2019-09-01 11:26:00 +02:00

114 lines
7.8 KiB

Local copies in documents/C++/2a
LOW: Attributes [[likely]] and [[unlikely]] P0479R5 9
Make typename more optional P0634R3 9
Destroying operator delete P0722R3 9
char8_t P0482R6 9
Allow lambda-capture [=, this] P0409R2 8
NOT: __VA_OPT__ P0306R4,P1042R1 8 (partial)
Designated initializers P0329R4 4.7 (partial)
template-parameter-list for generic lambdas P0428R2 8
Default member initializers for bit-fields P0683R1 8
Initializer list constructors in class
template argument deduction P0702R1 8
const&-qualified pointers to members P0704R1 8
Concepts P0734R0 6(TS only)
? Lambdas in unevaluated contexts P0315R4 9
Three-way comparison operator P0515R3 -
Simplifying implicit lambda capture P0588R1 8
init-statements for range-based for P0614R1 9
Default constructible and assignable P0624R2 9
stateless lambdas
+ const mismatch with defaulted copy P0641R2 9
Access checking on specializations P0692R1 Yes
ADL and function templates that are not visible P0846R0 9
Less eager instantiation of constexpr functions P0859R0 9
Pack expansion in lambda init-capture P0780R2 9
Attribute [[no_unique_address]] P0840R2 9
DR: Relaxing the structured bindings P0961R1 8
customization point finding rules
DR: Relaxing the range-for loop customization P0962R1 8
point finding rules
DR: Allow structured bindings to accessible P0969R0 8
Contracts P0542R5 -
Class types in non-type template parameters P0732R2 9
Deprecate implicit capture of this via [=] P0806R2 9
explicit(bool) P0892R2 9
Integrating feature-test macros P0941R2 5
Prohibit aggregates with user-declared constructors P1008R1 9
constexpr virtual function P1064R0 9
Consistency improvements for comparisons P1120R0 -
std::is_constant_evaluated() P0595R2 9
constexpr try-catch blocks P1002R1 9
Immediate functions P1073R3 -
Nested inline namespaces P1094R2 9
Yet another approach for constrained declarations P1141R2 -
constexpr dynamic_cast and polymorphic typeid P1327R1 -
Changing the active member of a union inside constexpr P1330R0 9
Coroutines P0912R5 - 8 (partial)
Parenthesized initialization of aggregates P0960R3 -
DR: Array size deduction in new-expressions P1009R2 -
Modules P1103R3 - 8 (partial)
Stronger Unicode requirements P1041R4,P1139R2 - Yes
<=> != == P1185R2 -
Explicitly defaulted functions with different P1286R2 -
exception specifications
Lambda capture and storage class specifiers of P1091R3,P1381R1 10
structured bindings
std::endian P0463R1 8 7
Synchronized buffered ostream P0053R7
String prefix and suffix checking P0457R2 9 6
[[nodiscard]] in the standard library P0600R1 9 7 (partial)
Integral power-of-2 operations P0556R3 9
Consistent container erasure P1209R0 9 8
std::lerp() and std::midpoint() P0811R3 9 9
std::remove_cvref P0550R2 9 6
Extending std::make_shared() to support arrays P0674R1
Floating point atomic P0020R6
constexpr for <algorithm> and <utility> P0202R3 8
More constexpr for <complex> P0415R1 9
Make std::memory_order a scoped enumeration P0439R0 9 9
Library support for operator<=> <compare> P0515R3 - 7
Utility to convert a pointer to a raw pointer P0653R2 8 6
Atomic std::shared_ptr and std::weak_ptr P0718R2
std::span P0122R7 7
Calendar and timezone P0355R7 7 (partial)
<version> P0754R2 9 7
Comparing unordered containers P0809R0 from here: not yet support, not downloaded
ConstexprIterator requirements P0858R0
std::basic_string::reserve() should not shrink P0966R1 8
std::atomic_ref P0019R8
contains() member function of associative containers P0458R2 9
DR: Guaranteed copy elision for piecewise construction P0475R1 9
std::bit_cast() P0476R2
Improving the return value of erase-like algorithms P0646R1 9
std::is_nothrow_convertible P0758R1 9 9
Add shift to <algorithm> P0769R2
std::type_identity P0887R1 9 8
Concepts library P0898R3
constexpr comparison operators for std::array P1023R0 8
std::unwrap_ref_decay and std::unwrap_reference P0318R1 9 8
std::bind_front() P0356R5 9
std::reference_wrapper for incomplete types P0357R3 9 8
Fixing operator>>(basic_istream&, CharT*) P0487R1 8
Utility functions to implement uses-allocator construction P0591R4 9
DR: std::variant and std::optional should propagate copy/move triviality P0602R4 8.3
A sane std::variant converting constructor P0608R3 10 9
The One Ranges Proposal P0896R4
<chrono> zero(), min(), and max() should be noexcept P0972R0 9 8
constexpr in std::pointer_traits P1006R1 9 8
std::assume_aligned() P1007R3 9
Remove comparison operators of std::span P1085R2 8
Make stateful allocator propagation more consistent for operator+(basic_string) P1165R1 10
Usability enhancements for std::span P1024R3 9
DR: Make create_directory() Intuitive P1164R1 8.3
std::ssize() and unsigned extent for std::span P1227R2 9
Traits for (un)bounded arrays P1357R0 9 9