# Challenge name: Pascal's triangle ii # # Given an integer row_index, return the rowIndexth (0-indexed) row of the Pascal's triangle. # Example 1: # # Input: row_index = 3 # Output: [1,3,3,1] # # Example 2: # # Input: row_index = 0 # Output: [1] # # Example 3: # # Input: row_index = 1 # Output: [1,1] # Complexity Analysis # Time complexity: O(k). # Each term is calculated once, in constant time. # Space complexity: O(k). # No extra space required other than that required to hold the output. def get_row(row_index) (0..row_index).map {|num| combination(row_index, num) } end def combination(num1, num2) factorial(num1) / (factorial(num2) * factorial(num1 - num2)) end def factorial(num) (1..num).inject(1) {|res, i| res * i } end row_index = 3 print(get_row(row_index)) # => [1,3,3,1] row_index = 0 print(get_row(row_index)) # => [1] row_index = 1 print(get_row(row_index)) # => [1,1]