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synced 2025-01-31 19:57:28 +01:00
433 lines
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433 lines
14 KiB
#ifndef saxgarden_h
#define saxgarden_h
#include <boost/spirit/spirit.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_pass.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <stack>
#include <SAX/XMLReader.h>
#include <SAX/SAXParseException.h>
#include <SAX/SAXNotRecognizedException.h>
#include <SAX/helpers/InputSourceResolver.h>
#include <SAX/helpers/StringAdaptor.h>
#include <SAX/helpers/AttributesImpl.h>
namespace SAX {
class Garden : public basic_XMLReader<std::string>
typedef std::string stringT;
typedef basic_EntityResolver<stringT> EntityResolverT;
typedef basic_DTDHandler<stringT> DTDHandlerT;
typedef basic_ContentHandler<stringT> ContentHandlerT;
typedef basic_InputSource<stringT> InputSourceT;
typedef basic_AttributesImpl<stringT> AttributesImplT;
virtual bool getFeature(const stringT& name) const;
virtual void setFeature(const stringT& name, bool value);
virtual void setEntityResolver(EntityResolverT& resolver) { entityResolver_ = &resolver; }
virtual EntityResolverT* getEntityResolver() const { return entityResolver_; }
virtual void setDTDHandler(DTDHandlerT& handler) { dtdHandler_ = &handler; }
virtual DTDHandlerT* getDTDHandler() const { return dtdHandler_; }
virtual void setContentHandler(ContentHandlerT& handler) { contentHandler_ = &handler; }
virtual ContentHandlerT* getContentHandler() const { return contentHandler_; }
virtual void setErrorHandler(SAX::ErrorHandler& handler) { errorHandler_ = &handler; }
virtual SAX::ErrorHandler* getErrorHandler() const { return errorHandler_; }
virtual void parse(InputSourceT& input);
virtual std::auto_ptr<PropertyBase> doGetProperty(const stringT& name);
virtual void doSetProperty(const stringT& name, std::auto_ptr<PropertyBase> value);
void reportError(const std::string& message, bool fatal = false);
typedef unsigned char char_t;
typedef boost::multi_pass<std::istream_iterator<char_t> > iterator_t;
void openElement(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void closeElement(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void closeEmptyElement(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void endElementName(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void endElement(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void attributeName(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void attributeValue(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void elementContent(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void piTarget(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void piData(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void piEnd(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void entityRef(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void decimalCharacterRef(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void hexCharacterRef(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void characterRef(iterator_t s, iterator_t e, int base);
typedef void(Garden::* xmlp_fn)(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
class binder
binder(Garden* p, xmlp_fn f) : p_(p), fn_(f) { }
void operator()(iterator_t str, iterator_t end) const
(p_->*fn_)(str, end);
} // operator()
Garden* p_;
xmlp_fn fn_;
}; // class binder
// Start grammar definition
spirit::rule<iterator_t> prolog, element, Misc, Reference,
CDSect, CDStart, CData, CDEnd,
PI, PITarget, PIData,
doctypedecl, XMLDecl, SDDecl, VersionInfo, EncodingDecl,
VersionNum, Eq, EmptyElemTag, STag, content, ETag, Attribute,
AttValue, CharData, Comment,
CharRef, EntityRef, EncName, document_,
Name, Comment1, S;
stringT str(iterator_t s, iterator_t e, int trim = 0);
// member variables
EntityResolverT* entityResolver_;
DTDHandlerT* dtdHandler_;
ContentHandlerT* contentHandler_;
ErrorHandler* errorHandler_;
std::stack<stringT> elements_;
AttributesImplT attrs_;
AttributesImplT::Attr currentAttr_;
stringT piTarget_;
stringT piData_;
stringT entityRef_;
std::map<stringT, stringT> declaredEntities_;
std::map<char, int> conversion_;
}; // parser
Garden::Garden() :
// define the parsing rules
typedef spirit::chset<unsigned char> chset_t;
typedef spirit::chlit<unsigned char> chlit_t;
// characters
chset_t Char("\x9\xA\xD\x20-\xFF");
chset_t Sch("\x20\x9\xD\xA");
S = +(Sch);
chset_t Letter("\x41-\x5A\x61-\x7A\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\xFF");
chset_t Digit("0-9");
