#ifndef ARABICA_XPATHIC_XPATH_STEP_H #define ARABICA_XPATHIC_XPATH_STEP_H #include #include #include "xpath_object.hpp" #include "xpath_value.hpp" #include "xpath_axis_enumerator.hpp" #include "xpath_node_test.hpp" #include "xpath_ast.hpp" #include "xpath_ast_ids.hpp" #include "xpath_namespace_context.hpp" #include "xpath_compile_context.hpp" namespace Arabica { namespace XPath { class StepExpression : public XPathExpression { public: StepExpression() { } StepExpression(const std::vector *>& predicates) : predicates_(predicates) { } virtual ~StepExpression() { for(std::vector*>::iterator p = predicates_.begin(), e = predicates_.end(); p != e; ++p) delete *p; } // ~StepExpression virtual XPathValuePtr evaluate(const DOM::Node& context, const ExecutionContext& executionContext) const = 0; virtual XPathValuePtr evaluate(NodeSet& context, const ExecutionContext& executionContext) const = 0; bool has_predicates() const { return !predicates_.empty(); } protected: NodeSet applyPredicates(NodeSet& nodes, const ExecutionContext& parentContext) const { for(std::vector*>::const_iterator p = predicates_.begin(), e = predicates_.end(); (p != e) && (!nodes.empty()); ++p) nodes = applyPredicate(nodes, *p, parentContext); return nodes; } // applyPredicates private: NodeSet applyPredicate(NodeSet& nodes, XPathExpression* predicate, const ExecutionContext& parentContext) const { ExecutionContext executionContext(nodes.size(), parentContext); NodeSet results(nodes.forward()); unsigned int position = 1; for(NodeSet::iterator i = nodes.begin(); i != nodes.end(); ++i, ++position) { executionContext.setPosition(position); XPathValuePtr v = predicate->evaluate(*i, executionContext); if((v->type() == NUMBER) && (position != v->asNumber())) continue; if(v->asBool() == false) continue; results.push_back(*i); } // for ... return results; } // applyPredicate std::vector*> predicates_; }; // StepExpression class TestStepExpression : public StepExpression { public: TestStepExpression(Axis axis, NodeTest* test) : StepExpression(), axis_(axis), test_(test) { } // TestStepExpression TestStepExpression(Axis axis, NodeTest* test, const std::vector*>& predicates) : StepExpression(predicates), axis_(axis), test_(test) { } // TestStepExpression virtual ~TestStepExpression() { delete test_; } // StepExpression virtual XPathValuePtr evaluate(const DOM::Node& context, const ExecutionContext& executionContext) const { NodeSet nodes; enumerateOver(context, nodes, executionContext); return XPathValuePtr(new NodeSetValue(nodes)); } // evaluate virtual XPathValuePtr evaluate(NodeSet& context, const ExecutionContext& executionContext) const { NodeSet nodes; for(NodeSet::iterator n = context.begin(); n != context.end(); ++n) enumerateOver(*n, nodes, executionContext); return XPathValuePtr(new NodeSetValue(nodes)); } // evaluate private: void enumerateOver(const DOM::Node& context, NodeSet& results, const ExecutionContext& parentContext) const { AxisEnumerator enumerator(context, axis_); NodeSet intermediate(enumerator.forward()); NodeSet& d = (!has_predicates()) ? results : intermediate; while(*enumerator != 0) { // if test DOM::Node node = *enumerator; if((*test_)(node)) d.push_back(node); ++enumerator; } // while ... if(!has_predicates()) { results.forward(enumerator.forward()); return; } // if ... intermediate = applyPredicates(intermediate, parentContext); results.swap(intermediate); } // enumerateOver Axis axis_; NodeTest* test_; }; // class TestStepExpression class ExprStepExpression : public StepExpression { public: ExprStepExpression(XPathExpression* expr, const std::vector*>& predicates) : StepExpression(predicates), expr_(expr) { } // ExprStepExpression virtual ~ExprStepExpression() { delete expr_; } // ExprStepExpression virtual XPathValuePtr evaluate(const DOM::Node& context, const ExecutionContext& executionContext) const { if(!has_predicates()) return expr_->evaluate(context, executionContext); NodeSet ns = expr_->evaluate(context, executionContext)->asNodeSet(); return XPathValuePtr(new NodeSetValue(applyPredicates(ns, executionContext))); } // evaluate virtual XPathValuePtr evaluate(NodeSet& context, const ExecutionContext& executionContext) const { DOM::Node c = context.top(); return evaluate(c, executionContext); } // evaluate private: XPathExpression* expr_; std::vector predicates_; }; // class ExprStepExpression class StepFactory { public: static StepExpression* createStep(node_iter_t& node, node_iter_t const& end, CompilationContext& context) { Axis axis = getAxis(node); NodeTest* test = getTest(node, context.namespaceContext()); XPathExpression* thing = 0; if(!test) thing = compile_expression(node++, context); std::vector*> preds; while((node != end) && (getNodeId(node) == impl::Predicate_id)) { node_iter_t c = node->children.begin(); assert(getNodeId(c) == impl::LeftSquare_id); ++c; preds.push_back(compile_expression(c, context)); ++c; assert(getNodeId(c) == impl::RightSquare_id); ++node; } // if ... if(!test) return new ExprStepExpression(thing, preds); return