# A ruby program for temperature conversions module TemperatureConversion # celsius -> kelvin = value of celsius + 273.15 => K def self.celsius_to_kelvin(celsius_input) kelvin_output = (celsius_input + 273.15).round(2) puts "#{celsius_input}°C = #{kelvin_output}K" rescue StandardError puts 'Error: Please provide number only!' end # kelvin -> celsius = vale of kelvin - 273.15 => °C def self.kelvin_to_celsius(kelvin_input) celsius_output = (kelvin_input - 273.15).round(2) puts "#{kelvin_input}K = #{celsius_output}°C" rescue StandardError puts 'Error: Please provide number only!' end # celsius -> fahrenheit = (value of celsius * 9 / 5) + 32 => °F def self.celsius_to_fahrenheit(celsius_input) fahrenheit_output = ((celsius_input * 9 / 5) + 32).round(2) puts "#{celsius_input}°C = #{fahrenheit_output}°F" rescue StandardError puts 'Error: Please provide number only!' end # fahrenheit -> celsius = (value of fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9 => °C def self.fahrenheit_to_celsius(fahrenheit_input) celsius_output = ((fahrenheit_input - 32) * 5 / 9).round(2) puts "#{fahrenheit_input}°F = #{celsius_output}°C" rescue StandardError puts 'Error: Please provide number only!' end # fahrenheit -> kelvin = [(value of fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9] + 273.15 => K def self.fahrenheit_to_kelvin(fahrenheit_input) kelvin_output = ((fahrenheit_input - 32) * 5 / 9).round(2).round(2) puts "#{fahrenheit_input}°F = #{kelvin_output}K" rescue StandardError puts 'Error: Please provide number only!' end # kelvin -> fahrenheit = [(value of kelvin - 32) * 5 / 9] + 273.15 => K def self.kelvin_to_fahrenheit(kelvin_input) fahrenheit_output = (((kelvin_input - 273.15) * 9 / 5) + 32).round(2).round(2) puts "#{kelvin_input}K = #{fahrenheit_output}°F" rescue StandardError puts 'Error: Please provide number only!' end end # celsius <-> kelvin TemperatureConversion.celsius_to_kelvin(20) TemperatureConversion.kelvin_to_celsius(20) # Invalid input TemperatureConversion.kelvin_to_celsius('a') # celsius <-> fahrenheit TemperatureConversion.celsius_to_fahrenheit(-20) TemperatureConversion.fahrenheit_to_celsius(68) # Invalid input TemperatureConversion.celsius_to_fahrenheit('abc') # fahrenheit <-> kelvin TemperatureConversion.fahrenheit_to_kelvin(60) TemperatureConversion.kelvin_to_fahrenheit(-60) # Invalid input TemperatureConversion.fahrenheit_to_kelvin('60')