mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 07:57:13 +01:00
122 lines
2.5 KiB
122 lines
2.5 KiB
Command d-249 Settings
Send 0x00 0xFF
Edit a 0xFF 0x59
Read info
get 00 fa 01 00 00 00 6C string
Read is_ready
get 00 fa 01 00 00 00 6c string
Get Image return header
00 CMD 01 [ SIZE ][CRC ][ ]
00 fc 01 00 00 1d 73 5a 2d 08 ff ff ff ff || 89 [ 50 4E 47 ] (PNG)
PNG Magic number 89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a
Subsequent chucnks, byte 1 = chunk number
Chunk header
xx chunk no
Header format
Num Packets 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 6c String Marker
Read procedure
1. Get message
2. Get header
3, Exract data from header
3. If chuncks get chunks
4. Combine chunks to data
5. issue complete message to parser
6. look for next message
7. stop when return length 0;
Set GetInfo, IsReady
NOTE Program data comes across in ASCII :)
First header with serial number is repeated
tokens calc.hpvars
list off all apps comes through in Ascii with & as Start
Near full dump, reading over 213 chuncks and still not enough
00 f7 01 00 00 18 46 00 1e d6 4a 63 00 61 00 6c
File header
[ int } TYPE {Data ...
00 F7 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 ?? ?? ?? Name Start ...
Name len
Do a get settings
CAS SETTINGS - 6 chunks follow
0040 00 f7 01 00 00 18 33 00 1c 8a c6 63 00 61 00 73 .÷....3...Æc.a.s
CAL VARS - 0 chunks follow
0040 00 f7 01 00 00 01 02 00 16 93 1d 63 00 61 00 6c .÷.........c.a.l
L lists - A list item per packet - 0 chunks follow
0040 00 f7 01 00 00 00 60 03 04 58 8f 4c 00 31 00 fe .÷....`..X.L.1.þ
M Lists - A list item per packet
0040 00 f7 01 00 00 00 38 04 04 bf 4e 4d 00 30 00 01 .÷....8..¿NM.0..
0040 00 f7 01 00 00 02 3c 06 06 51 72 41 00 57 00 47 .÷....<..QrA.W.G
Next Prog - spread over 0xF chunks
0040 00 f7 01 00 00 3e 18 06 0e 80 79 65 00 65 00 78 .÷...>....ye.e.x
Next Prog - sperad over ?? chunks
0040 00 f7 01 00 0d 01 dc 06 08 13 cf 43 00 6e 00 48 .÷....Ü...ÏC.n.H
0040 00 f7 01 00 00 00 b8 00 10 24 0b 73 00 65 00 74 .÷....¸..$.s.e.t
0050 00 74 00 69 00 6e 00 67 00 73 00 dc 2d 6b c9 03 .t.i.n.g.s.Ü-kÉ.
0040 00 f7 01 00 00 00 20 04 04 c8 9c 4d 00 37 00 01 .÷.... ..È.M.7..
0040 00 f7 01 00 00 00 20 04 04 68 a9 4d 00 38 00 01 .÷.... ..h©M.8..
0040 00 f7 01 00 00 00 38 04 04 a5 92 4d 00 39 00 01 .÷....8..¥.M.9..
0040 00 f7 01 00 00 3e 18 06 0e 80 79 65 00 65 00 78 .÷...>....ye.e.x