A program turtle
is an example with the combination of
TfeTextView and GtkDrawingArea objects. It is a very small interpreter
but you can draw fractal curves with it. The following diagram is a Koch
curve, which is one of famous fractal curves.
The following is a snow-crystal-shaped curve. It is composed of six Koch curves.
This program uses flex and bison. Flex is a lexical analyzer. Bison is a parser generator. These two programs are similar to lex and yacc which are proprietary software developed in Bell Laboratory. However, flex and bison are open source software. I will write about how to use those software, but they are not topics about GTK 4. So, readers can skip this section.
The turtle document is here. I’ll show you a simple example.
fc (1,0,0) # Foreground color is red, rgb = (1,0,0).
pd # Pen down.
rp (4) { # Repeat four times.
fd 100 # Go forward by 100 pixels.
tr 90 # Turn right by 90 degrees.
(See the documentation
above). Then, run turtle
button, then a red square appears on
the right part of the window. The side of the square is 100 pixels
long.In the same way, you can draw other curves. The turtle document
includes some fractal curves such as tree, snow and square-koch. The
source codes are located at src/turtle/example directory. You can read
these files into turtle
editor by clicking on the
Turtle uses TfeTextView and GtkDrawingArea. It is similar to
program in the previous section.
The body of the interpreter is written with flex and bison. The codes
are not thread safe. So the handler of “clicked” signal of the
button prevents from reentering.
run_cb (GtkWidget *btnr) {
GtkTextBuffer *tb = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (tv));
GtkTextIter start_iter;
GtkTextIter end_iter;
char *contents;
int stat;
static gboolean busy = FALSE; /* initialized only once */
/* yyparse() and run() are NOT thread safe. */
/* The variable busy avoids reentrance. */
if (busy)
busy = TRUE;
gtk_text_buffer_get_bounds (tb, &start_iter, &end_iter);
contents = gtk_text_buffer_get_text (tb, &start_iter, &end_iter, FALSE);
if (surface) {
init_flex (contents);
stat = yyparse ();
if (stat == 0) /* No error */ {
run ();
finalize_flex ();
g_free (contents);
gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (da));
busy = FALSE;
static void
resize_cb (GtkDrawingArea *drawing_area, int width, int height, gpointer user_data) {
if (surface)
cairo_surface_destroy (surface);
surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height);
run_cb (NULL); // NULL is a fake (run button).
holds a status of the
interpreter. If it is TRUE
, the interpreter is running and
it is not possible to call the interpreter again because it’s not a
re-entrant program. If it is FALSE
, it is safe to call the
to TRUE to avoid reentrance.tb
is a static variable. It
points to a cairo_surface_t
instance. It is created when
the GtkDrawingArea instance is realized and whenever it is resized.
Therefore, surface
isn’t NULL usually. But if it is NULL,
the interpreter won’t be called.run
(runtime routine).contents
is now
changed to FALSE.surface
NULL, it is destroyed. A new surface is created. Its size is the same as
the surface of the GtkDrawingArea instance. Run_cb is called to redraw
the shape on the drawing area.Other part of turtleapplication.c
is almost same as the
codes of colorapplication.c
in the previous section. The
codes of turtleapplication.c
is in the turtle
Suppose that the turtle runs with the following program.
distance = 100
fd distance*2
The turtle recognizes the program above and works as follows.
to read a token in
the source file. yylex
returns a code which is called
“token kind” and sets a global variable yylval
with a
value, which is called a semantic value. The type of yylval
is union and yylval.ID
is string and
is double. There are seven tokens in the program
so yylex
is called seven times.token kind | yylval.ID | yylval.NUM | |
1 | ID | distance | |
2 | = | ||
3 | NUM | 100 | |
4 | FD | ||
5 | ID | distance | |
6 | * | ||
7 | NUM | 2 |
returns a token kind every time, but it doesn’t
set yylval.ID
or yylval.NUM
every time. It is
because keywords (FD
) and symbols (=
) don’t have any semantic values. The function
is called lexical analyzer or scanner.turtle
makes a tree structured data. This part of
is called parser.turtle
analyzes the tree and executes it. This part of
is called runtime routine or interpreter. The tree
consists of rectangles and line segments between the rectangles. The
rectangles are called nodes. For example, N_PROGRAM, N_ASSIGN, N_FD and
N_MUL are nodes.
checks if the first child is ID. If it’s ID, then
looks for the variable in the variable table. If it
doesn’t exist, it registers the ID (distance
) to the table.
