# Challenge name: Is anagram # # Given two strings s and t , write a function to determine # if t is an anagram of s. # # Note: # You may assume the string contains only lowercase alphabets. # # Follow up: # What if the inputs contain unicode characters? # How would you adapt your solution to such case? # # @param {String} s # @param {String} t # @return {Boolean} # # Approach: Hash table # # Complexity analysis: # # Time complexity: O(n). Time complexity is O(n) since accessing the counter # table is a constant time operation. # Space complexity: O(1). Although we do use extra space, # the space complexity is O(1) because the table's size stays constant no # matter how large n is. # def is_anagram(s, t) s_length = s.length t_length = t.length counter = Hash.new(0) return false unless s_length == t_length (0...s_length).each do |i| counter[s[i]] += 1 counter[t[i]] -= 1 end counter.each do |k, v| return false unless v == 0 end true end s = 'anagram' t = 'nagaram' puts(is_anagram(s, t)) # => true s = 'rat' t = 'car' puts(is_anagram(s, t)) # => false s = 'a' t = 'ab' puts(is_anagram(s, t)) # => false def is_anagram(s, t) s_length = s.length t_length = t.length counter = Hash.new(0) return false unless s_length == t_length (0...s_length).each do |i| counter[s[i]] += 1 end (0...s_length).each do |i| counter[t[i]] -= 1 return false if counter[t[i]] < 0 end true end s = 'anagram' t = 'nagaram' puts(is_anagram(s, t)) # => true s = 'rat' t = 'car' puts(is_anagram(s, t)) # => false s = 'a' t = 'ab' puts(is_anagram(s, t)) # => false # # Approach 2: Hash table # # Algorithm: we could also first increment the counter for s, # then decrement the counter for t. If at any point the counter # drops below zero, we know that t contains an extra letter, # not in s, and return false immediately. # Complexity analysis: # # Time complexity: O(n). # Space complexity: O(1). # def is_anagram(s, t) s_length = s.length t_length = t.length counter = Hash.new(0) return false unless s_length == t_length (0...s_length).each do |i| counter[s[i]] += 1 end (0...s_length).each do |i| counter[t[i]] -= 1 return false if counter[t[i]] < 0 end true end