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synced 2025-01-31 19:57:28 +01:00
451 lines
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451 lines
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#include <SAX/ArabicaConfig.h>
#include <boost/spirit.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <stack>
#include <SAX/XMLReader.h>
#include <SAX/SAXParseException.h>
#include <SAX/SAXNotRecognizedException.h>
#include <SAX/helpers/InputSourceResolver.h>
#include <SAX/helpers/StringAdaptor.h>
#include <SAX/helpers/AttributesImpl.h>
namespace SAX {
template<class string_type>
class Garden : public basic_XMLReader<string_type>
typedef string_type stringT;
typedef basic_EntityResolver<stringT> EntityResolverT;
typedef basic_DTDHandler<stringT> DTDHandlerT;
typedef basic_ContentHandler<stringT> ContentHandlerT;
typedef basic_InputSource<stringT> InputSourceT;
typedef basic_AttributesImpl<stringT> AttributesImplT;
typedef typename basic_XMLReader<stringT>::PropertyBase PropertyBase;
virtual bool getFeature(const stringT& name) const;
virtual void setFeature(const stringT& name, bool value);
virtual void setEntityResolver(EntityResolverT& resolver) { entityResolver_ = &resolver; }
virtual EntityResolverT* getEntityResolver() const { return entityResolver_; }
virtual void setDTDHandler(DTDHandlerT& handler) { dtdHandler_ = &handler; }
virtual DTDHandlerT* getDTDHandler() const { return dtdHandler_; }
virtual void setContentHandler(ContentHandlerT& handler) { contentHandler_ = &handler; }
virtual ContentHandlerT* getContentHandler() const { return contentHandler_; }
virtual void setErrorHandler(SAX::ErrorHandler& handler) { errorHandler_ = &handler; }
virtual SAX::ErrorHandler* getErrorHandler() const { return errorHandler_; }
virtual void parse(InputSourceT& input);
virtual std::auto_ptr<PropertyBase> doGetProperty(const stringT& name);
virtual void doSetProperty(const stringT& name, std::auto_ptr<PropertyBase> value);
void reportError(const std::string& message, bool fatal = false);
typedef typename stringT::value_type char_t;
typedef std::vector<char_t> vector_t;
typedef typename vector_t::iterator iterator_t;
typedef boost::spirit::scanner<iterator_t> scanner_t;
typedef boost::spirit::rule<scanner_t> rule_t;
void openElement(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void closeElement(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void closeEmptyElement(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void endElementName(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void endElement(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void attributeName(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void attributeValue(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void elementContent(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void piTarget(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void piData(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void piEnd(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void entityRef(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void decimalCharacterRef(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void hexCharacterRef(iterator_t s, iterator_t e);
void characterRef(iterator_t s, iterator_t e, int base);
// Start grammar definition
rule_t prolog, element, Misc, Reference,
CDSect, CDStart, CData, CDEnd,
PI, PITarget, PIData,
doctypedecl, XMLDecl, SDDecl, VersionInfo, EncodingDecl,
VersionNum, Eq, EmptyElemTag, STag, content, ETag, Attribute,
AttValue, CharData, Comment,
CharRef, EntityRef, EncName, document_,
Name, Comment1, Spaces;
stringT str(iterator_t s, iterator_t e, int trim = 0);
// member variables
EntityResolverT* entityResolver_;
DTDHandlerT* dtdHandler_;
ContentHandlerT* contentHandler_;
ErrorHandler* errorHandler_;
std::stack<stringT> elements_;
AttributesImplT attrs_;
typedef typename AttributesImplT::Attr Attr;
Attr currentAttr_;
stringT piTarget_;
stringT piData_;
stringT entityRef_;
std::map<stringT, stringT> declaredEntities_;
std::map<char, int> conversion_;
}; // parser
template<class string_type>
Garden<string_type>::Garden() :
// define the parsing rules
typedef boost::spirit::chset<char_t> chset_t;
typedef boost::spirit::chlit<char_t> chlit_t;
// characters
chset_t Char("\x9\xA\xD\x20-\xFF");
chset_t SpaceChar("\x20\x9\xD\xA");
Spaces = +(SpaceChar);
chset_t Letter("\x41-\x5A\x61-\x7A\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\xFF");
chset_t Digit("0-9");
chlit_t Extender('\xB7');
chset_t NameChar = Letter | Digit | chset_t("._:-") | Extender;
Name = (Letter | '_' | ':') >> *(NameChar);
document_ = prolog >> element >> *Misc;
chset_t CharDataChar (boost::spirit::anychar_p - (chset_t('<') | chset_t('&')));
CharData = (*(CharDataChar - boost::spirit::str_p("]]>")))[boost::bind(&Garden<string_type>::elementContent, this, _1, _2)];
// Section 2.5 - Comments
Comment = boost::spirit::str_p("<!--") >> Comment1 >> boost::spirit::str_p("-->");
Comment1 = *((Char - boost::spirit::ch_p('-')) | (boost::spirit::ch_p('-') >> (Char - boost::spirit::ch_p('-'))));
// Section 2.6 - Processing Instructions
