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synced 2024-11-17 07:47:41 +01:00
Loading a file normally has the same behaviour as before. First the cache is checked and if nothing is found, the file is loaded and cached. This commit changes the behaviour of loading a file uncached. This no longer removes the file from the cache if it is cached (why should it?) and also does not put it in the cache. This means that users of load_uncached and load_uncached_silently can now freely modify the resulting surface without interfering with other API users. Signed-off-by: Uli Schlachter <psychon@znc.in>
210 lines
7.1 KiB
210 lines
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-- @author Uli Schlachter
-- @copyright 2012 Uli Schlachter
-- @release @AWESOME_VERSION@
-- @module gears.surface
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local type = type
local capi = { awesome = awesome }
local cairo = require("lgi").cairo
local color = nil
local gdebug = require("gears.debug")
-- Keep this in sync with build-utils/lgi-check.sh!
local ver_major, ver_minor, ver_patch = string.match(require('lgi.version'), '(%d)%.(%d)%.(%d)')
if tonumber(ver_major) <= 0 and (tonumber(ver_minor) < 7 or (tonumber(ver_minor) == 7 and tonumber(ver_patch) < 1)) then
error("lgi too old, need at least version 0.7.1")
local surface = { mt = {} }
local surface_cache = setmetatable({}, { __mode = 'v' })
local function get_default(arg)
if type(arg) == 'nil' then
return cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, 0, 0)
return arg
--- Try to convert the argument into an lgi cairo surface.
-- This is usually needed for loading images by file name.
-- @param _surface The surface to load or nil
-- @param default The default value to return on error; when nil, then a surface
-- in an error state is returned.
-- @return The loaded surface, or the replacement default
-- @return An error message, or nil on success
function surface.load_uncached_silently(_surface, default)
local file
-- On nil, return some sane default
if not _surface then
return get_default(default)
-- lgi cairo surfaces don't get changed either
if cairo.Surface:is_type_of(_surface) then
return _surface
-- Strings are assumed to be file names and get loaded
if type(_surface) == "string" then
local err
file = _surface
_surface, err = capi.awesome.load_image(file)
if not _surface then
return get_default(default), err
-- Everything else gets forced into a surface
return cairo.Surface(_surface, true)
--- Try to convert the argument into an lgi cairo surface.
-- This is usually needed for loading images by file name and uses a cache.
-- In contrast to `load()`, errors are returned to the caller.
-- @param _surface The surface to load or nil
-- @param default The default value to return on error; when nil, then a surface
-- in an error state is returned.
-- @return The loaded surface, or the replacement default, or nil if called with
-- nil.
-- @return An error message, or nil on success
function surface.load_silently(_surface, default)
if type(_surface) == "string" then
local cache = surface_cache[_surface]
if cache then
return cache
local result, err = surface.load_uncached_silently(_surface, default)
if not err then
-- Cache the file
surface_cache[_surface] = result
return result, err
return surface.load_uncached_silently(_surface, default)
local function do_load_and_handle_errors(_surface, func)
if type(_surface) == 'nil' then
return get_default()
local result, err = func(_surface, false)
if result then
return result
gdebug.print_error("Failed to load '" .. tostring(_surface) .. "': " .. tostring(err))
return get_default()
--- Try to convert the argument into an lgi cairo surface.
-- This is usually needed for loading images by file name. Errors are handled
-- via `gears.debug.print_error`.
-- @param _surface The surface to load or nil
-- @return The loaded surface, or nil
function surface.load_uncached(_surface)
return do_load_and_handle_errors(_surface, surface.load_uncached_silently)
--- Try to convert the argument into an lgi cairo surface.
-- This is usually needed for loading images by file name. Errors are handled
-- via `gears.debug.print_error`.
-- @param _surface The surface to load or nil
-- @return The loaded surface, or nil
function surface.load(_surface)
return do_load_and_handle_errors(_surface, surface.load_silently)
function surface.mt.__call(_, ...)
return surface.load(...)
--- Get the size of a cairo surface
-- @param surf The surface you are interested in
-- @return The surface's width and height
function surface.get_size(surf)
local cr = cairo.Context(surf)
local x, y, w, h = cr:clip_extents()
return w - x, h - y
--- Create a copy of a cairo surface.
-- The surfaces returned by `surface.load` are cached and must not be
-- modified to avoid unintended side-effects. This function allows to create
-- a copy of a cairo surface. This copy can then be freely modified.
-- The surface returned will be as compatible as possible to the input
-- surface. For example, it will likely be of the same surface type as the
-- input. The details are explained in the `create_similar` function on a cairo
-- surface.
-- @param s Source surface.
-- @return The surface's duplicate.
function surface.duplicate_surface(s)
s = surface.load(s)
-- Figure out surface size (this does NOT work for unbounded recording surfaces)
local cr = cairo.Context(s)
local x, y, w, h = cr:clip_extents()
-- Create a copy
local result = s:create_similar(s.content, w - x, h - y)
cr = cairo.Context(result)
cr:set_source_surface(s, 0, 0)
cr.operator = cairo.Operator.SOURCE
return result
--- Create a surface from a `gears.shape`
-- Any additional parameters will be passed to the shape function
-- @tparam number width The surface width
-- @tparam number height The surface height
-- @param shape A `gears.shape` compatible function
-- @param[opt=white] shape_color The shape color or pattern
-- @param[opt=transparent] bg_color The surface background color
-- @treturn cairo.surface the new surface
function surface.load_from_shape(width, height, shape, shape_color, bg_color, ...)
color = color or require("gears.color")
local img = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, width, height)
local cr = cairo.Context(img)
cr:set_source(color(bg_color or "#00000000"))
cr:set_source(color(shape_color or "#000000"))
shape(cr, width, height, ...)
return img
--- Apply a shape to a client or a wibox.
-- If the wibox or client size change, this function need to be called
-- again.
-- @param draw A wibox or a client
-- @param shape or gears.shape function or a custom function with a context,
-- width and height as parameter.
-- @param[opt] Any additional parameters will be passed to the shape function
function surface.apply_shape_bounding(draw, shape, ...)
local geo = draw:geometry()
local img = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.A1, geo.width, geo.height)
local cr = cairo.Context(img)
shape(cr, geo.width, geo.height, ...)
draw.shape_bounding = img._native
return setmetatable(surface, surface.mt)
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