Ensure loan record is rewritten during re-fulfillment

This commit is contained in:
Florian Bach 2022-09-04 12:20:23 +02:00
parent c6b9e5c59b
commit 9be0d5e55d

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@ -554,11 +554,21 @@ def updateLoanReturnData(fulfillmentResultToken, forceTestBehaviour=False):
print("Exception while reading config file")
return False
# Check if that exact loan is already in the list, and if so, delete it:
done = False
while not done:
done = True
for book in deacsmprefs["list_of_rented_books"]:
if book["loanID"] == new_loan_record["loanID"]:
done = False
# Add all necessary information for a book return to the JSON array.
# The config widget can then read this and present a list of not-yet-returned
# books, and can then return them.
# Also, the config widget is responsible for cleaning up that list.
# Also, the config widget is responsible for cleaning up that list once a book's validity period is up.