Line number context and call stack in errors.

This is really a minimal support to understand where the
error could be. This is the kind of thing that is full of
details and doesn't show much general ideas. Still something
should be provided, and can be interesting to see how very
basic propagation of source-level informations work in
This commit is contained in:
antirez 2022-12-21 15:27:17 +01:00
parent 84b9cb7e99
commit d0025f9aed

View file

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
typedef struct obj {
int type; /* OBJ_TYPE_... */
int refcount; /* Reference count. */
int line; /* Source code line number where this was defined, or 0. */
union {
int i; /* Integer. Literal: 1234 */
int istrue; /* Boolean. */
@ -57,10 +58,12 @@ typedef struct aproc {
typedef struct stackframe {
obj *locals[AOCLA_NUMVARS];/* Local var names are limited to a,b,c,...,z. */
aproc *curproc; /* Current procedure executing or NULL. */
int curline; /* Current line number during execution. */
struct stackframe *prev; /* Upper level stack frame or NULL. */
} stackframe;
/* Interpreter state. */
#define ERRSTR_LEN 128
#define ERRSTR_LEN 256
typedef struct aoclactx {
size_t stacklen; /* Stack current len. */
obj **stack;
@ -127,6 +130,15 @@ void retain(obj *o) {
/* Allocate a new object of type 'type. */
obj *newObject(int type) {
obj *o = myalloc(sizeof(*o));
o->refcount = 1;
o->type = type;
o->line = 0;
return o;
/* Return true if the character 'c' is within the Aocla symbols charset. */
int issymbol(int c) {
if (isalpha(c)) return 1;
@ -157,16 +169,20 @@ int issymbol(int c) {
* of parse error, it is possible to pass NULL.
* Returned object has a ref count of 1. */
obj *parseObject(aoclactx *ctx, const char *s, const char **next) {
obj *o = myalloc(sizeof(*o));
o->refcount = 1;
obj *parseObject(aoclactx *ctx, const char *s, const char **next, int *line) {
obj *o = newObject(-1);
/* Consume empty space and comments. */
while(1) {
while(isspace(s[0])) s++;
while(isspace(s[0])) {
if (s[0] == '\n' && line) (*line)++;
if (s[0] != '/' || s[1] != '/') break;
while(s[0] && s[0] != '\n') s++; /* Seek newline after comment. */
if (line)
o->line = *line; /* Set line number where this object is defined. */
if ((s[0] == '-' && isdigit(s[1])) || isdigit(s[0])) { /* Integer. */
char buf[64];
@ -186,16 +202,20 @@ obj *parseObject(aoclactx *ctx, const char *s, const char **next) {
while(1) {
/* The list may be empty, so we need to parse for "]"
* ASAP. */
while(isspace(s[0])) s++;
while(isspace(s[0])) {
if (s[0] == '\n' && line) (*line)++;
if ((o->type == OBJ_TYPE_LIST && s[0] == ']') ||
(o->type == OBJ_TYPE_TUPLE && s[0] == ')')) {
(o->type == OBJ_TYPE_TUPLE && s[0] == ')'))
if (next) *next = s+1;
return o;
/* Parse the current sub-element recursively. */
const char *nextptr;
obj *element = parseObject(ctx,s,&nextptr);
obj *element = parseObject(ctx,s,&nextptr,line);
if (element == NULL) {
return NULL;
@ -402,14 +422,6 @@ void printobj(obj *obj, int flags) {
if (color) printf("\033[0m"); /* Color off. */
/* Allocate a new object of type 'type. */
obj *newObject(int type) {
obj *o = myalloc(sizeof(*o));
o->refcount = 1;
o->type = type;
return o;
/* Allocate an int object with value 'i'. */
obj *newInt(int i) {
obj *o = newObject(OBJ_TYPE_INT);
@ -451,15 +463,25 @@ void setError(aoclactx *ctx, const char *ptr, const char *msg) {
if (!ctx) return;
if (!ptr) ptr = ctx->frame->curproc ?
ctx->frame->curproc->name : "unknown context";
