var LEVEL_HEIGHT = 9; var LEVEL_WIDTH = 16; var cell= { WALL : '#', BALL : '@', CUBE : 'H', VOID : ' ', GIFT : 'x' }; var direction = { UP : 'u', DOWN : 'd', LEFT : 'l', RIGHT : 'r' }; var css_classes = { "@" : "ball", "H" : "cube", "#" : "wall", " " : "void", "x" : "gift" }; var options = { starting_level : 0 }; var state = { moving : cell.BALL, distance_travelled : 0, level : 0, board : "" }; var levels = [ "#################@## x#H## x #### ##x ## ## x #### x x x ## x x## x ## ##x x#################", " # # # # # ### x @# #x #x x # # x x # # # x # # #H# x # # # # #xx## # # # # ", "################# x#@## ## ##H## #x x ## x x## x## #x x x# x### ##x #x x x####x ##x #################", "################# #H## # ###x#x x#x#x#x#x## # #x x# # # ####x#x#x x#x#x#x## # ## # #@ #################", " ############## #@ # # # ## #x # x x # ### # # ##x #x# #### # x # ##x# # # # #H## # x# #x# ############## ", " ############ # x #x x# # x # ## # x ##@ x ### x # ### x # ##H # x ##x #################", "################# # ## ### #x ##x# #x #x # # # # # # ### ## ## # #x# #x# # ## @#x H #x#################", "############### # x## ### #x ## x ## x## # #x ### ## #x# ### # x#x ##xHx# x #@# ### # ###############", " # ########### #x#x # @##x x# x # # # x## x# ## #x #xHx x## x## # #x#x # # # ############ ", " ########### #### x ## H ###x x# x## x #x #x # # # x # x##x#x # x# #@# #x ### ### # # # # ######### # #", "################# # @## #xx xx #### x ## x##x #x#xx ##### ## ## ##x x# x H x###x### # ## ## ########### ", "## ## #### #@#####x ### x### xx x ## ## ##x #x# ## # x ###x ## ## ## ## #H# ## x ## x #################", " ############## # @# x ### # #x x## ## x # ## x #x## # x ### x x #x##H # x # # # ############## ", "#################x#x x#x## x#@ ## ## H x ## x# ## x ## x# # ##x#x x#x#################", " ###### ####### # x# x ## # x # # x ## @# #xx #x # # # # x H# ##x # #x # # x # #x x# ############## ", "################## H#x x x##x @x#x #### ### x #### x#x# ##xx x#x ### x ####x ###x# # #################", "################# x# #@ ## # x#xx#x # ## #x##x# x ## x# x# ## x#x x# ## # # ##x# # ## x #x H #################", "################# x x H# ## #x#x #x ## #x# #x ## x # x#x ## #x# # x# ## x#x # x # ##x#@ # # #################", "#################x ## ##x## # # #x ## x# x## x ## # #x ## # x# ## ## x# ##x #H## x# #x ##@#################", "################# x#x ###x x# ##x ### # # x # # ## H # ## # @x## # # x # # ### x## #x x### x#x #################", "################# ### x ### # # ### ##x x ## x x x ### # ###x ## x x @ H x xx################# ", "#################x# #x# #x # ## # ##x # #x x ### #x x #### x # ###x ## #@#H x ################# ", " ############## # # #x# #x # ## x # ### # x #x ## #x # xx x ###x # ## x ## #@#H x # ############## ", "################# # ### ##x x ##x### #x x# #### xx x# ## ## #x x # ## ## ## @#H###xx################# ", "################# # ## x ##x x ## #x x ## ## x ## #x ## #x x# x ## ##x #@ H ################# " ]; function count_gifts( state ) { var n = 0; for ( var i = LEVEL_HEIGHT * LEVEL_WIDTH ; i-- ; ) { if ( state.board[ i ] == cell.GIFT ) { n++; } } return n; } function get_pos( state, actor ) { var p = state.board.indexOf( actor, state.board ); var pos = {}; pos[ 1 ] = Math.floor( p / LEVEL_WIDTH ); /* y */ pos[ 0 ] = p - ( pos[ 1 ] * LEVEL_WIDTH ); /* x */ return pos; } function get_cell( state, x, y ) { return state.board[ x + ( y * LEVEL_WIDTH ) ]; } function set_cell( state, x, y, value ) { var p = x + ( y * LEVEL_WIDTH ); state.board = [ state.board.substring( 0, p ), value, state.board.substring( p+1, state.board.length ) ].join( '' ); return state; } function switch_actor( state ) { state.moving = ( state.moving == cell.BALL ) ? cell.CUBE : cell.BALL; return state; } function won_or_not( state ) { return count_gifts( state ) === 0; } function format_level( state, text ) { function Replacer( conversionObject ) { var regexpStr = ''; for ( var k in conversionObject ) { regexpStr += ( regexpStr.length ? '|' : '' ) + k; } var regexpr = new RegExp( regexpStr, 'mig' ); // g: global, m:multi-line i: ignore case return function(s) { return s.replace( regexpr, function(str, p1, p2, offset, s) { var a = conversionObject[ str ]; return a == undefined ? str : a; } ); }; } var substitutions = { '#': '#', 'x': 'x', ' ': ' ', 'H': 'H', '@': '@' }; substitutions[ state.moving ] = substitutions[ state.moving ].replace( '">', '_selected">' ); if ( text == false ) { for ( var c in substitutions ) { substitutions[ c ] = substitutions[ c ].replace( />.<' ); } } var myReplacer = Replacer( substitutions ); return myReplacer( state.board ); } function load_level( levelset, nb ) { state.level = nb; state.board = levelset[ state.level ]; state.distance_travelled = 0; state.moving = cell.BALL; return state; } function display_level( state, elt ) { $( elt ).html( format_level( state, false ) ); } function make_a_move( state, where ) { var motion = [ 0, 0 ]; var item_coord = get_pos( state, state.moving ); /* Setup the motion vector according to direction.*/ switch( where ) { case direction.UP: motion[ 1 ]--; break; case direction.DOWN: motion[ 1 ]++; break; case direction.LEFT: motion[ 0 ]--; break; case direction.RIGHT: motion[ 0 ]++; break; default: break; } /* Calculating arrival coordinates */ while ( /* Hairy conditions ahead */ /* target cell is within level's boundaries */ ( ( item_coord[ 0 ] + motion[ 0 ] >= 0 ) && ( item_coord[ 0 ] + motion[ 0 ] < LEVEL_WIDTH ) ) && ( ( item_coord[ 1 ] + motion[ 1 ] >= 0 ) && ( item_coord[ 1 ] + motion[ 1 ] < LEVEL_HEIGHT ) ) && /* and target cell is empty */ ( get_cell( state, item_coord[ 0 ] + motion[ 0 ], item_coord[ 1 ] + motion[ 1 ] ) == cell.VOID ) /* or, the ball will eat gifts so we can move it on one */ || ( state.moving == cell.BALL && ( get_cell( state, item_coord[ 0 ] + motion[ 0 ], item_coord[ 1 ] + motion[ 1 ] ) == cell.GIFT ) ) ) { state = set_cell( state, item_coord[ 0 ], item_coord[ 1 ], cell.VOID ); /* void the origin cell */ item_coord[ 0 ] += motion[ 0 ]; /* move coordinate */ item_coord[ 1 ] += motion[ 1 ]; /* to those of target cells */ state = set_cell( state, item_coord[ 0 ], item_coord[ 1 ], state.moving ); /* move actor into target cell */ state.distance_travelled++; /* increment distance_travelled */ } return state; } function start_loop( state, elt ) { display_level( state, elt ); $( document ).keydown( function( e ) { switch( e.keyCode ) { case 38: // UP state = make_a_move( state, direction.UP ); break; case 40: // DOWN state = make_a_move( state, direction.DOWN ); break; case 37: // LEFT state = make_a_move( state, direction.LEFT ); break; case 39: // RIGHT state = make_a_move( state, direction.RIGHT ); break; case 32: // SPACE state = switch_actor( state ); break; case 78: // n if ( state.level < levels.length - 1 ) { state = load_level( levels, state.level + 1 ); } break; case 80: // p if ( state.level > 0 ) { state = load_level( levels, state.level - 1 ); } break; default: break; } if ( won_or_not( state ) ) { if ( state.level < levels.length - 1 ) { state = load_level( levels, state.level + 1 ); } else { alert( "You won!" ); } } display_level( state, elt ); }); }