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synced 2024-11-17 07:47:41 +01:00
`gears.wallpaper` is a flat API (that doesn't even belong in gears) and is neither well integrated with the other AwesomeWM concepts, nor well documented or easy to understand for newcomers. This module adds an object oriented, declarative, module with properties for the most common wallpaper types. It also integrates with `awful.placement` and the `wibox` module. The design attempts to make the wallpaper a "wibox like" object like the titlebars. It is non-interactive, but still allows the widgets. Note that this is slow and should be avoided for dynamic content. It is why the widgets are never updated unless manually reloaded. The objects also attempt to be disposable rather than persistent. Thus they are immutable by default to prevent accidental abuse. Fix #3428 #2596
330 lines
10 KiB
330 lines
10 KiB
local awful = require("awful")
local test_client = require("_client")
local runner = require("_runner")
local cruled = require("ruled.client")
-- This test makes some assumptions about the no_overlap behavior which may not
-- be correct if the screen is in the portrait orientation.
if mouse.screen.workarea.height >= mouse.screen.workarea.width then
print("This test does not work with the portrait screen orientation.")
runner.run_steps { function() return true end }
local tests = {}
-- Set it to something different than the default to make sure it doesn't change
-- due to some request::border.
local border_width = 3
local class = "test-awful-placement"
local rule = {
rule = {
class = class
properties = {
floating = true,
border_width = border_width,
placement = awful.placement.no_overlap + awful.placement.no_offscreen
local function check_geometry(c, x, y, width, height)
local g = c:geometry()
if g.x ~= x or g.y ~= y or g.width ~= width or g.height ~= height then
assert(false, string.format("(%d, %d, %d, %d) ~= (%d, %d, %d, %d)",
g.x, g.y, g.width, g.height, x, y, width, height))
local function default_test(c, geometry)
check_geometry(c, geometry.expected_x, geometry.expected_y,
geometry.expected_width or geometry.width,
geometry.expected_height or (geometry.height))
return true
local client_data = {}
local function add_client(args)
local data = {}
table.insert(client_data, data)
local client_index = #client_data
table.insert(tests, function(count)
local name = string.format("client%010d", client_index)
if count <= 1 then
data.prev_client_count = #client.get()
local geometry = args.geometry(mouse.screen.workarea)
test_client(class, name, args.sn_rules, nil, nil, {
size = {
width = geometry.width,
height = geometry.height
data.geometry = geometry
return nil
elseif #client.get() > data.prev_client_count then
local c = data.c
if not c then
c = client.get()[1]
assert(c.name == name,
"Expected "..name.." got "..c.name.." there is "
..#client.get().." clients"
data.c = c
local test = args.test or default_test
return test(c, data.geometry)
-- Repeat testing 3 times, placing clients on different tags:
-- - Iteration 1 places clients on the tag 1, which is selected.
-- - Iteration 2 places clients on the tag 2, which is unselected; the
-- selected tag 1 remains empty.
-- - Iteration 3 places clients on the tag 3, which is unselected; the
-- selected tag 1 contains some clients.
for _, tag_num in ipairs{1, 2, 3} do
local sn_rules
if tag_num > 1 then
sn_rules = { tag = root.tags()[tag_num] }
-- Put a 100x100 client on the tag 1 before iteration 3.
if tag_num == 3 then
add_client {
geometry = function(wa)
return {
width = 100,
height = 100,
expected_x = wa.x,
expected_y = wa.y
-- The first 100x100 client should be placed at the top left corner.
add_client {
sn_rules = sn_rules,
geometry = function(wa)
return {
width = 100,
height = 100,
expected_x = wa.x,
expected_y = wa.y
-- Remember the first client data for the current iteration.
local first_client_data = client_data[#client_data]
-- The second 100x100 client should be placed to the right of the first
-- client. Note that this assumption fails if the screen is in the portrait
-- orientation (e.g., the test succeeds with a 600x703 screen and fails with
-- 600x704).