new TestStepExpression(axis, test, preds); } // createStep static StepExpression* createStep(node_iter_t& node, CompilationContext& context) { Axis axis = getAxis(node); NodeTest* test = getTest(node, context.namespaceContext()); return new TestStepExpression(axis, test); } // createStep private: static Axis getAxis(node_iter_t& node) { long id = getNodeId(node); switch(id) { case impl::Slash_id: case impl::SelfSelect_id: return SELF; // don't advance node, SelfSelect is axis specifier and node test in one case impl::ParentSelect_id: return PARENT; case impl::SlashSlash_id: return DESCENDANT_OR_SELF; case impl::AbbreviatedAxisSpecifier_id: ++node; return ATTRIBUTE; case impl::AxisSpecifier_id: // skip on to the next bit break; default: return CHILD; } // switch(id) node_iter_t axis_node = node->children.begin(); long axis = getNodeId(skipWhitespace(axis_node)); ++node; switch(axis) { case impl::AncestorOrSelf_id: return ANCESTOR_OR_SELF; case impl::Ancestor_id: return ANCESTOR; case impl::AbbreviatedAxisSpecifier_id: case impl::Attribute_id: return ATTRIBUTE; case impl::Child_id: return CHILD; case impl::DescendantOrSelf_id: return DESCENDANT_OR_SELF; case impl::Descendant_id: return DESCENDANT; case impl::FollowingSibling_id: return FOLLOWING_SIBLING; case impl::Following_id: return FOLLOWING; case impl::Namespace_id: return NAMESPACE; case impl::Parent_id: return PARENT; case impl::PrecedingSibling_id: return PRECEDING_SIBLING; case impl::Preceding_id: return PRECEDING; case impl::Self_id: return SELF; } // switch ... assert(false); return CHILD; } // getAxis static NodeTest* getTest(node_iter_t& node, const NamespaceContext& namespaceContext) { long id = getNodeId(skipWhitespace(node)); switch(id) { case impl::NodeTest_id: { node_iter_t c = node->children.begin(); NodeTest* t = getTest(c, namespaceContext); ++node; return t; } // case NodeTest_id case impl::QName_id: { node_iter_t c = node->children.begin(); std::string prefix(c->value.begin(), c->value.end()); std::string uri = namespaceContext.namespaceURI(prefix); ++c; std::string name(c->value.begin(), c->value.end()); ++node; return new QNameNodeTest(uri, name); } //case QName_id case impl::NCName_id: { std::string name(node->value.begin(), node->value.end()); ++node; return new NameNodeTest(name); } // case NameNodeTest case impl::Comment_id: { ++node; return new CommentNodeTest(); } // case CommentTest_id case impl::Text_id: { ++node; return new TextNodeTest(); } // case Text_id case impl::ProcessingInstruction_id: { ++node; if(getNodeId(node) != impl::Literal_id) // not sure if this is always safe return new ProcessingInstructionNodeTest(); std::string target(node->value.begin(), node->value.end()); ++node; return new ProcessingInstructionNodeTest(target); } // case ProcessingInstruction_id case impl::SlashSlash_id: case impl::Node_id: { ++node; return new AnyNodeTest(); } // case Node_id case impl::Slash_id: return new RootNodeTest(); case impl::AnyName_id: case impl::SelfSelect_id: case impl::ParentSelect_id: { ++node; return new StarNodeTest(); } // case AnyName_id: case impl::NameTest_id: { node_iter_t prefixNode = node->children.begin(); ++node; std::string prefix(prefixNode->value.begin(), prefixNode->value.end()); std::string uri = namespaceContext.namespaceURI(prefix); return new QStarNodeTest(uri); } // case } // switch(id) return 0; } // getTest StepFactory(); }; // class StepFactory class RelativeLocationPath : public XPathExpression { public: typedef std::vector StepList; public: RelativeLocationPath(StepExpression* step) : steps_() { steps_.push_back(step); } RelativeLocationPath(const StepList& steps) : steps_(steps) { } virtual ~RelativeLocationPath() { for(StepList::const_iterator i = steps_.begin(); i != steps_.end(); ++i) delete *i; } // ~LocationPath virtual XPathValuePtr evaluate(const DOM::Node& context, const ExecutionContext& executionContext) const { NodeSet nodes; nodes.push_back(context); for(StepList::const_iterator i = steps_.begin(); i != steps_.end(); ++i) { XPathValuePtr v = (*i)->evaluate(nodes, executionContext); nodes = v->asNodeSet(); } // for ... return XPathValuePtr(new NodeSetValue(nodes)); } // do_evaluate private: StepList steps_; }; // LocationPath class AbsoluteLocationPath : public RelativeLocationPath { public: AbsoluteLocationPath(StepExpression* step) : RelativeLocationPath(step) { } AbsoluteLocationPath(const RelativeLocationPath::StepList& steps) : RelativeLocationPath(steps) { } virtual XPathValuePtr evaluate(const DOM::Node& context, const ExecutionContext& executionContext) const { int type = context.getNodeType(); if((type == DOM::Node::DOCUMENT_NODE) || (type == DOM::Node::DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE)) return RelativeLocationPath::evaluate(context, executionContext); DOM::Document document = context.getOwnerDocument(); return RelativeLocationPath::evaluate(document, executionContext); } // evaluate }; // class AbsoluteLocationPath } // XPath } // Arabica #endif