#ifndef ARABICA_XSLT_INCLUDE_HANDLER_HPP #define ARABICA_XSLT_INCLUDE_HANDLER_HPP #include #include "xslt_constants.hpp" #include "xslt_value_validation.hpp" namespace Arabica { namespace XSLT { class IncludeHandler : public SAX::DefaultHandler { public: IncludeHandler() : context_(0), compiler_(0), no_content_(false) { } // IncludeHandler void context(CompilationContext& context, SAX::DefaultHandler* compiler) { context_ = &context; compiler_ = compiler; } // context void start_include(const std::string& namespaceURI, const std::string& localName, const std::string& qName, const SAX::Attributes& atts) { context_->parser().setContentHandler(*this); startElement(namespaceURI, localName, qName, atts); } // start_include virtual void startDocument() { context_->parentHandler().startDocument(); } // startDocument virtual void startElement(const std::string& namespaceURI, const std::string& localName, const std::string& qName, const SAX::Attributes& atts) { if(no_content_) throw SAX::SAXException("xsl:include must be empty"); bool start_pass_through = false; if(namespaceURI == StylesheetConstant::NamespaceURI()) { if(localName == "import") { std::string href = validate_href(qName, atts); import_stack_.push_back(href, context_->next_precedence()); return; } // if(localName == "import") if(localName == "include") { href_.push_back(validate_href(qName, atts)); return; } // if(localName == "include") } // if ... context_->parentHandler().startElement(namespaceURI, localName, qName, atts); } // startElement virtual void startPrefixMapping(const std::string& prefix, const std::string& uri) { context_->parentHandler().startPrefixMapping(prefix, uri); } // startPrefixMapping virtual void endElement(const std::string& namespaceURI, const std::string& localName, const std::string& qName) { if(no_content_ && (namespaceURI == StylesheetConstant::NamespaceURI())) { no_content_ = false; if(localName == "include") { include_stylesheet(href_.back(), context_->precedence()); href_.pop_back(); } // if ... if(href_.empty()) context_->parser().setContentHandler(*compiler_); return; } // if ... context_->parentHandler().endElement(namespaceURI, localName, qName); } // endElement virtual void characters(const std::string& ch) { if(no_content_) throw SAX::SAXException("xsl:include/xsl:import must be empty"); context_->parentHandler().characters(ch); } // characters void unwind_imports() { while(!import_stack_.empty()) { include_stylesheet(import_stack_.current().first, import_stack_.current().second); import_stack_.pop(); } // while ... } // unwind_imports private: std::string validate_href(const std::string& qName, const SAX::Attributes& atts) { static const ValueRule rules[] = { { "href", true, 0 }, { 0, false, 0 } }; std::string href = gatherAttributes(qName, atts, rules)["href"]; no_content_ = true; return context_->makeAbsolute(href); } // validate_href void check_for_loops(const std::string& href) { if(std::find(current_includes_.begin(), current_includes_.end(), href) != current_includes_.end()) { std::string error = "Stylesheet '" + href + "' includes/imports itself "; for(std::vector::const_iterator i = current_includes_.begin(), ie = current_includes_.end(); i != ie; ++i) error += "\n " + *i; throw std::runtime_error(error); } // if ... } // check_for_loops void include_stylesheet(const std::string& href, const Precedence& precedence) { check_for_loops(href); current_includes_.push_back(href); std::string prev = context_->setBase(href); context_->set_precedence(precedence); SAX::InputSource source(href); SAX::XMLReader include_parser; SAX::CatchErrorHandler errorHandler; include_parser.setContentHandler(*this); include_parser.setErrorHandler(errorHandler); include_parser.parse(source); context_->setBase(prev); if(errorHandler.errorsReported()) throw std::runtime_error("Could not import/include stylesheet '" + href + "' - " + errorHandler.errors()); current_includes_.pop_back(); } // include_stylesheet SAX::DefaultHandler* compiler_; CompilationContext* context_; bool no_content_; class ImportStack { public: typedef std::pair ImportHref; ImportStack() { } void push_back(const std::string href, const Precedence& precedence) { stack_.push_back(std::make_pair(href, precedence)); } // push_back bool empty() const { return stack_.empty(); } const ImportHref& current() const { most_recent_ = stack_.size() - 1; return stack_[most_recent_]; } // current void pop() { stack_.erase(stack_.begin() + most_recent_); } // pop private: std::vector stack_; mutable size_t most_recent_; }; // class ImportStack ImportStack import_stack_; std::vector current_includes_; std::vector href_; }; // class IncludeHandler } // namespace XSLT } // namespace Arabica #endif