Then go back to the N_ASSIGN node.turtle
calculates the second child. In this case its a
number 100. Saves 100 to the variable table at the distance
goes back to N_PROGRAM then go to the next node
N_FD. It has only one child. Goes down to the child N_MUL.distance
and gets the value 100. The second
child is a number 2. Multiplies 100 by 2 and gets 200. Then
goes back to N_FD.turtle
knows the distance is 200. It moves the
cursor forward by 200 pixels. The segment is drawn on the surface
calls gtk_widget_queue_draw
and put
the GtkDrawingArea widget to the queue.draw_func
is called. The function copies the surface
) to the surface in the GtkDrawingArea.Actual turtle program is more complicated than the example above. However, what turtle does is basically the same. Interpretation consists of three parts.
The source files are:
and meson.build
The compilation process is a bit complicated.
according to turtle.gresource.xml
It also generates resources.h
to turtle_parser.c
and generates turtle_parser.h
, resources.c
and turtle_lex.c
, resources.h
. It generates an executable file
.Meson controls the process. The instruction is described in
project('turtle', 'c')
compiler = meson.get_compiler('c')
mathdep = compiler.find_library('m', required : true)
gtkdep = dependency('gtk4')
resources = gnome.compile_resources('resources','turtle.gresource.xml')
flex = find_program('flex')
bison = find_program('bison')
turtleparser = custom_target('turtleparser', input: 'turtle.y', output: ['turtle_parser.c', 'turtle_parser.h'], command: [bison, '-d', '-o', 'turtle_parser.c', '@INPUT@'])
turtlelexer = custom_target('turtlelexer', input: 'turtle.lex', output: 'turtle_lex.c', command: [flex, '-o', '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@'])
sourcefiles=files('turtleapplication.c', '../tfetextview/tfetextview.c')
executable('turtle', sourcefiles, resources, turtleparser, turtlelexer, turtleparser[1], dependencies: [mathdep, gtkdep], export_dynamic: true, install: true)
in linux.#include <math.h>
and also link the library with the linker.turtle.gresource.xml
to turtle_parser.c
and turtle_parser.h
by bison. The function
creates a custom top level target. See Meson
build system website – custom target for further information.turtle.lex
to turtle_lex.c
refers to tirtle_parser.h
which is the second output in the line 13.Flex creates lexical analyzer from flex source file. Flex source file is a text file. Its syntactic rule will be explained later. Generated lexical analyzer is a C source file. It is also called scanner. It reads a text file, which is a source file of a program language, and gets variable names, numbers and symbols. Suppose here is a turtle source file.
fc (1,0,0) # Foreground color is red, rgb = (1,0,0).
pd # Pen down.
distance = 100
angle = 90
fd distance # Go forward by distance (100) pixels.
tr angle # Turn right by angle (90) degrees.
The content of the text file is separated into fc
, 1
and so on. The words fc
, distance
, angle
, 1
, 0
, 100
are called tokens. The characters ‘(
’ (left
parenthesis), ‘,
’ (comma), ‘)
’ (right
parenthesis) and ‘=
’ (equal sign) are called symbols. (
Sometimes those symbols called tokens, too.)
Flex reads turtle.lex
and generates the C source file of
a scanner. The file turtle.lex
specifies tokens, symbols
and the behavior which corresponds to each token or symbol. Turtle.lex
isn’t a big program.
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include "turtle_parser.h"
static int nline = 1;
static int ncolumn = 1;
static void get_location (char *text);
/* Dinamically allocated memories are added to the single list. They will be freed in the finalize function. */
extern GSList *list;
%option noyywrap
REAL_NUMBER (0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.[0-9]+)?
