
297 lines
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2023-02-24 14:11:15 +01:00
Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Leseratte10
This file is part of the ACSM Input Plugin by Leseratte10
ACSM Input Plugin for Calibre / acsm-calibre-plugin
For more information, see:
2022-01-16 18:34:52 +01:00
import sys, os, zlib, base64, time
class BackwardReader:
def __init__(self, file):
self.file = file
2022-01-16 18:34:52 +01:00
def readlines(self):
BLKSIZE = 4096
# Move reader to the end of file, os.SEEK_END)
2022-01-16 18:34:52 +01:00
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
buffer = bytearray()
buffer = ""
while True:
2022-01-16 18:34:52 +01:00
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
pos_newline = buffer.rfind(bytes([0x0a]))
pos_newline = buffer.rfind("\n")
# Get the current position of the reader
current_pos = self.file.tell()
if pos_newline != -1:
# Newline is found
line = buffer[pos_newline+1:]
buffer = buffer[:pos_newline]
2022-01-16 18:34:52 +01:00
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
yield line.decode("latin-1")
yield line
elif current_pos:
# Need to fill the buffer
to_read = min(BLKSIZE, current_pos), 0)
buffer = + buffer, 0)
if current_pos is to_read:
2022-01-16 18:34:52 +01:00
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
buffer = bytes([0x0a]) + buffer
buffer = "\n" + buffer
# Start of file
2022-01-16 18:34:52 +01:00
def trim_encrypt_string(encrypt):
string_list = list(encrypt)
strlen = len(encrypt)
i = 0
bracket_count = 0
while (i < strlen):
if string_list[i] == "<" and string_list[i+1] == "<":
bracket_count += 1
if string_list[i] == ">" and string_list[i+1] == ">":
bracket_count -= 1
if bracket_count == 0:
i = i + 1
len_to_use = i+2
return encrypt[0:len_to_use]
def cleanup_encrypt_element(element):
if element.startswith("ID[<"):
element = element.replace("><", "> <")
element = ' '.join(element.split())
element = element.replace("[ ", "[").replace("] ", "]")
return element
def deflate_and_base64_encode( string_val ):
zlibbed_str = zlib.compress( string_val )
compressed_string = zlibbed_str[2:-4]
return base64.b64encode( compressed_string )
def update_ebx_with_keys(ebx_data, adept_license, ebx_bookid):
b64data = deflate_and_base64_encode(adept_license.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8")
ebx_new = ebx_data[:-2]
ebx_new += "/EBX_BOOKID(%s)/ADEPT_LICENSE(%s)>>" % (ebx_bookid, b64data)
return ebx_new
def find_ebx(filename_in):
find_ebx_start = int(time.time() * 1000)
i = 0
fl = open(filename_in, "rb")
br = BackwardReader(fl)
for line in br.readlines():
i = i + 1
if "/EBX_HANDLER/" in line:
find_ebx_end = int(time.time() * 1000)
print("Found EBX after %d attempts - took %d ms" % (i, find_ebx_end - find_ebx_start))
return line
find_ebx_end = int(time.time() * 1000)
print("Error: Did not find EBX_HANDLER - took %d ms" % (find_ebx_end - find_ebx_start))
return None
def find_enc(filename_in):
find_enc_start = int(time.time() * 1000)
i = 0
fl = open(filename_in, "rb")
br = BackwardReader(fl)
for line in br.readlines():
i = i + 1
is_encrypt_normal = "R/Encrypt" in line and "R/ID" in line
is_encrypt_odd = "R" in line and "/Encrypt" in line and "/ID" in line
if is_encrypt_normal or is_encrypt_odd:
find_enc_end = int(time.time() * 1000)
print("Found ENC after %d attempts - took %d ms" % (i, find_enc_end - find_enc_start))
if is_encrypt_odd:
print("Odd formatting of encryption blob?")
print("If this doesn't work correctly please open a bug report.")
return line
find_enc_end = int(time.time() * 1000)
print("Error: Did not find ENC - took %d ms" % (find_enc_end - find_enc_start))
return None
def patch_drm_into_pdf(filename_in, adept_license_string, filename_out, ebx_bookid):
drm_start_time = int(time.time() * 1000)
trailer = ""
trailer_idx = 0
startxref_offset = 0
prevline = ""
fl = open(filename_in, "rb")
br = BackwardReader(fl)
print("Searching for startxref ...")
for line in br.readlines():
trailer_idx += 1
trailer = line + "\n" + trailer
#print ("LINE: " + line)
if (trailer_idx > 10):
print("Took more than 10 attempts to find startxref ...")
return False
if (line == "startxref"):
startxref_offset = int(prevline)
print("Got startxref: %d" % (startxref_offset))
prevline = line
r_encrypt_offs1 = 0
r_encrypt_offs2 = 0
encrypt = None
encrypt = find_enc(filename_in)
if encrypt is None:
print("Error, enc not found")
return False
line_split = encrypt.split(' ')
next = 0
for element in line_split:
2024-08-07 09:43:06 +02:00
if element == "R/Encrypt" or element == "/Encrypt" or element == "null/Encrypt":
next = 2
if next == 2:
r_encrypt_offs1 = element
next = 1
if next == 1:
r_encrypt_offs2 = element
next = 0
# read EBX element:
ebx_elem = find_ebx(filename_in)
if (ebx_elem is None):
print("Err: EBX is None")
return False
print("Encryption handler:")
print("EBX handler:")
encrypt = trim_encrypt_string(encrypt)
print("Trimmed encryption handler:")
ebx_elem = update_ebx_with_keys(ebx_elem, adept_license_string, ebx_bookid)
print("Updated EBX handler not logged due to sensitive data")
filesize_str = str(os.path.getsize(filename_in))
filesize_pad = filesize_str.zfill(10)
additional_data = "\r"
additional_data += r_encrypt_offs1 + " " + r_encrypt_offs2 + " " + "obj" + "\r"
additional_data += ebx_elem
additional_data += "\r"
additional_data += "endobj"
ptr = int(filesize_str) + len(additional_data)
additional_data += "\rxref\r" + r_encrypt_offs1 + " " + str((int(r_encrypt_offs2) + 1)) + "\r"
additional_data += filesize_pad + " 00000 n" + "\r\n"
additional_data += "trailer"
additional_data += "\r"
arr_root_str = encrypt.split('/')
did_prev = False
for elem in arr_root_str:
if elem.startswith("Prev"):
did_prev = True
additional_data += "Prev " + str(startxref_offset)
#print("Replacing prev from '%s' to '%s'" % (elem, "Prev " + startxref))
additional_data += cleanup_encrypt_element(elem)
additional_data += "/"
if not did_prev:
# remove two >> at end
additional_data = additional_data[:-3]
additional_data += "/Prev " + str(startxref_offset) + ">>" + "/"
#print("Faking Prev %s" % startxref)
additional_data = additional_data[:-1]
additional_data += "\r" + "startxref\r" + str(ptr) + "\r" + "%%EOF"
#print("Appending DRM data: %s" % (additional_data))
inp = open(filename_in, "rb")
out = open(filename_out, "wb")
drm_end_time = int(time.time() * 1000)
print("Whole DRM patching took %d milliseconds." % (drm_end_time - drm_start_time))
return True