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"title": "Cooperative Software Development",
"authors": ["[Amy J. Ko|https://faculty.washington.edu/ajko/]"],
"contributors": ["[Benjamin Xie|http://benjixie.com]"],
"license": "[Creative Commons Attribution-NoDeriviatives 4.0|https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/]",
"cover": ["cover.jpg", "A photograph of a racially and gender diverse team of six making decisions.", "Software engineering is inherently social.", "Amy J. Ko"],
"unknown": ["error.png", "A screen shot of a Linux operating system kernel panic", "Uh oh, something went wrong.", "William Pina"],
"description": "This book is an introduction to the many human, social, and political aspects of software engineering. It's unique in two ways. First, unlike many software engineering books, it explictly avoids centering technical questions about software engineering, instead focusing on the many ways that software engineering work is cognitive, social, and organizational. Second, it does so by engaging extensively with academic research literature, summarizing key findings, but also questioning them, opening a dialog about the nature of software engineering work and the many factors that shape it. Anyone that reads it will be better prepared to critically engage in creating software in teams.\n\nThis book is a living document. Do you see ways to improve it? [Submit an issue|https://github.com/amyjko/cooperative-software-development/issues] or a [pull request|https://github.com/amyjko/cooperative-software-development/pulls] to its [GitHub repository|https://github.com/amyjko/cooperative-software-development].\n\n_This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0952733. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation._",
"chapters": [
["History", "history", "Hamilton.jpg", "Margaret Hamilton working on the Apollo flight software.", "Margaret Hamilton working on the Apollo flight software.", "NASA"],
["Organizations", "organizations", "team.jpg", "A software team hard at work", "Early days at the author's software startup in 2012.", "Amy J. Ko"],
["Communication", "communication", "communication.png", "A man and a woman having a conversation", "Clear and timely communication is at the heart of effective software engineering.", "Public domain"],
["Productivity", "productivity", "productivity.jpg", "A women working at a laptop", "Productivity isn't just about working fast.", "Creative Commons CC0"],
["Quality", "quality", "zoho.jpg", "A screenshot of the Zoho issue tracker.", "Software quality is multidimensional and often coursely measured through issue trackers like this one.", "Zoho, Inc."],
["Requirements", "requirements", "scaffolding.jpg", "An architectural structure showing the framework of a glass structure", "Requirements specify what software must do, constraining, focusing, and defining it's successful functioning.", "Public domain"],
["Architecture", "architecture", "church.jpg", "A photograph of a church hallway with arches.", "Architecture is how code is organized", "Creative Commons 0"],
["Specifications", "specifications", "blueprint.jpg", "A blueprint for an architectural plan", "Specifications add a layer of detail onto architectural plans.", "Public domain"],
["Process", "process", "flow.jpg", "A photograph of a river", "Good process is like a river, seamlessly flowing around obstacles", "Public domain"],
["Comprehension", "comprehension", "network.png", "A visualization of many interconnected node", "Program comprehension is about understanding dependencies", "Public domain"],
["Verification", "verification", "check.png", "A check mark", "Have you met your requirements? How do you know?", "Public domain"],
["Monitoring", "monitoring", "monitoring.jpg", "A photograph of a lifeguide monitoring a beach.", "It's not always easy to see software fail.", "Public domain"],
["Evolution", "evolution", "atsign.png", "Four variations on an at sign.", "Software changes and that requires planning.", "Public domain"],
["Debugging", "debugging", "swatter.png", "An illustration of a fly swatter.", "Debugging is inevitable because defects are inevitable", "Public domain"]
"revisions": [
["September 2020", "Migrated to [Peruse|https://github.com/amyjko/peruse]."],
["July 2020", "Revised all chapters to address racism, sexism, and ableism in software engineering."],
["July 2019", "Incorporated newly published work from ICSE, ESEC/FSE, SIGCSE, TSE, and TOSEM."],
["July 2018", "Incorporated newly published work from ICSE, ESEC/FSE, SIGCSE, TSE, and TOSEM."],
["July 2017", "First draft of the book release."]
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