require "option_parser" TEST_RESULTS_DIR = "spec/gb/test_results" SCREENSHOT_DIR = "#{TEST_RESULTS_DIR}/screenshots" README_FILE = "#{TEST_RESULTS_DIR}/" # kill process after given number of seconds def kill(process : Process, after : Number = 5) : Nil spawn do sleep after process.signal Signal::KILL if process.exists? end end def get_test_name(dir : String, test : String) : String test.rpartition('.')[0][dir.size + 1, test.size] end alias TestResult = NamedTuple(test: String, pass: Bool) alias TestSuite = NamedTuple(suite: String, results: Array(TestResult)) test_results : Array(TestSuite) = [] of TestSuite acid_dir = "" blargg_dir = "" mealybug_dir = "" mooneye_dir = "" OptionParser.parse do |parser| parser.on("--acid PATH", "Path to directory with acid tests") { |path| acid_dir = path } parser.on("--blargg PATH", "Path to directory with blargg tests") { |path| blargg = path } parser.on("--mealybug PATH", "Path to directory with mealybug tests") { |path| mealybug_dir = path } parser.on("--mooneye PATH", "Path to directory with mooneye tests") { |path| mooneye_dir = path } parser.invalid_option { abort parser } end system "shards build -Dgraphics_test > /dev/null" unless acid_dir == "" [true, false].each do |fifo| test_results << {suite: "Acid#{" Fifo" if fifo}", results: [] of TestResult} puts "Acid #{"Fifo " if fifo}Tests" Dir.glob("#{acid_dir}/**").sort.each do |path| test_name = get_test_name acid_dir, path "bin/crab", [path, "--headless"] + (fifo ? ["--fifo"] : ["--scanline"] of String) do |process| kill process, after: 1 end system %[touch out.png] # touch image in case something went wrong system %[mv out.png #{SCREENSHOT_DIR}/#{test_name}#{"_fifo" if fifo}.png] system %[compare -metric AE #{SCREENSHOT_DIR}/#{test_name}#{"_fifo" if fifo}.png #{SCREENSHOT_DIR}/expected/#{test_name}.png /tmp/crab_diff 2>/dev/null] passed = $?.exit_status == 0 test_results[test_results.size - 1][:results] << {test: test_name, pass: passed} print passed ? "." : "F" end print "\n" end end unless mealybug_dir == "" test_results << {suite: "Mealybug Fifo", results: [] of TestResult} puts "Mealybug Fifo Tests" Dir.glob("#{mealybug_dir}/**/*.gb").sort.each do |path| test_name = get_test_name mealybug_dir, path "bin/crab", [path, "--headless", "--fifo"] do |process| kill process, after: 1 end system %[touch out.png] # touch image in case something went wrong system %[mv out.png #{SCREENSHOT_DIR}/#{test_name}.png] system %[compare -metric AE #{SCREENSHOT_DIR}/#{test_name}.png #{SCREENSHOT_DIR}/expected/#{test_name}.png /tmp/crab_diff 2>/dev/null] passed = $?.exit_status == 0 test_results[test_results.size - 1][:results] << {test: test_name, pass: passed} print passed ? "." : "F" end print "\n" end system "shards build -Dprint_serial > /dev/null" unless mooneye_dir == "" test_results << {suite: "Mooneye", results: [] of TestResult} puts "Mooneye Tests" fib_string = "358132134" Dir.glob("#{mooneye_dir}/**/*.gb").sort.each do |path| next if path.includes?("util") || path.includes?("manual-only") || path.includes?("dmg") || path.includes?("mgb") || path.includes?("sgb") test_name = get_test_name mooneye_dir, path passed = false"bin/crab", [path, "--headless", "--scanline"]) do |process| kill process, after: 10 # seconds result = process.output.gets 9 process.terminate if process.exists? passed = result == fib_string end test_results[test_results.size - 1][:results] << {test: test_name, pass: passed} print passed ? "." : "F" end print "\n" end README_FILE, "w" do |file| file.puts "# Test Results" test_results.each do |test_suite| file.puts "## #{test_suite[:suite]} Tests" file.puts "| Result | Test Name |" file.puts "|--------|-----------|" test_suite[:results].each do |test_result| file.puts "| #{test_result[:pass] ? "👌" : "👀"} | #{test_result[:test]} |" end end end