# A queue is like a waiting list. # Imagine you are waiting in line to buy the latest Android product # or getting a parking ticket. These are queues! # # # 1. An array can behave like a Queue if you use the right methods. # # These methods are: # - unshift: when you unshift, you are adding one item to the queue # - pop # class ArrayQueue def initialize(queue = []) @queue = queue end attr_accessor :queue def add(item) queue.unshift(item) end def pop queue.pop end def peek queue[-1] end end queue = ArrayQueue.new queue.add(3) queue.add(4) queue.add(5) puts queue.inspect # => # queue.pop puts queue.inspect # => # puts(queue.peek) # => 4 # # # 2. Ruby Concurrent Queue # Ruby has a proper thread-safe, blocking, Queue class. # You can use this queue for coordinating work in a multi-threaded program. # # Reference: https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.5.0/Queue.html # queue = Queue.new queue << 1 queue << 2 queue << 3 queue.pop # 1 queue.pop # 2 # If the queue is empty, calling pop will put your current # thread to sleep & wait until something is added to the queue. # # # 3. How to Use a Ruby SizedQueue # A sized queue is the same as a regular queue but with a size limit. # # Reference: https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.5.0/SizedQueue.html # queue = SizedQueue.new(5) # When the queue is full, the push (same as <<) operation # will suspend the current thread until an item is taken off the queue. queue.push(:oranges) queue.push(:apples) queue.push(:blue) queue.push(:orange) queue.push(:green) # At this point, the SizedQueue is full queue.push(:throw_expection) # data_structures/queues/queue.rb:81:in `push': No live threads left. Deadlock? (fatal) # 1 threads, 1 sleeps current:0x00007ff54f407130 main thread:0x00007ff54f407130 # * # # rb_thread_t:0x00007ff54f407130 native:0x000000010dd24dc0 int:0 # data_structures/queues/queue.rb:81:in `push' # data_structures/queues/queue.rb:81:in `
' # from data_structures/queues/queue.rb:81:in `
' # You can choose to raise an exception, passing true as an argument as follows: queue.push(:throw_expection, true) # data_structures/queues/queue.rb:83:in `push': queue full (ThreadError) # from data_structures/queues/queue.rb:83:in `