add_client {
sn_rules = sn_rules,
geometry = function(wa)
return {
width = 100,
height = 100,
expected_x = wa.x + 100 + 2*border_width,
expected_y = wa.y
-- Hide last client.
local data = client_data[#client_data]
table.insert(tests, function()
data.c.hidden = true
return true
-- Another 100x100 client should be placed to the right of the first client
-- (the hidden client should be ignored during placement).
add_client {
sn_rules = sn_rules,
geometry = function(wa)
return {
width = 100,
height = 100,
expected_x = wa.x + 100 + 2*border_width,
expected_y = wa.y
-- Minimize last client.
local data = client_data[#client_data]
table.insert(tests, function()
data.c.minimized = true
return true
-- Another 100x100 client should be placed to the right of the first client
-- (the minimized client should be ignored during placement).
add_client {
sn_rules = sn_rules,
geometry = function(wa)
return {
width = 100,
height = 100,
expected_x = wa.x + 100 + 2*border_width,
expected_y = wa.y
-- Hide last client, and make the first client sticky.
local data = client_data[#client_data]
table.insert(tests, function()
data.c.hidden = true
first_client_data.c.sticky = true
return true
-- Another 100x100 client should be placed to the right of the first client
-- (the sticky client should be taken into account during placement).
add_client {
sn_rules = sn_rules,
geometry = function(wa)
return {
width = 100,
height = 100,
expected_x = wa.x + 100 + 2*border_width,
expected_y = wa.y
-- Hide last client, and put the first client on the tag 9 (because the
-- first client is sticky, it should remain visible).
local data = client_data[#client_data]
table.insert(tests, function()
data.c.hidden = true
first_client_data.c:tags{ root.tags()[9] }
return true
-- Another 100x100 client should be placed to the right of the first client
-- (the sticky client should be taken into account during placement even if
-- that client seems to be on an unselected tag).
add_client {
sn_rules = sn_rules,
geometry = function(wa)
return {
width = 100,
height = 100,
expected_x = wa.x + 100 + 2*border_width,
expected_y = wa.y
-- The wide client should be placed below the two 100x100 client.
add_client {
sn_rules = sn_rules,
geometry = function(wa)
return {
width = wa.width - 50,
height = 100,
expected_x = wa.x,
expected_y = wa.y + 2*border_width + 100
-- The first large client which does not completely fit in any free area
-- should be placed at the bottom left corner (no_overlap should place it
-- below the wide client, and then no_offscreen should shift it up so that
-- it would be completely inside the workarea).
add_client {
sn_rules = sn_rules,
geometry = function(wa)
return {
width = wa.width - 10,
height = wa.height - 50,
expected_x = wa.x,
expected_y = (wa.y + wa.height) - (wa.height - 50 + 2*border_width)
-- The second large client should be placed at the top right corner.
add_client {
sn_rules = sn_rules,
geometry = function(wa)
return {
width = wa.width - 10,
height = wa.height - 50,
expected_x = (wa.x + wa.width) - (wa.width - 10 + 2*border_width),
expected_y = wa.y
-- The third large client should be placed at the bottom right corner.
add_client {
sn_rules = sn_rules,
geometry = function(wa)
return {
width = wa.width - 10,
height = wa.height - 50,
expected_x = (wa.x + wa.width ) - (wa.width - 10 + 2*border_width),
expected_y = (wa.y + wa.height) - (wa.height - 50 + 2*border_width)
-- The fourth large client should be placed at the top left corner (the
-- whole workarea is occupied now).
add_client {
sn_rules = sn_rules,
geometry = function(wa)
return {
width = wa.width - 50,
height = wa.height - 50,
expected_x = wa.x,
expected_y = wa.y
-- Kill test clients to prepare for the next iteration.
table.insert(tests, function(count)
if count <= 1 then
for _, data in ipairs(client_data) do
if data.c then
data.c = nil
if #client.get() == 0 then
return true
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