handle volume and channel enable properly for gba

This commit is contained in:
Matthew Berry 2020-12-05 14:39:37 -08:00
parent ac8319b19c
commit 9f65505731

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@ -17,25 +17,53 @@ class APU
class SOUNDCNT_L < BitField(UInt16)
num channel_4_left, 1
num channel_3_left, 1
num channel_2_left, 1
num channel_1_left, 1
num channel_4_right, 1
num channel_3_right, 1
num channel_2_right, 1
num channel_1_right, 1
bool not_used_1, lock: true
num left_volume, 3
bool not_used_2, lock: true
num right_volume, 3
class SOUNDCNT_H < BitField(UInt16)
bool dma_sound_b_reset, lock: true
num dma_sound_b_timer, 1
bool dma_sound_b_left
bool dma_sound_b_right
bool dma_sound_a_reset, lock: true
num dma_sound_a_timer, 1
bool dma_sound_a_left
bool dma_sound_a_right
num not_used, 4, lock: true
bool dma_sound_b_volume
bool dma_sound_a_volume
num sound_volume, 2
class SOUNDBIAS < BitField(UInt16)
num amplitude_resolution, 2
num not_used_1, 4
num bias_level, 9
bool not_used_2
@soundcnt_l = SOUNDCNT_L.new 0
@soundcnt_h = SOUNDCNT_H.new 0
@sound_enabled : Bool = false
@soundbias = SOUNDBIAS.new 0
@buffer = Slice(Float32).new BUFFER_SIZE
@buffer_pos = 0
@frame_sequencer_stage = 0
getter first_half_of_length_period = false
# @left_enable = false
# @left_volume = 0_u8
# @right_enable = false
# @right_volume = 0_u8
@left_enable = true
@left_volume = 7_u8
@right_enable = true
@right_volume = 7_u8
# @nr51 : UInt8 = 0x00
@nr51 : UInt8 = 0xFF
@audiospec : LibSDL::AudioSpec
@obtained_spec : LibSDL::AudioSpec
@ -106,16 +134,16 @@ class APU
channel2_amp = @channel2.get_amplitude
channel3_amp = @channel3.get_amplitude
channel4_amp = @channel4.get_amplitude
@buffer[@buffer_pos] = (@left_volume / 7).to_f32 *
((@nr51 & 0x80 > 0 ? channel4_amp : 0) +
(@nr51 & 0x40 > 0 ? channel3_amp : 0) +
(@nr51 & 0x20 > 0 ? channel2_amp : 0) +
(@nr51 & 0x10 > 0 ? channel1_amp : 0)) / 4
@buffer[@buffer_pos + 1] = (@right_volume / 7).to_f32 *
((@nr51 & 0x08 > 0 ? channel4_amp : 0) +
(@nr51 & 0x04 > 0 ? channel3_amp : 0) +
(@nr51 & 0x02 > 0 ? channel2_amp : 0) +
(@nr51 & 0x01 > 0 ? channel1_amp : 0)) / 4
@buffer[@buffer_pos] = (@soundcnt_l.left_volume / 7).to_f32 *
((channel4_amp * @soundcnt_l.channel_4_left) +
(channel3_amp * @soundcnt_l.channel_3_left) +
(channel2_amp * @soundcnt_l.channel_2_left) +
(channel1_amp * @soundcnt_l.channel_1_left)) / 4
@buffer[@buffer_pos + 1] = (@soundcnt_l.right_volume).to_f32 *
((channel4_amp * @soundcnt_l.channel_4_right) +
(channel3_amp * @soundcnt_l.channel_3_right) +
(channel2_amp * @soundcnt_l.channel_2_right) +
(channel1_amp * @soundcnt_l.channel_1_right)) / 4
@buffer_pos += 2
# push to SDL if buffer is full
@ -130,41 +158,42 @@ class APU
@gba.scheduler.schedule SAMPLE_PERIOD, ->get_sample
def read_io(index : Int) : UInt8
case index
when @channel1 then @channel1.read_io index
when @channel2 then @channel2.read_io index
when @channel3 then @channel3.read_io index
when @channel4 then @channel4.read_io index
when 0xFF24
((@left_enable ? 0b10000000 : 0) | (@left_volume << 4) |
(@right_enable ? 0b00001000 : 0) | @right_volume).to_u8
when 0xFF25 then @nr51
when 0xFF26
0x70 |
def read_io(io_addr : Int) : UInt8
case io_addr
when @channel1 then @channel1.read_io io_addr
when @channel2 then @channel2.read_io io_addr
when @channel3 then @channel3.read_io io_addr
when @channel4 then @channel4.read_io io_addr
when 0x80 then @soundcnt_l.value.to_u8
when 0x81 then (@soundcnt_l.value >> 8).to_u8
when 0x82 then @soundcnt_h.value.to_u8
when 0x83 then (@soundcnt_h.value >> 8).to_u8
when 0x84
0x70_u8 |
(@sound_enabled ? 0x80 : 0) |
(@channel4.enabled ? 0b1000 : 0) |
(@channel3.enabled ? 0b0100 : 0) |
(@channel2.enabled ? 0b0010 : 0) |
(@channel1.enabled ? 0b0001 : 0)
else 0xFF
when 0x85 then 0_u8 # unused
when 0x88 then @soundbias.value.to_u8
when 0x89 then (@soundbias.value >> 8).to_u8
else abort "Unmapped APU read ~ addr:#{hex_str io_addr.to_u8}"
# write to apu memory
def write_io(index : Int, value : UInt8) : Nil
return unless @sound_enabled || index == 0x84 || Channel3::WAVE_RAM_RANGE.includes?(index)
case index
when @channel1 then @channel1.write_io index, value
when @channel2 then @channel2.write_io index, value
when @channel3 then @channel3.write_io index, value
when @channel4 then @channel4.write_io index, value
when 0xFF24
@left_enable = value & 0b10000000 > 0
@left_volume = (value & 0b01110000) >> 4
@right_enable = value & 0b00001000 > 0
@right_volume = value & 0b00000111
when 0xFF25 then @nr51 = value
def write_io(io_addr : Int, value : UInt8) : Nil
return unless @sound_enabled || io_addr == 0x84 || Channel3::WAVE_RAM_RANGE.includes?(io_addr)
case io_addr
when @channel1 then @channel1.write_io io_addr, value
when @channel2 then @channel2.write_io io_addr, value
when @channel3 then @channel3.write_io io_addr, value
when @channel4 then @channel4.write_io io_addr, value
when 0x80 then @soundcnt_l.value = (@soundcnt_l.value & 0xFF00) | value
when 0x81 then @soundcnt_l.value = (@soundcnt_l.value & 0x00FF) | value.to_u16 << 8
when 0x82 then @soundcnt_h.value = (@soundcnt_h.value & 0xFF00) | value
when 0x83 then @soundcnt_h.value = (@soundcnt_h.value & 0x00FF) | value.to_u16 << 8
when 0x84
if value & 0x80 == 0 && @sound_enabled
(0xFF10..0xFF25).each { |addr| self.write_io addr, 0x00 }
@ -177,6 +206,10 @@ class APU
@channel3.length_counter = 0
@channel4.length_counter = 0
when 0x85 # unused
when 0x88 then @soundbias.value = (@soundbias.value & 0xFF00) | value
when 0x89 then @soundbias.value = (@soundbias.value & 0x00FF) | value.to_u16 << 8
else puts "Unmapped APU write ~ addr:#{hex_str io_addr.to_u8}, val:#{value}".colorize(:yellow)