIG_HZ.patch fi #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compiling everything #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "------ Compiling kernel boot loaderb" # Copying Kernel config cp $CWD/config/kernel.config $DEST/linux-sunxi/ echo "------ Compiling boot loader" cd $DEST/u-boot-sunxi make clean make -j2 'cubietruck' CROSS_COMPILE=$CROSS_COMPILE make HOSTCC=gcc CROSS_COMPILE='' tools PATH=$PATH:$DEST/u-boot-sunxi/tools/ echo "------ Compiling sunxi tools" cd $DEST/sunxi-tools make clean fex2bin bin2fex mkdir -p $CWD/bin/ cp fex2bin bin2fex $CWD/bin/ # hardware configuration $CWD/bin/fex2bin $DEST/cubie_configs/sysconfig/linux/ct-vga.fex $DEST/output/script-vga.bin $CWD/bin/fex2bin $DEST/cubie_configs/sysconfig/linux/ct-hdmi.fex $DEST/output/script-hdmi.bin echo "------ Compiling kernel" if [ "$COMPILE" = "true" ]; then # kernel image echo "------ Compiling kernel" cd $DEST/linux-sunxi make clean # Adding wlan firmware to kernel source cd $DEST/linux-sunxi/firmware; unzip -o $CWD/bin/ap6210.zip cd $DEST/linux-sunxi make -j2 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=$CROSS_COMPILE sun7i_defconfig # get proven config cp $DEST/linux-sunxi/kernel.config $DEST/linux-sunxi/.config make -j2 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=$CROSS_COMPILE uImage modules make -j2 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=$CROSS_COMPILE INSTALL_MOD_PATH=output modules_install make -j2 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=$CROSS_COMPILE INSTALL_HDR_PATH=output headers_install fi #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Creating SD Images #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "------ Creating SD Images" cd $DEST/output # create image and mount image to next free loop device dd if=/dev/zero of=${IMG_NAME}-${VERSION}_rootfs_SD.raw bs=1M count=$IMAGE_SIZE_MB LOOP0=$(losetup -f) losetup $LOOP0 ${IMG_NAME}-${VERSION}_rootfs_SD.raw echo "------ Partitionning and mounting filesystem" # make image bootable dd if=$DEST/u-boot-sunxi/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=$LOOP0 bs=1024 seek=8 # create one partition starting at 2048 which is default (echo n; echo p; echo 1; echo; echo; echo w) | fdisk $LOOP0 >> /dev/null || true # just to make sure partprobe $LOOP0 LOOP1=$(losetup -f) # 2048 (start) x 512 (block size) = where to mount partition losetup -o 1048576 $LOOP1 $LOOP0 # create filesystem mkfs.ext4 $LOOP1 # create mount point and mount image mkdir -p $DEST/output/sdcard/ mount $LOOP1 $DEST/output/sdcard/ echo "------ Get basic Slackware System" cd $DEST/output/sdcard/ wget -c ftp://ftp.arm.slackware.com/slackwarearm/slackwarearm-devtools/minirootfs/roots/slack-$SLACKWARE_VERSION-miniroot_$ROOTFS_VERSION.tar.xz -O $CWD/slack-$SLACKWARE_VERSION-miniroot_$ROOTFS_VERSION.tar.xz tar xf $CWD/slack-$SLACKWARE_VERSION-miniroot_$ROOTFS_VERSION.tar.xz cat > $DEST/output/sdcard/etc/motd < $DEST/output/sdcard/etc/HOSTNAME ### declare root partition in fstab echo '/dev/mmcblk0p1 / ext4 defaults 1 1' >> $DEST/output/sdcard/etc/fstab ### mount /tmp as tmpfs echo 'tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,nosuid,size=30% 0 0' >> $DEST/output/sdcard/etc/fstab # modules to load cat >> $DEST/output/sdcard/etc/rc.d/rc.modules <