#ifndef JEZUK_SAX2DOM_PARSER_H #define JEZUK_SAX2DOM_PARSER_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace SAX2DOM { template, class SAX_parser = SAX::XMLReader > class Parser : protected SAX::basic_DefaultHandler2 { typedef SAX::basic_EntityResolver EntityResolverT; typedef SAX::basic_ErrorHandler ErrorHandlerT; typedef SimpleDOM::EntityImpl EntityT; typedef SimpleDOM::NotationImpl NotationT; typedef SimpleDOM::ElementImpl ElementT; typedef typename SAX::basic_ErrorHandler::SAXParseExceptionT SAXParseExceptionT; public: Parser() : entityResolver_(0), errorHandler_(0) { SAX::FeatureNames fNames; features_.insert(std::make_pair(fNames.namespaces, true)); features_.insert(std::make_pair(fNames.namespace_prefixes, true)); features_.insert(std::make_pair(fNames.validation, false)); } // Parser void setEntityResolver(EntityResolverT& resolver) { entityResolver_ = &resolver; } EntityResolverT* getEntityResolver() const { return entityResolver_; } void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandlerT& handler) { errorHandler_ = &handler; } ErrorHandlerT* getErrorHandler() const { return errorHandler_; } void setFeature(const stringT& name, bool value) { typename Features::iterator f = features_.find(name); if(f == features_.end()) throw SAX::SAXNotRecognizedException(std::string("Feature not recognized ") + string_adaptorT::asStdString(name)); f->second = value; } // setFeature bool getFeature(const stringT& name) const { typename Features::const_iterator f = features_.find(name); if(f == features_.end()) throw SAX::SAXNotRecognizedException(std::string("Feature not recognized ") + string_adaptorT::asStdString(name)); return f->second; } // getFeature bool parse(const stringT& systemId) { SAX::basic_InputSource is(systemId); return parse(is); } // loadDOM bool parse(SAX::basic_InputSource& source) { SAX::PropertyNames pNames; DOM::DOMImplementation di = SimpleDOM::DOMImplementation::getDOMImplementation(); document_ = di.createDocument(string_adaptorT::construct_from_utf8(""), string_adaptorT::construct_from_utf8(""), 0); currentNode_ = document_; inCDATA_ = false; inEntity_ = 0; SAX_parser parser; parser.setContentHandler(*this); parser.setErrorHandler(*this); if(entityResolver_) parser.setEntityResolver(*entityResolver_); setParserProperty >(parser, pNames.lexicalHandler); setParserProperty >(parser, pNames.declHandler); setParserFeatures(parser); try { parser.parse(source); } catch(const DOM::DOMException& de) { document_ = 0; if(errorHandler_) { SAXParseExceptionT pe(de.what()); errorHandler_->fatalError(pe); } // if ... } // catch return (document_ != 0); } // loadDOM DOM::Document getDocument() const { return document_; } // getDocument void reset() { currentNode_ = 0; document_ = 0; } // reset protected: DOM::Node& currentNode() { return currentNode_; } private: // no implementations Parser(const Parser&); bool operator==(const Parser&) const; Parser& operator=(const Parser&); // instance variables DOM::Document document_; DocumentType* documentType_; DOM::Node currentNode_; DOM::Node cachedCurrent_; typedef std::map Features; Features features_; bool inCDATA_; int inEntity_; std::map declaredEntities_; EntityResolverT* entityResolver_; ErrorHandlerT* errorHandler_; SAX::AttributeTypes attributeTypes_; protected: template void setParserProperty(SAX_parser& parser, const stringT& propertyName) { try { #ifndef __BORLANDC__ // this line causes a crash with BCB 6 => may be a compiler bug parser.setProperty(propertyName, static_cast(*this)); #else parser.setProperty(propertyName, *(interfaceT*)this); #endif } // try catch(SAX::SAXException&) { } } // setParserProperty void setParserFeatures(SAX_parser& parser) const { for(typename Features::const_iterator f = features_.begin(), e = features_.end(); f != e; ++f) try { parser.setFeature(f->first, f->second); } catch(const SAX::SAXException&) { } } // setParserFeatures /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ContentHandler virtual void endDocument() { currentNode_ = 0; } // endDocument virtual void startElement(const stringT& namespaceURI, const stringT& localName, const stringT& qName, const SAX::basic_Attributes& atts) { if(currentNode_ == 0) return; try { DOM::Element elem = document_.createElementNS(namespaceURI, qName); currentNode_.appendChild(elem); // attributes here for(int i = 0; i < atts.getLength(); ++i) elem.setAttributeNS(atts.getURI(i), atts.getQName(i), atts.getValue(i)); currentNode_ = elem; } catch(const DOM::DOMException& de) { reset(); if(errorHandler_) { SAXParseExceptionT pe(de.what()); errorHandler_->fatalError(pe); } // if ... } // catch } // startElement virtual void endElement(const stringT& namespaceURI, const stringT& localName, const stringT& qName) { if(currentNode_ == 0) return; currentNode_ = currentNode_.getParentNode(); } // endElement virtual void characters(const stringT& ch) { if(currentNode_ == 0) return; if(!inCDATA_) currentNode_.appendChild(document_.createTextNode(ch)); else currentNode_.appendChild(document_.createCDATASection(ch)); } // characters virtual void processingInstruction(const stringT& target, const stringT& data) { if(currentNode_ == 0) return; currentNode_.appendChild(document_.createProcessingInstruction(target, data)); } // processingInstruction virtual void skippedEntity(const stringT& name) { if(currentNode_ == 0) return; currentNode_.appendChild(document_.createEntityReference(name)); } // skippedEntity //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ErrorHandler virtual void warning(const SAXParseExceptionT& e) { if(errorHandler_) errorHandler_->warning(e); } // warning virtual void error(const SAXParseExceptionT& e) { if(errorHandler_) errorHandler_->error(e); reset(); } // error virtual void fatalError(const SAXParseExceptionT& e) { if(errorHandler_) errorHandler_->fatalError(e); reset(); } // fatalError ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LexicalHandler virtual void startDTD(const stringT& name, const stringT& publicId, const stringT& systemId) { documentType_ = new DocumentType(name, publicId, systemId); document_.insertBefore(documentType_, 0); } // startDTD virtual void endDTD() { documentType_->setReadOnly(true); } // endDTD virtual void startEntity(const stringT& name) { if(currentNode_ == 0) return; if(++inEntity_ == 1) { cachedCurrent_ = currentNode_; currentNode_ = declaredEntities_[name]; if(currentNode_ != 0 && currentNode_.hasChildNodes() == true) // already populated currentNode_ = 0; } } // startEntity virtual void endEntity(const stringT& name) { if(--inEntity_ == 0) currentNode_ = cachedCurrent_; currentNode_.appendChild(document_.createEntityReference(name)); } // endEntity virtual void startCDATA() { inCDATA_ = true; } // startCDATA virtual void endCDATA() { inCDATA_ = false; } // endCDATA virtual void comment(const stringT& text) { if(currentNode_ == 0) return; currentNode_.appendChild(document_.createComment(text)); } // comment ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DeclHandler virtual void elementDecl(const stringT& name, const stringT& model) { documentType_->addElement(new ElementT(0, name)); } // elementDecl virtual void attributeDecl(const stringT& elementName, const stringT& attributeName, const stringT& type, const stringT& valueDefault, const stringT& value) { if(!string_adaptorT::empty(value)) documentType_->addDefaultAttr(elementName, attributeName, value); if(type == attributeTypes_.id) documentType_->addElementId(attributeName); } // attributeDecl virtual void internalEntityDecl(const stringT& name, const stringT& value) { EntityT* entity = new EntityT(0, name, string_adaptorT::construct_from_utf8(""), string_adaptorT::construct_from_utf8(""), string_adaptorT::construct_from_utf8("")); declaredEntities_.insert(std::make_pair(name, entity)); documentType_->addEntity(entity); DOM::Node n = entity; n.appendChild(document_.createTextNode(value)); } // internalEntityDecl virtual void externalEntityDecl(const stringT& name, const stringT& publicId, const stringT& systemId) { EntityT* entity = new EntityT(0, name, publicId, systemId, string_adaptorT::construct_from_utf8("")); declaredEntities_.insert(std::make_pair(name, entity)); // we'll populate it later documentType_->addEntity(entity); } // externalEntityDecl ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DTDHandler virtual void notationDecl(const stringT& name, const stringT& publicId, const stringT& systemId) { documentType_->addNotation(new NotationT(0, name, publicId, systemId)); } // notationDecl virtual void unparsedEntityDecl(const stringT& name, const stringT& publicId, const stringT& systemId, const stringT& notationName) { documentType_->addEntity(new EntityT(0, name, publicId, systemId, notationName)); } // unparsedEntityDecl }; // class Parser } // namespace #endif