ArenaL5 e5566c0415 Add a test for awesome.get_key_name()
Signed-off-by: ArenaL5 <>
2020-03-14 19:33:04 -04:00

57 lines
2.2 KiB

local naughty = require("naughty")
local awful = require("awful")
local function prettyerror(key, keysym, character, expected_keysym, expected_character)
if not keysym then keysym = "[nil]" end
if not character then character = "nil" end
if not expected_keysym then expected_keysym = "[nil]" end
if not expected_character then expected_character = "nil" end
local message = "key \""..key.."\" returned "..keysym.." ("..character..")."..
"instead of keysym "..expected_keysym.." ("..expected_character..")"
return string.gsub(message, "(.)", {
["\a"] = "\\a",
["\b"] = "\\b",
["\27"] = "\\e",
["\f"] = "\\f",
["\r"] = "\\r",
["\n"] = "\\n",
["\t"] = "\\t",
["\v"] = "\\v",
local function keycode_test(key, expected_keysym, expected_character)
local keysym, character = awful.keyboard.get_key_name(key)
naughty.notification {
urgency = "low",
title = keysym or "[nil]",
message = character or "[nil]"
return assert(keysym == expected_keysym and character == expected_character,
prettyerror(key, keysym, character, expected_keysym, expected_character))
local function triple_test(keycode, expected_keysym, expected_character)
local result = keycode_test(keycode, expected_keysym, expected_character)
if expected_keysym then
local local_result = keycode_test(expected_keysym, expected_keysym, expected_character)
result = result and local_result
if expected_character then
local local_result = keycode_test(expected_character, expected_keysym, expected_character)
result = result and local_result
return result
function() return triple_test("#9", "Escape", "\27") end,
function() return triple_test("#22", "BackSpace", "\b") end,
function() return triple_test("#23", "Tab", "\t") end,
function() return triple_test("#111", "Up", nil) end,
function() return triple_test("#113", "Left", nil) end,
function() return triple_test("#114", "Right", nil) end,
function() return triple_test("#116", "Down", nil) end,
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