#################################### # Arabica Makefile # # I wrote this for GNU Make + GNU tools on Linux. # You may have to jiggle it for your own environment. # Platforms specific build files gratefully received # at jez@jezuk.co.uk Thanks :) # # $Id$ #################################### -include ../Makefile.header ###################################### # ADDITIONAL BUILD FLAGS CXXFLAGS += -I.. LDFLAGS += $(LINK_SHARED) INC_DIRS += LIBS_DIRS += STATIC_LIBS += DYNAMIC_LIBS += ###################################### # SOURCE FILES SRCS = saxlib.cpp \ helpers/InputSourceResolver.cpp \ ../Utils/rot13codecvt.cpp \ ../Utils/utf8ucs2codecvt.cpp \ ../Utils/impl/ucs2_utf8.cpp \ ../Utils/utf16beucs2codecvt.cpp \ ../Utils/utf16leucs2codecvt.cpp \ ../Utils/impl/ucs2_utf16.cpp \ ../Utils/iso88591utf8codecvt.cpp \ ../Utils/utf8iso88591codecvt.cpp \ ../Utils/impl/iso88591_utf8.cpp \ ../Utils/utf16utf8codecvt.cpp \ ../Utils/ucs2utf8codecvt.cpp \ ../Utils/base64codecvt.cpp \ ../XML/XMLCharacterClasses.cpp HDRS = $(patsubst %.c,%.h,$(patsubst %.cpp,%.h,$(SRCS))) OBJS = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(SRCS))) ########################## # High level rules all : libArabica$(LIBSUFFIX) libArabica$(LIBSUFFIX) : $(OBJS) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o libArabica$(LIBSUFFIX) $(OBJS) $(LIBS_DIRS) $(STATIC_LIBS) $(DYNAMIC_LIBS) $(COPY) libArabica$(LIBSUFFIX) ../bin ###################### # Compile rules #### # the .S files depends on symbols defined in this Makefile, hence # this slightly wacky rule saxlib.cpp : ParserConfig.h ArabicaConfig.h $(CPP) $(PARSER_CONFIG) -o saxlib.cpp saxlib.S ParserConfig.h : Makefile ../Makefile.header $(CPP) $(PARSER_CONFIG) -o ParserConfig.h ParserConfig.S ArabicaConfig.h : Makefile ../Makefile.header $(CPP) $(PARSER_CONFIG) -o ArabicaConfig.h ArabicaConfig.S %.cpp : ArabicaConfig.h ParserConfig.h Makefile : -include ../Makefile.rules ############################################# # Cleaning up clean : $(REMOVE) wrappers/*.o $(OBJS) libArabica* ../bin/libArabica* saxlib.cpp ParserConfig.h ArabicaConfig.h # End of File