chlit_t Extender('\xB7');
chset_t NameChar = Letter | Digit | chset_t("._:-") | Extender;
Name = (Letter | '_' | ':') >> *(NameChar);
document_ = prolog >> element >> *Misc;
chset_t CharDataChar (spirit::anychar - (chset_t('<') | chset_t('&')));
CharData = (*(CharDataChar - spirit::str_p("]]>")))[binder(this, &Garden::elementContent)];
// Section 2.5 - Comments
Comment = spirit::str_p("<!--") >> Comment1 >> spirit::str_p("-->");
Comment1 = *((Char - spirit::ch_p('-')) | (spirit::ch_p('-') >> (Char - spirit::ch_p('-'))));
// Section 2.6 - Processing Instructions
PI = spirit::str_p("<?") >> (PITarget)[binder(this, &Garden::piTarget)] >> !S >> (PIData)[binder(this, &Garden::piData)] >> (spirit::str_p("?>"))[binder(this, &Garden::piEnd)];
PITarget = Name - spirit::nocase[(spirit::str_p("xml"))];
PIData = !(!S >> (*(Char - spirit::str_p("?>"))));
// Section 2.7 - CDATA
CDSect = CDStart >> (CData)[binder(this, &Garden::elementContent)] >> CDEnd;
CDStart = spirit::str_p("<![CDATA[");
CData = *(Char - spirit::str_p("]]>"));
CDEnd = spirit::str_p("]]>");
prolog = !XMLDecl >> *Misc >> !(doctypedecl >> *Misc);
XMLDecl = spirit::str_p("<?xml") >> VersionInfo >> !EncodingDecl >> !SDDecl >> !S >> spirit::str_p("?>");
VersionInfo = S >> spirit::str_p("version") >> Eq >> (spirit::ch_p('\'') >> VersionNum >>'\''
| spirit::ch_p('"') >> VersionNum >> '"');
Eq = !S >> '=' >> !S;
chset_t VersionNumCh("A-Za-z0-9_.:-");
VersionNum = +(VersionNumCh);
Misc = Comment | S | PI;
doctypedecl = spirit::str_p("<!DOCTYPE") >> *(Char - (chset_t('[') | '>')) >> !('[' >> *(Char - ']') >> ']') >> '>';
SDDecl = S >> spirit::str_p("standalone") >> Eq >> ((spirit::ch_p('\'') >> (spirit::str_p("yes") | spirit::str_p("no")) >> '\'')
| (spirit::ch_p('"') >> (spirit::str_p("yes") | spirit::str_p("no")) >> '"'));
element = STag >> (EmptyElemTag | (spirit::str_p(">"))[binder(this, &Garden::closeElement)] >> content >> ETag);
STag = '<' >> (Name)[binder(this, &Garden::openElement)] >> *(S >> Attribute) >> !S;
Attribute = (Name)[binder(this, &Garden::attributeName)] >> Eq >> AttValue;
EmptyElemTag = (spirit::str_p("/>"))[binder(this, &Garden::closeEmptyElement)];
ETag = (spirit::str_p("</") >> (Name)[binder(this, &Garden::endElementName)] >> !S >> '>')[binder(this, &Garden::endElement)];
AttValue = '"' >> (*((spirit::anychar - (chset_t('<') | '&' | '"')) | Reference))[binder(this, &Garden::attributeValue)] >> '"'
| '\'' >> (*((spirit::anychar - (chset_t('<') | '&' | '\'')) | Reference))[binder(this, &Garden::attributeValue)] >> '\'';
content = !CharData >> *((element | Reference | CDSect | Comment | PI) >> !CharData);
// Section 4.1 - Character and entity references
CharRef = spirit::str_p("&#") >> (+spirit::digit >> ';')[binder(this, &Garden::decimalCharacterRef)] |
spirit::str_p("&#x") >> (+spirit::xdigit >> ';')[binder(this, &Garden::hexCharacterRef)];
Reference = EntityRef | CharRef;
EntityRef = '&' >> (Name >> spirit::ch_p(';'))[binder(this, &Garden::entityRef)];
EncodingDecl = S >> spirit::str_p("encoding") >> Eq >> (spirit::ch_p('"') >> EncName >> '"' |
spirit::ch_p('\'') >> EncName >> '\'');
chset_t EncNameCh = VersionNumCh - chset_t(':');
EncName = spirit::alpha >> *(EncNameCh);
declaredEntities_.insert(std::make_pair<stringT, stringT>("lt", "<"));
declaredEntities_.insert(std::make_pair<stringT, stringT>("gt", ">"));
declaredEntities_.insert(std::make_pair<stringT, stringT>("amp", "&"));
declaredEntities_.insert(std::make_pair<stringT, stringT>("apos", "'"));
declaredEntities_.insert(std::make_pair<stringT, stringT>("quot", "\""));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('0', 0));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('1', 1));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('2', 2));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('3', 3));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('4', 4));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('5', 5));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('6', 6));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('7', 7));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('8', 8));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('9', 9));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('a', 10));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('b', 11));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('c', 12));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('d', 13));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('e', 14));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('f', 15));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('A', 10));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('B', 11));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('C', 12));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('D', 13));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('E', 14));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('F', 15));