PI = boost::spirit::str_p("<?") >> (PITarget)[boost::bind(&Garden<string_type>::piTarget, this, _1, _2)] >> !Spaces >> (PIData)[boost::bind(&Garden<string_type>::piData, this, _1, _2)] >> (boost::spirit::str_p("?>"))[boost::bind(&Garden<string_type>::piEnd, this, _1, _2)];
PITarget = Name - boost::spirit::as_lower_d[boost::spirit::str_p("xml")];
PIData = !(!Spaces >> (*(Char - boost::spirit::str_p("?>"))));
// Section 2.7 - CDATA
CDSect = CDStart >> (CData)[boost::bind(&Garden<string_type>::elementContent, this, _1, _2)] >> CDEnd;
CDStart = boost::spirit::str_p("<![CDATA[");
CData = *(Char - boost::spirit::str_p("]]>"));
CDEnd = boost::spirit::str_p("]]>");
// bits before the root elemenet
prolog = !XMLDecl >> *Misc >> !(doctypedecl >> *Misc);
XMLDecl = boost::spirit::str_p("<?xml") >> VersionInfo >> !EncodingDecl >> !SDDecl >> !Spaces >> boost::spirit::str_p("?>");
VersionInfo = Spaces >> boost::spirit::str_p("version") >> Eq >> (boost::spirit::ch_p('\'') >> VersionNum >>'\''
| boost::spirit::ch_p('"') >> VersionNum >> '"');
chset_t VersionNumCh("A-Za-z0-9_.:-");
VersionNum = +(VersionNumCh);
doctypedecl = boost::spirit::str_p("<!DOCTYPE") >> *(Char - (chset_t('[') | '>')) >> !('[' >> *(Char - ']') >> ']') >> '>';
SDDecl = Spaces >> boost::spirit::str_p("standalone") >> Eq >> ((boost::spirit::ch_p('\'') >> (boost::spirit::str_p("yes") | boost::spirit::str_p("no")) >> '\'')
| (boost::spirit::ch_p('"') >> (boost::spirit::str_p("yes") | boost::spirit::str_p("no")) >> '"'));
// odd bits
Eq = !Spaces >> '=' >> !Spaces;
Misc = Comment | Spaces | PI;
// Elements
element = STag >> (EmptyElemTag | (boost::spirit::str_p(">"))[boost::bind(&Garden<string_type>::closeElement, this, _1, _2)] >> content >> ETag);
STag = '<' >> (Name)[boost::bind(&Garden<string_type>::openElement, this, _1, _2)] >> *(Spaces >> Attribute) >> !Spaces;
Attribute = (Name)[boost::bind(&Garden<string_type>::attributeName, this, _1, _2)] >> Eq >> AttValue;
EmptyElemTag = (boost::spirit::str_p("/>"))[boost::bind(&Garden<string_type>::closeEmptyElement, this, _1, _2)];
ETag = (boost::spirit::str_p("</") >> (Name)[boost::bind(&Garden<string_type>::endElementName, this, _1, _2)] >> !Spaces >> '>')[boost::bind(&Garden<string_type>::endElement, this, _1, _2)];
AttValue = '"' >> (*((boost::spirit::anychar_p - (chset_t('<') | '&' | '"')) | Reference))[boost::bind(&Garden<string_type>::attributeValue, this, _1, _2)] >> '"'
| '\'' >> (*((boost::spirit::anychar_p - (chset_t('<') | '&' | '\'')) | Reference))[boost::bind(&Garden<string_type>::attributeValue, this, _1, _2)] >> '\'';
content = !CharData >> *((element | Reference | CDSect | Comment | PI) >> !CharData);
// Section 4.1 - Character and entity references
CharRef = boost::spirit::str_p("&#") >> (+boost::spirit::digit_p >> ';')[boost::bind(&Garden<string_type>::decimalCharacterRef, this, _1, _2)] |
boost::spirit::str_p("&#x") >> (+boost::spirit::xdigit_p >> ';')[boost::bind(&Garden<string_type>::hexCharacterRef, this, _1, _2)];
Reference = EntityRef | CharRef;
EntityRef = '&' >> (Name >> boost::spirit::ch_p(';'))[boost::bind(&Garden<string_type>::entityRef, this, _1, _2)];
EncodingDecl = Spaces >> boost::spirit::str_p("encoding") >> Eq >> (boost::spirit::ch_p('"') >> EncName >> '"' |
boost::spirit::ch_p('\'') >> EncName >> '\'');
chset_t EncNameCh = VersionNumCh - chset_t(':');
EncName = boost::spirit::alpha_p >> *(EncNameCh);
declaredEntities_.insert(std::make_pair<stringT, stringT>("lt", "<"));
declaredEntities_.insert(std::make_pair<stringT, stringT>("gt", ">"));
declaredEntities_.insert(std::make_pair<stringT, stringT>("amp", "&"));
declaredEntities_.insert(std::make_pair<stringT, stringT>("apos", "'"));
declaredEntities_.insert(std::make_pair<stringT, stringT>("quot", "\""));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('0', 0));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('1', 1));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('2', 2));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('3', 3));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('4', 4));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('5', 5));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('6', 6));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('7', 7));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('8', 8));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('9', 9));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('a', 10));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('b', 11));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('c', 12));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('d', 13));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('e', 14));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('f', 15));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('A', 10));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('B', 11));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('C', 12));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('D', 13));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('E', 14));
conversion_.insert(std::make_pair('F', 15));
} // XMLparser
