require 'prime' def initialize(keys = {}) @e ||= keys[:e] @n ||= keys[:n] end def cipher(message) do |byte| cbyte = ((byte.to_i**e) % n).to_s missing_chars = n.to_s.size - cbyte.size '0' * missing_chars + cbyte end.join end def decipher(ciphed_message) ciphed_message.chars.each_slice(n.to_s.size).map do |arr| (arr.join.to_i**d) % n end.pack('c*') end def public_keys { n: n, e: e } end private def p @p ||= random_prime_number end def q @q ||= random_prime_number end def n @n ||= p * q end def totient @totient ||= (p - 1) * (q - 1) end def e @e ||= totient.downto(2).find do |i| && totient % i != 0 end end def d @d ||= invmod(e, totient) end def extended_gcd(a, b) last_remainder = a.abs remainder = b.abs x = 0 last_x = 1 y = 1 last_y = 0 while remainder != 0 (quotient, remainder) = last_remainder.divmod(remainder) last_remainder = remainder x, last_x = last_x - quotient * x, x y, last_y = last_y - quotient * y, y end [last_remainder, last_x * (a < 0 ? -1 : 1)] end def invmod(e, et) g, x = extended_gcd(e, et) raise 'The maths are broken!' if g != 1 x % et end def random_prime_number number = Random.rand(1..1000) number = Random.rand(1..1000) until || number == p || number == q number end def main puts 'Enter the message you want to encrypt and decrypt with RSA algorithm: ' message = gets.chomp.to_s puts 'Encoded Text:' puts cipher(message) puts 'Decoded Text:' puts decipher(cipher(message)) puts "p: #{p}" puts "q: #{q}" puts "e: #{e}" puts "d: #{d}" puts "totient: #{totient}" end main