require "colorize" require "option_parser" require "bitfield" require "sdl" require "./crab/common/*" require "./crab/gb" require "./crab/gba" Colorize.on_tty_only! module Crab VERSION = "0.1.0" extend self def run rom = nil bios = nil fifo = false pink = false sync = true headless = false OptionParser.parse do |parser| parser.banner = "#{"crab".colorize.bold} - An accurate and readable Game Boy (Color) (Advance) emulator" parser.separator parser.separator("Usage: bin/crab [BIOS] ROM") parser.separator parser.on("-h", "--help", "Show the help message") do puts parser exit end parser.on("--fifo", "Enable FIFO rendering") { fifo = true } parser.on("--pink", "Set the 2-bit DMG color theme to pink") { pink = true } parser.on("--no-sync", "Disable audio syncing") { sync = false } parser.on("--headless", "Don't open window or play audio") { headless = true } parser.unknown_args do |args| case args.size when 1 then rom = args[0] when 2 then bios, rom = args[0], args[1] end abort parser if rom.nil? abort "GBA ROMs need a bios provided" if rom.not_nil!.ends_with?(".gba") && bios.nil? end end if rom.not_nil!.ends_with?(".gba") emu = bios.not_nil!, rom.not_nil! else emu = bios, rom.not_nil!, fifo, sync, headless end emu.post_init end end unless PROGRAM_NAME.includes?("crystal-run-spec") end