Preferred host is a x86_64 Slackware. --------------------------------------------------------- Installation steps Slackware for Cubietruck --------------------------------------------------------- 1. open your preferred shell 2. su - 3. cd ~ 4. git clone 5. cd cubietruck-slackware 6. chmod +x 7. ./ # see --help 8. cd dist/image/ 9. dd if=.raw of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1024 99. Enjoy Slackware :) --------------------------------------------------------- Peculiarities --------------------------------------------------------- * / is mount read-write from the start and this disturbs /etc/rc.d/rc.S so there will be a warning message during boot. Just press Enter to continue booting * default root password is 'password' --- Forked from the following: Created from Igor Pečovnik work at :