#ifndef ARABICA_XSLT_STYLESHEETCONSTANT_HPP #define ARABICA_XSLT_STYLESHEETCONSTANT_HPP #include #include #include #include "xslt_stylesheet_parser.hpp" #include "xslt_stylesheet.hpp" #include "xslt_compilation_context.hpp" #include "xslt_functions.hpp" #include "handler/xslt_template_handler.hpp" #include "handler/xslt_include_handler.hpp" #include "handler/xslt_output_handler.hpp" #include "handler/xslt_namespace_alias_handler.hpp" namespace Arabica { namespace XSLT { class StylesheetHandler : public SAX::DefaultHandler { public: StylesheetHandler(CompilationContext& context) : context_(context), top_(false) { context_.root(*this); includer_.context(context_, this); } // StylesheetHandler virtual void startDocument() { top_ = true; } // startDocument virtual void startElement(const std::string& namespaceURI, const std::string& localName, const std::string& qName, const SAX::Attributes& atts) { if(top_) { if(namespaceURI != StylesheetConstant::NamespaceURI()) throw SAX::SAXException("The source file does not look like a stylesheet."); if(localName != "stylesheet" && localName != "transform") throw SAX::SAXException("Top-level element must be 'stylesheet' or 'transform'."); if(atts.getValue("version") == "") throw SAX::SAXException("stylesheet element must have a version attribute."); if(atts.getValue("version") != StylesheetConstant::Version()) throw SAX::SAXException("I'm only a poor version 1.0 XSLT Transformer."); top_ = false; return; } // if(top_) if(namespaceURI == StylesheetConstant::NamespaceURI()) { if((localName == "import") || (localName == "include")) { include_stylesheet(namespaceURI, localName, qName, atts); return; } // if ... for(const ChildElement* c = allowedChildren; c->name != 0; ++c) if(c->name == localName) { context_.push(0, c->createHandler(context_), namespaceURI, qName, localName, atts); return; } // if ... } // if ... throw SAX::SAXException("xsl:stylesheet does not allow " + qName + " here."); } // startElement virtual void endElement(const std::string& namespaceURI, const std::string& localName, const std::string& qName) { } // endElement virtual void characters(const std::string& ch) { for(std::string::const_iterator s = ch.begin(), e = ch.end(); s != e; ++s) if(!Arabica::XML::is_space(*s)) throw SAX::SAXException("stylesheet element can not contain character data :'" + ch +"'"); } // characters virtual void endDocument() { includer_.unwind_imports(); context_.stylesheet().prepare(); } // endDocument private: void include_stylesheet(const std::string& namespaceURI, const std::string& localName, const std::string& qName, const SAX::Attributes& atts) { includer_.start_include(namespaceURI, localName, qName, atts); } // include_stylesheet CompilationContext& context_; SAX::DefaultHandler* child_; IncludeHandler includer_; bool top_; static const ChildElement allowedChildren[]; }; // class StylesheetHandler const ChildElement StylesheetHandler::allowedChildren[] = { { "attribute-set", CreateHandler}, { "decimal-format", CreateHandler}, //"import" //"include" { "key", CreateHandler}, { "namespace-alias", CreateHandler}, { "output", CreateHandler}, { "param", CreateHandler >}, { "preserve-space", CreateHandler}, { "strip-space", CreateHandler}, { "template", CreateHandler }, { "variable", CreateHandler > }, { 0, 0 } }; // StylesheetHandler::allowedChildren class StylesheetCompiler : private Arabica::XPath::FunctionResolver, private Arabica::XPath::NamespaceContext > { public: StylesheetCompiler() { } // StylesheetCompiler ~StylesheetCompiler() { } // ~StylesheetCompiler std::auto_ptr compile(SAX::InputSource& source) { error_ = ""; Arabica::XPath::XPath xpathCompiler; xpathCompiler.setNamespaceContext(*this); xpathCompiler.setFunctionResolver(*this); std::auto_ptr stylesheet(new Stylesheet()); CompilationContext context(parser_, xpathCompiler, *stylesheet.get()); StylesheetHandler stylesheetHandler(context); parser_.setContentHandler(stylesheetHandler); //parser_.setErrorHandler(*this); //if(entityResolver_) // parser_.setEntityResolver(*entityResolver_); try { parser_.parse(source); } // try catch(std::exception& ex) { error_ = ex.what(); //std::cerr << "Compilation Failed : " << ex.what() << std::endl; stylesheet.reset(); } // catch return stylesheet; } // compile const std::string& error() const { return error_; } // error private: virtual void fatalError(const SAX::SAXException& exception) { std::cerr << "Error: " << exception.what() << std::endl; stylesheet_.reset(); } // fatalError // FunctionResolver virtual Arabica::XPath::XPathFunction* resolveFunction( const std::string& namespace_uri, const std::string& name, const std::vector >& argExprs) const { if(!namespace_uri.empty()) return 0; // document if(name == "document") return new DocumentFunction(parser_.currentBase(), argExprs); // key // format-number if(name == "current") return new CurrentFunction(argExprs); // unparsed-entity-uri // generate-id if(name == "system-property") return new SystemPropertyFunction(argExprs); return 0; } // resolveFunction // NamespaceContext virtual std::string namespaceURI(const std::string& prefix) const { return parser_.namespaceURI(prefix); } // namespaceURI StylesheetParser parser_; std::auto_ptr stylesheet_; std::string error_; }; // class StylesheetCompiler } // namespace XSLT } // namespace Arabica #endif // ARABICA_XSLT_STYLESHEETCOMPILER_HPP