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em(Function Objects) are created by overloading the
emi(function call operator) ti(operator()()). By defining the function
call operator an object masquerades as a function, hence the term
emi(function objects).
Function objects play an important role in
link(em(generic algorithms))(GENERIC) and their use is preferred over
alternatives like i(pointers to functions). The fact that they are
important in the context of i(generic algorithms) leaves us
in a didactic dilemma: at this point it would have been nice if generic
algorithms would have been covered, but for the discussion of the generic
algorithms knowledge of function objects is required. This
i(bootstrapping problem) is solved in a well known way: by ignoring the
dependency for the time being.
Function objects are objects for which tt(operator()()) has been
defined. Function objects are commonly used in combination with generic
algorithms, but also in situations where otherwise pointers to
functions would have been used. Another reason for using function objects is
to support ti(inline) functions, which cannot be used in combination with
pointers to functions.
An important set of functions and function objects is the set of
emi(predicate) functions and function objects. The return value of a
predicate function or of the function call operator of a predicate function
object is tt(true) or tt(false). Both predicate functions and predicate
function objects are commonly referred to as `predicates'. Predicates are
frequently used by generic algorithms. E.g., the link(count_if)(COUNTIF)
generic algorithm, covered in chapter ref(GENERIC), returns the number of
times the function object that's passed to it returns tt(true). In the
emi(standard template library)
two kinds of predicates are used:
hi(unary predicate)\
em(unary predicates) receive one argument,
hi(binary predicate)\
em(binary predicates) receive two arguments.
Assume we have a class tt(Person) and an array of tt(Person) objects. Further
assume that the array is not sorted. A well known procedure for finding a
particular tt(Person) object in the array is to use the function
ti(lsearch()), which performs a emi(lineair search) in an array. A program
fragment using this function is:
Person &target = targetPerson(); // determine the person to find
Person *pArray;
size_t n = fillPerson(&pArray);
cout << "The target person is";
if (!lsearch(&target, pArray, &n, sizeof(Person), compareFunction))
cout << " not";
cout << "found\n";
The function tt(targetPerson()) is called to determine the person we're
looking for, and the function tt(fillPerson()) is called to fill the array.
Then tt(lsearch()) is used to locate the target person.
The comparison function must be available, as its address is one of the
arguments of the tt(lsearch()) function. It could be something like:
int compareFunction(Person const *p1, Person const *p2)
return *p1 != *p2; // lsearch() wants 0 for equal objects
This, of course, assumes that the ti(operator!=()) has been overloaded in
the class tt(Person), as it is quite unlikely that a i(bytewise comparison)
will be appropriate here. But overloading tt(operator!=()) is no big deal, so
let's assume that that operator is available as well.
With tt(lsearch()) (and friends, having parameters that are
i(pointers to functions)) an emi(inline) compare function cannot be used:
as the address of the tt(compare()) function must be known to the
tt(lsearch()) function. So, on average tt(n / 2) times em(at least) the
following actions take place:
eit() The two arguments of the compare function are pushed on the stack;
eit() The value of the final parameter of tt(lsearch()) is determined,
producing the address of linebreak() tt(compareFunction());
eit() The compare function is called;
eit() Then, inside the compare function the address of the right-hand
argument of the linebreak()
tt(Person::operator!=()) argument is pushed on the stack;
eit() The tt(Person::operator!=()) function is evaluated;
eit() The argument of the tt(Person::operator!=()) function is popped off
the stack again;
eit() The two arguments of the compare function are popped off the stack
When function objects are used a different picture emerges. Assume we have
constructed a function tt(PersonSearch()), having the following prototype
(this, however, is not the preferred approach. Normally a
i(generic algorithm) will be preferred to a home-made function. But for now
our tt(PersonSearch()) function is used to illustrate the use and
implementation of a function object):
Person const *PersonSearch(Person *base, size_t nmemb,
Person const &target);
This function can be used as follows:
Person &target = targetPerson();
Person *pArray;
size_t n = fillPerson(&pArray);
cout << "The target person is";
if (!PersonSearch(pArray, n, target))
cout << " not";
cout << "found\n";
So far, nothing much has been altered. We've replaced the call to
tt(lsearch()) with a call to another function: tt(PersonSearch()). Now we
show what happens inside tt(PersonSearch()):
Person const *PersonSearch(Person *base, size_t nmemb,
Person const &target)
for (int idx = 0; idx < nmemb; ++idx)
if (target(base[idx]))
return base + idx;
return 0;
The implementation shows a plain i(linear search). However, in the
for-loop the expression tt(target(base[idx])) shows our tt(target) object
used as a function object. Its implementation can be simple:
bool Person::operator()(Person const &other) const
return *this != other;
Note the somewhat i(peculiar syntax): ti(operator()()). The first set
of parentheses define the particular operator that is overloaded: the function
call operator. The second set of parentheses define the parameters that are
required for this function. tt(Operator()()) appears in the class header
file as:
bool operator()(Person const &other) const;
Now, tt(Person::operator()()) is a simple function. It contains but one
statement, so we could consider making it i(inline). Assuming that we do, than
this is what happens when tt(operator()()) is called:
it() The address of the right-hand argument of the
tt(Person::operator!=()) argument is pushed on the stack,
it() The tt(operator!=()) function is evaluated,
it() The argument of tt(Person::operator!=()) argument is popped off the
Note that due to the fact that tt(operator()()) is an inline function, it
is not actually called. Instead tt(operator!=()) is called immediately. Also
note that the required i(stack operations) are fairly modest.
So, function objects may be defined inline. This is not possible for
functions that are called indirectly (i.e., using pointers to functions).
Therefore, even if the function object needs to do very little work it has to
be defined as an ordinary function if it is going to be called via
pointers. The overhead of performing the indirect call may annihilate the
advantage of the flexibility of calling functions indirectly. In these cases
function objects that are defined as inline functions can result in an
increase of efficiency of the program.
Finally, function objects may access the private data of their objects
directly. In a search algorithm where a compare function is used (as with
tt(lsearch())) the target and array elements are passed to the compare
function using pointers, involving extra stack handling. When function objects
are used, the target person doesn't vary within a single search
task. Therefore, the target person could be passed to the constructor of the
function object doing the comparison. This is in fact what happened in the
expression tt(target(base[idx])), where only one argument is passed to the
tt(operator()()) member function of the tt(target) function object.
As noted, function objects play a central role
in generic algorithms. In chapter ref(STL) these generic algorithms are
discussed in detail. Furthermore, in that chapter
em(predefined function objects) will be introduced, further emphasizing
the importance of the function object concept.