snprintf(ctx->errstr,ERRSTR_LEN,"%s: %.30s%s",
msg,ptr,strlen(ptr)>30 ? "..." :"");
size_t len =
snprintf(ctx->errstr,ERRSTR_LEN,"%s: '%.30s%s'",
msg,ptr,strlen(ptr)>30 ? "..." :"");
stackframe *sf = ctx->frame;
while(sf && len < ERRSTR_LEN) {
len += snprintf(ctx->errstr+len,ERRSTR_LEN-len," in %s:%d ",
sf->curproc ? sf->curproc->name : "unknown",
sf = sf->prev;
/* Create a new stack frame. */
stackframe *newStackFrame(void) {
stackframe *newStackFrame(aoclactx *ctx) {
stackframe *sf = myalloc(sizeof(*sf));
sf->curproc = NULL;
sf->prev = ctx ? ctx->frame : NULL;
return sf;
@ -474,7 +496,7 @@ aoclactx *newInterpreter(void) {
i->stacklen = 0;
i->stack = NULL; /* Will be allocated on push of new elements. */
i->proc = NULL; /* That's a linked list. Starts empty. */
i->frame = newStackFrame();
i->frame = newStackFrame(i);
return i;
@ -535,11 +557,13 @@ int eval(aoclactx *ctx, obj *l) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < l->l.len; j++) {
obj *o = l->l.ele[j];
aproc *proc;
ctx->frame->curline = o->line;
switch(o->type) {
case OBJ_TYPE_TUPLE: /* Capture variables. */
if (ctx->stacklen < o->l.len) {
setError(ctx,NULL,"Out of stack while capturing locals");
"Out of stack while capturing local");
return 1;
@ -584,7 +608,7 @@ int eval(aoclactx *ctx, obj *l) {
} else {
/* Call a procedure implemented in Aocla. */
stackframe *oldsf = ctx->frame;
ctx->frame = newStackFrame();
ctx->frame = newStackFrame(ctx);
ctx->frame->curproc = proc;
int err = eval(ctx,proc->proc);
@ -675,7 +699,7 @@ void addProc(aoclactx *ctx, const char *name, int(*cproc)(aoclactx *), obj *list
/* Add a procedure represented by the Aocla code 'prog', that must
* be a valid list. On error (not valid list) 1 is returned, otherwise 0. */
int addProcString(aoclactx *ctx, const char *name, const char *prog) {
obj *list = parseObject(NULL,prog,NULL);
obj *list = parseObject(NULL,prog,NULL,NULL);
if (prog == NULL) return 1;
return 0;
@ -793,6 +817,15 @@ rterr: /* Run time error. */
return 1;
/* Evaluate the given list. */
int procEval(aoclactx *ctx) {
if (checkStackType(ctx,1,OBJ_TYPE_LIST)) return 1;
obj *l = stackPop(ctx);
int retval = eval(ctx,l);
return retval;
/* Print the top object to stdout. */
int procPrint(aoclactx *ctx) {
if (checkStackLen(ctx,1)) return 1;
@ -817,6 +850,7 @@ void loadLibrary(aoclactx *ctx) {
addProcString(ctx,"dup","[(x) $x $x]");
addProcString(ctx,"swap","[(x y) $y $x]");
@ -845,7 +879,7 @@ void repl(void) {
buf[l] = ']';
buf[l+1] = 0;
obj *list = parseObject(ctx,buf,NULL);
obj *list = parseObject(ctx,buf,NULL,NULL);
if (!list) {
printf("Parsing program: %s\n", ctx->errstr);
@ -889,7 +923,8 @@ int evalFile(const char *filename, char **argv, int argc) {
/* Parse the program before eval(). */
aoclactx *ctx = newInterpreter();
obj *l = parseObject(ctx,buf,NULL);
int line = 1;
obj *l = parseObject(ctx,buf,NULL,&line);
if (!l) {
printf("Parsing program: %s\n", ctx->errstr);
@ -899,7 +934,7 @@ int evalFile(const char *filename, char **argv, int argc) {
/* Before evaluating the program, let's push on the arguments
* we received on the stack. */
for (int j = 0; j < argc; j++) {
obj *o = parseObject(NULL,argv[j],NULL);
obj *o = parseObject(NULL,argv[j],NULL,0);
if (!o) {
printf("Parsing command line argument: %s\n", ctx->errstr);
@ -910,6 +945,7 @@ int evalFile(const char *filename, char **argv, int argc) {
/* Run the program. */
int retval = eval(ctx,l);
if (retval) printf("Runtime error: %s\n", ctx->errstr);
return retval;