} // XMLparser
// features
bool Garden::getFeature(const stringT& name) const
throw SAXNotRecognizedException(name);
} // getFeature
void Garden::setFeature(const stringT& name, bool value)
throw SAXNotRecognizedException(name);
} // setFeature
// properties
std::auto_ptr<Garden::PropertyBase> Garden::doGetProperty(const stringT& name)
throw SAXNotRecognizedException(name);
} // doGetProperty
void Garden::doSetProperty(const stringT& name, std::auto_ptr<Garden::PropertyBase> value)
throw SAXNotRecognizedException(name);
} // doSetProperty
// parse
void Garden::parse(InputSourceT& input)
InputSourceResolver is(input, default_string_adaptor<stringT>());
if(is.resolve() == 0)
reportError("Could not resolve XML document", true);
} // if(is.resolver() == 0)
// Turn of white space skipping on the stream
iterator_t first = boost::make_multi_pass(std::istream_iterator<char_t>(*is.resolve()));
iterator_t last = boost::make_multi_pass(std::istream_iterator<char_t>());
spirit::match m = document_.parse(first, last);
if(!(m && first == last))
std::cout << input.getSystemId() << " Fails Parsing\n" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i)
std::cout << *first++;
std::cout << std::endl;
} // if ...
} // parse
void Garden::openElement(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
elements_.push(str(s, e));
} // openElement
void Garden::closeElement(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
contentHandler_->startElement("", elements_.top(), "", attrs_);
} // closeElement
void Garden::closeEmptyElement(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
contentHandler_->startElement("", elements_.top(), "", attrs_);
contentHandler_->endElement("", elements_.top(), "");
} // if ...
} // closeEmptyElement
void Garden::endElementName(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
stringT name = str(s, e);
if(name != elements_.top())
reportError("Expect end element " + elements_.top(), true);
} // endElementName
void Garden::endElement(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
contentHandler_->endElement("", elements_.top(), "");
} // endElement
void Garden::attributeName(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
currentAttr_ = AttributesImplT::Attr();
currentAttr_.localName_ = str(s, e);
} // attributeName
void Garden::attributeValue(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
currentAttr_.value_ = str(s, e);
currentAttr_.type_ = "CDATA";
} // attributeValue
void Garden::elementContent(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
if(contentHandler_ && (s != e))
contentHandler_->characters(str(s, e));
} // Garden::elementContent
// processing instructions
void Garden::piTarget(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
piTarget_ = str(s, e);
} // piTarget
void Garden::piData(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
piData_ = str(s, e);
} // piData
void Garden::piEnd(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
contentHandler_->processingInstruction(piTarget_, piData_);
} // piEnd
//entity refs
void Garden::entityRef(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
stringT name(str(s, e, 1));
std::map<stringT, stringT>::iterator ent = declaredEntities_.find(name);
if(ent != declaredEntities_.end())
reportError("Undeclared entity " + name);
} // if ...
} // if ...
} // entityRef
void Garden::decimalCharacterRef(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
characterRef(s, e, 10);
} // decimalCharacterRef
void Garden::hexCharacterRef(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
characterRef(s, e, 16);
} // hexCharacterRef
void Garden::characterRef(iterator_t s, iterator_t e, int base)
int val = 0;
char next = *s;
while(++s != e)
val *= base;
val += conversion_[next];
next = *s;
contentHandler_->characters(stringT(1, val));
} // characterRef
Garden::stringT Garden::str(iterator_t s, iterator_t e, int trim)
stringT str;
std::copy(s, e, std::inserter(str, str.begin()));
str.erase(str.end() - trim);
return str;
} // str
void Garden::reportError(const std::string& message, bool fatal)
SAX::SAXException e(message);
} // reportError
} // namespace SAX