/* * config.h - configuration management header * * Copyright © 2007-2008 Julien Danjou * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ #ifndef AWESOME_CONFIG_H #define AWESOME_CONFIG_H #include #include "draw.h" #include "layout.h" /** Bar possible position */ typedef enum { Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Off } Position; /** Common colors */ enum { ColBorder, ColFG, ColBG, ColLast }; enum { CurNormal, CurResize, CurMove, CurLast }; /* cursor */ typedef struct Rule Rule; struct Rule { char *icon; char *xprop; int screen; Bool isfloating; Bool not_master; regex_t *prop_r; regex_t *tags_r; regex_t *xpropval_r; Rule *next; }; typedef struct AwesomeConf AwesomeConf; typedef struct Layout Layout; struct Layout { char *image; LayoutArrange *arrange; Layout *next; }; typedef struct Key Key; struct Key { unsigned long mod; KeySym keysym; Uicb *func; char *arg; Key *next; }; typedef struct Button Button; struct Button { unsigned long mod; unsigned int button; Uicb *func; char *arg; Button *next; }; /** Widget */ typedef struct Widget Widget; typedef struct Statusbar Statusbar; struct Widget { /** Widget name */ char *name; /** Draw function */ int (*draw)(Widget *, DrawCtx *, int, int); /** Update function */ void (*tell)(Widget *, char *); /** ButtonPressedEvent handler */ void (*button_press)(Widget *, XButtonPressedEvent *); /** Statusbar */ Statusbar *statusbar; /** Alignement */ Alignment alignment; /** Misc private data */ void *data; /** True if user supplied coords */ Bool user_supplied_x; Bool user_supplied_y; /** Area */ Area area; /** Buttons bindings */ Button *buttons; /** Font */ XftFont *font; /** Next widget */ Widget *next; }; /** Status bar */ struct Statusbar { /** Statusbar name */ char *name; /** Bar width */ int width; /** Bar height */ int height; /** Layout txt width */ int txtlayoutwidth; /** Default position */ Position dposition; /** Bar position */ Position position; /** Window */ Window window; /** Screen */ int screen; /** Widget list */ Widget *widgets; /** Drawable */ Drawable drawable; /** Next statusbar */ Statusbar *next; }; typedef struct Client Client; struct Client { /** Client name */ char name[256]; /** Window geometry */ Area geometry; /** Floating window geometry */ Area f_geometry; /** Max window geometry */ Area m_geometry; int basew, baseh, incw, inch, maxw, maxh, minw, minh; int minax, maxax, minay, maxay; int border, oldborder; /** Has urgency hint */ Bool isurgent; /** Store previous floating state before maximizing */ Bool wasfloating; /** True if the window is floating */ Bool isfloating; /** True if the window is fixed */ Bool isfixed; /** True if the window is maximized */ Bool ismax; /** True if the client must be skipped from client list */ Bool skip; /** True if the client must be skipped from task bar client list */ Bool skiptb; /** Next client */ Client *next; /** Previous client */ Client *prev; /** Window of the client */ Window win; /** Client logical screen */ int screen; }; typedef struct FocusList FocusList; struct FocusList { Client *client; FocusList *prev; }; /** Tag type */ typedef struct Tag Tag; struct Tag { /** Tag name */ char *name; /** True if selected */ Bool selected; /** True if was selected before selecting others tags */ Bool was_selected; /** Current tag layout */ Layout *layout; /** Master width factor */ double mwfact; /** Number of master windows */ int nmaster; /** Number of columns in tile layout */ int ncol; /** Next tag */ Tag *next; }; /** TagClientLink type */ typedef struct TagClientLink TagClientLink; struct TagClientLink { Tag *tag; Client *client; TagClientLink *next; }; /** Padding type */ typedef struct { /** Padding at top */ int top; /** Padding at bottom */ int bottom; /** Padding at left */ int left; /** Padding at right */ int right; } Padding; typedef struct { /** Number of pixels to snap windows */ int snap; /** Border size */ int borderpx; /** Transparency of unfocused clients */ int opacity_unfocused; /** Focus move pointer */ Bool focus_move_pointer; /** Allow floats to be lowered on focus change */ Bool allow_lower_floats; /** Respect resize hints */ Bool resize_hints; /** Sloppy focus: focus follow mouse */ Bool sloppy_focus; /** True if new clients should become master */ Bool new_become_master; /** Normal colors */ XColor colors_normal[ColLast]; /** Selected colors */ XColor colors_selected[ColLast]; /** Urgency colors */ XColor colors_urgent[ColLast]; /** Tag list */ Tag *tags; /** Layout list */ Layout *layouts; /** Status bar */ Statusbar *statusbar; /** Padding */ Padding padding; /** Font */ XftFont *font; } VirtScreen; /** Main configuration structure */ struct AwesomeConf { /** Display ref */ Display *display; /** Logical screens */ VirtScreen *screens; /** Rules list */ Rule *rules; /** Keys bindings list */ Key *keys; /** Mouse bindings list */ struct { Button *root; Button *client; } buttons; /** Numlock mask */ unsigned int numlockmask; /** Check for XShape extension */ Bool have_shape; /** Check for XRandR extension */ Bool have_randr; /** Cursors */ Cursor cursor[CurLast]; /** Clients list */ Client *clients; /** Path to config file */ char *configpath; /** Selected clients on this tag */ FocusList *focus; /** Link between tags and clients */ TagClientLink *tclink; }; void config_parse(const char *); #endif // vim: filetype=c:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:encoding=utf-8:textwidth=80