Get rid of junk file

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Russ Olsen 2012-07-12 08:17:20 -04:00
parent 6d3eb5da6c
commit aac0b6d4fd

View file

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
(ns cloforth.compiler
[:require [clojure.pprint :as pp]
[cloforth.environment :as env]
[cloforth.dictionary :as dict]
[cloforth.tokenizer :as tok]])
(defn- program-runner [program orig-env]
(loop [e (env/init-ip orig-env)]
(let [ip (:ip e)]
(if (>= ip (count program))
(let [e ((get program ip) e)]
(recur (env/inc-ip e)))))))
(defn- compile-word
"Compile the given word, returning it's function"
[dictionary text]
(if-let [d (dictionary text)]
(if-let [n (tok/to-int text)]
(partial env/stack-push n))))
(defn- compile-token
"Compile the given token, returning it's function"
[dictionary token]
(let [type (:type token)
text (:text token)]
(case type
:string (partial env/stack-push text)
:word (compile-word dictionary text)
:eof nil
(println "don't know what to do with" text))))
(defn- compile-until
"Keep compiling words until f-done? returns true"
[dictionary f-done? result]
(let [token (tok/get-token)]
(if (f-done? token)
(if-let [compiled (compile-token dictionary token)]
(recur dictionary f-done? (concat result [compiled]))
(defn- compile-compound
"Compile a compound word (i.e. [ w w w ]), returns vector"
(fn [token] (or (= (:type token) :eof) (= (:type token) :r-bracket)))
(defn- compile-statement [dictionary]
(let [token (tok/get-token)]
(case (:type token)
:eof []
:l-bracket (partial program-runner (vec (compile-compound dictionary)))
(compile-word dictionary (:text token)))))
(defn primitive-define [env]
(let [name-token (tok/get-token)
name (:text name-token)
dictionary (:dictionary env)
body (compile-statement dictionary)]
(update-in env [:dictionary] assoc name body)))
(defn primitive-if [env]
(let [body (compile-statement (:dictionary env))]
(partial program-runner [(partial env/branch 1) body])))
(defn doit []
(println (compile-statement (dict/create-dictionary 'cloforth.primitives))))