// features
template<class string_type>
bool Garden<string_type>::getFeature(const stringT& name) const
throw SAXNotRecognizedException(name);
} // getFeature
template<class string_type>
void Garden<string_type>::setFeature(const stringT& name, bool value)
throw SAXNotRecognizedException(name);
} // setFeature
// properties
template<class string_type>
std::auto_ptr<typename Garden<string_type>::PropertyBase> Garden<string_type>::doGetProperty(const stringT& name)
throw SAXNotRecognizedException(name);
} // doGetProperty
template<class string_type>
void Garden<string_type>::doSetProperty(const stringT& name, std::auto_ptr<Garden<string_type>::PropertyBase> value)
throw SAXNotRecognizedException(name);
} // doSetProperty
// parse
template<class string_type>
void Garden<string_type>::parse(InputSourceT& input)
InputSourceResolver is(input, default_string_adaptor<stringT>());
if(is.resolve() == 0)
reportError("Could not resolve XML document", true);
} // if(is.resolver() == 0)
// Turn of white space skipping on the stream
vector_t data(std::istream_iterator<char_t>(*is.resolve()), std::istream_iterator<char_t>());
iterator_t first = data.begin();
iterator_t last = data.end();
scanner_t scanner(first, last);
rule_t rool = boost::spirit::real_p;
typename rule_t::result_t r = document_.parse(scanner);
if(!(r && first == last))
std::cout << input.getSystemId() << " Fails Parsing\n" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i)
std::cout << *first++;
std::cout << std::endl;
} // if ...
} // parse
template<class string_type>
void Garden<string_type>::openElement(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
elements_.push(str(s, e));
} // openElement
template<class string_type>
void Garden<string_type>::closeElement(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
contentHandler_->startElement("", elements_.top(), "", attrs_);
} // closeElement
template<class string_type>
void Garden<string_type>::closeEmptyElement(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
contentHandler_->startElement("", elements_.top(), "", attrs_);
contentHandler_->endElement("", elements_.top(), "");
} // if ...
} // closeEmptyElement
template<class string_type>
void Garden<string_type>::endElementName(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
stringT name = str(s, e);
if(name != elements_.top())
reportError("Expect end element " + elements_.top(), true);
} // endElementName
template<class string_type>
void Garden<string_type>::endElement(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
contentHandler_->endElement("", elements_.top(), "");
} // endElement
template<class string_type>
void Garden<string_type>::attributeName(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
currentAttr_ = AttributesImplT::Attr();
currentAttr_.localName_ = str(s, e);
} // attributeName
template<class string_type>
void Garden<string_type>::attributeValue(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
currentAttr_.value_ = str(s, e);
currentAttr_.type_ = "CDATA";
} // attributeValue
template<class string_type>
void Garden<string_type>::elementContent(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
if(contentHandler_ && (s != e))
contentHandler_->characters(str(s, e));
} // Garden<string_type>::elementContent
// processing instructions
template<class string_type>
void Garden<string_type>::piTarget(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
piTarget_ = str(s, e);
} // piTarget
template<class string_type>
void Garden<string_type>::piData(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
piData_ = str(s, e);
} // piData
template<class string_type>
void Garden<string_type>::piEnd(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
contentHandler_->processingInstruction(piTarget_, piData_);
} // piEnd
//entity refs
template<class string_type>
void Garden<string_type>::entityRef(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
stringT name(str(s, e, 1));
std::map<stringT, stringT>::iterator ent = declaredEntities_.find(name);
if(ent != declaredEntities_.end())
reportError("Undeclared entity " + name);
} // if ...
} // if ...
} // entityRef
template<class string_type>
void Garden<string_type>::decimalCharacterRef(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
characterRef(s, e, 10);
} // decimalCharacterRef
template<class string_type>
void Garden<string_type>::hexCharacterRef(iterator_t s, iterator_t e)
characterRef(s, e, 16);
} // hexCharacterRef
template<class string_type>
void Garden<string_type>::characterRef(iterator_t s, iterator_t e, int base)
int val = 0;
char next = *s;
while(++s != e)
val *= base;
val += conversion_[next];
next = *s;
contentHandler_->characters(stringT(1, val));
} // characterRef
template<class string_type>
Garden<string_type>::stringT Garden<string_type>::str(iterator_t s, iterator_t e, int trim)
stringT str;
std::copy(s, e, std::inserter(str, str.begin()));
str.erase(str.end() - trim);
return str;
} // str
template<class string_type>
void Garden<string_type>::reportError(const std::string& message, bool fatal)
SAX::basic_SAXParseException<stringT> e(message);
} // reportError
} // namespace SAX