# Awesome DragonRuby ![](./dragonruby-logo.png) [DragonRuby Game Toolkit](http://dragonruby.org/toolkit/game) DragonRuby Game Toolkit is a professional grade 2D game engine. It's tiny (~3.5MB), fast, and cross-platform (including consoles and mobile). The managing members of DragonRuby are Ryan C. Gordon (core contributor of SDL), Amir Rajan (critically acclaimed indie game dev), Aaron Lasseigne (author, presenter, and a powerhouse Ruby developer), and Alex Denisov (LLVM specialist). See [a 5-minute intro to DragonRuby](https://www.youtube.com/embed/DYBRzglsEzU) This list is a categorized community-driven collection of awesome [DragonRuby GTK](https://dragonruby.org/toolkit/game) example apps, libraries, tools, frameworks, software and resources. Sharing, suggestions and contributions are always welcome! ## Contents - [Games](#games) - [Apps](#apps) - [Developer Tools](#developer-tools) - [Libraries, Frameworks and Wrappers](#libraries-frameworks-and-wrappers) - [Documents & Tutorials & Presentations & Videos](#documents--tutorials--presentations--videos) - [Presentations](#presentations) - [Resources](#other-resources) - [Contributing](#contributing) ## Games * [Games made with DragonRuby on itch.io](https://itch.io/games/tag-dragonruby) * [Itch Dragonruby Game Collection maintained by Akzidenz](https://itch.io/c/1043933/dragonruby) ## Apps * [chart-global-temp](https://github.com/jasemagee/chart-global-temp/) - A line chart showing global temperature written using DragonRuby * [dragon-ruby-documenter](https://github.com/ediathome/dragon-ruby-documenter) - This small app dumps a basic DragonRuby documentation to a Markdown file ## Developer Tools * [DragonRuby Game Toolkit](https://dragonruby.itch.io/dragonruby-gtk) ## Libraries, Frameworks and Wrappers * [Zif](https://github.com/danhealy/dragonruby-zif) - A Drop-in Framework for DragonRuby Game Toolkit. * [Draco](https://github.com/guitsaru/draco) - An Entity Component System for DragonRuby GTK * [Smaug](https://smaug.dev/) - Installation and package manager for DragonRuby * [LDtkBridge](https://github.com/LittleB0xes/LDtkBridge) - A bridge between LDtk (level editor) and DragonRuby ## Documents & Tutorials & Presentations & Videos ### Documents * [Ruby for Dragons](https://ejectdrive.com/Ruby_for_Dragons/) - Alternative community supported wiki ### Courses * [DragonRuby Game Toolkit Tutorial](http://dragonruby.school) by WNDX School ### Presentations * [power-overwhelming](https://github.com/amirrajan/power-overwhelming) - A github repo used by Amir Rajan for his presentation at RubyKaigi 2019. ### Videos * [Intro to DragonRuby Game Toolkit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYBRzglsEzU) by Ryan C Gordon ### Written Tutorials * [Roguelike Tutorial](https://github.com/Craggar/dragonruby_tutorials) by [Craggar](https://github.com/Craggar) ## Other Resources ### Game Development * [Open Game Art](https://opengameart.org) ## Community Resources * [DragonRuby Discord](http://discord.dragonruby.org) * [Forum on itch.io](https://dragonruby.itch.io/dragonruby-gtk/community) * [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/dragonruby) ## Contributing Please take a look at the [contribution guidelines and quality standard](./CONTRIBUTING.md) first. Thanks to all [contributors](https://github.com/DragonRuby-community/awesome-dragonruby/graphs/contributors), you're awesome and wouldn't be possible without you! ## License [![CC0](http://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/buttons/88x31/svg/cc-zero.svg)](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)