IDENTIFIER [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*
/* rules */
#.* ; /* comment. Be careful. Dot symbol (.) matches any character but new line. */
[ ] ncolumn++;
\t ncolumn += 8; /* assume that tab is 8 spaces. */
\n nline++; ncolumn = 1;
/* reserved keywords */
pu get_location (yytext); return PU; /* pen up */
pd get_location (yytext); return PD; /* pen down */
pw get_location (yytext); return PW; /* pen width = line width */
fd get_location (yytext); return FD; /* forward */
tr get_location (yytext); return TR; /* turn right */
tl get_location (yytext); return TL; /* turn left ver 0.5 */
bc get_location (yytext); return BC; /* background color */
fc get_location (yytext); return FC; /* foreground color */
dp get_location (yytext); return DP; /* define procedure */
if get_location (yytext); return IF; /* if statement */
rt get_location (yytext); return RT; /* return statement */
rs get_location (yytext); return RS; /* reset the status */
rp get_location (yytext); return RP; /* repeat ver 0.5 */
/* constant */
{REAL_NUMBER} get_location (yytext); yylval.NUM = atof (yytext); return NUM;
/* identifier */
{IDENTIFIER} { get_location (yytext); yylval.ID = g_strdup(yytext);
list = g_slist_prepend (list, yylval.ID);
return ID;
"=" get_location (yytext); return '=';
">" get_location (yytext); return '>';
"<" get_location (yytext); return '<';
"+" get_location (yytext); return '+';
"-" get_location (yytext); return '-';
"*" get_location (yytext); return '*';
"/" get_location (yytext); return '/';
"(" get_location (yytext); return '(';
")" get_location (yytext); return ')';
"{" get_location (yytext); return '{';
"}" get_location (yytext); return '}';
"," get_location (yytext); return ',';
. ncolumn++; return YYUNDEF;
static void
get_location (char *text) {
yylloc.first_line = yylloc.last_line = nline;
yylloc.first_column = ncolumn;
yylloc.last_column = (ncolumn += strlen(text)) - 1;
static YY_BUFFER_STATE state;
init_flex (const char *text) {
state = yy_scan_string (text);
finalize_flex (void) {
yy_delete_buffer (state);
The file consists of three sections which are separated by “%%” (line 18 and 56). They are definitions, rules and user code sections.
, in line 65, is defined in
The function atof
, in line 40, is
defined in stdlib.h
. The function get_location
61-66) sets yylloc
to point the start and end point of
in the buffer. This function is declared here so
that it can be called before the function is defined.%option noyywrap
) must be specified
when you have only single source file to the scanner. Refer to “9 The
Generated Scanner” in the flex documentation in your distribution for
further information. (The documentation is not on the internet.)REAL_NUMBER
names. A name begins with a letter or an underscore followed by zero or
more letters, digits, underscores (_
) or dashes
). They are followed by regular expressions which are
their definitions. They will be used in rules section and will expand to
the definition. You can leave out such definitions here and use regular
expressions in rules section directly.This section is the most important part. Rules consist of patterns and actions. The patterns are regular expressions or names surrounded by braces. The names must be defined in the definitions section. The definition of the regular expression is written in the flex documentation.
For example, line 40 is a rule.
is a patternget_location (yytext); yylval.NUM = atof (yytext); return NUM;
is an action.{REAL_NUMBER}
is defined in the line 17, so it expands
to (0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.[0-9]+)?
. This regular expression
matches numbers like 0
, 12
. If an input is a number, it matches the pattern in
line 40. Then the matched text is assigned to yytext
corresponding action is executed. A function get_location
changes the location variables to the position at the text. It assigns
atof (yytext)
, which is double sized number converted from
, to yylval.NUM
and return
is a token kind and it represents
integer. It is defined in turtle.y
The scanner generated by flex has yylex
function. If
is called and the input is “123.4”, then it works as
with get_location
converts the string “123.4” to double
type number 123.4.yylval.NUM
returns NUM
to the caller.Then the caller knows the input is a number (NUM
), and
its value is 123.4.
(dot) matches any character except
newline. Therefore, a comment begins #
followed by any
characters except newline. No action happens.ncolumn
by one and
resets ncolumn
and yylloc
, and return the token kinds
of the keywords.IDENTIFIER
is defined in line 18. The location
variables are updated and the name of the identifier is assigned to
. The memory of the name is allocated by the
function g_strdup
. The memory is registered to the list
(GSlist type list). The memory will be freed after the runtime routine
finishes. A token kind ID
is returned.YYUNDEF
is returned.This section is just copied to C source file.
. The location of the
input is recorded to nline
and ncolumn
. A
variable yylloc
is referred by the parser. It is a C
structure and has four members, first_line
, last_line
. They point the start and end of the current
input text.YY_BUFFER_STATE
is a pointer points the input
is called by
which is a “clicked” signal handler on the
button. It has one string type parameter. The caller
assigns it with the content of the GtkTextBuffer instance. A function
sets the input buffer for the scanner.finalize_flex
is called after runtime
routine finishes. It deletes the input buffer.Turtle.y has more than 800 lines so it is difficult to explain all the source code. So I will explain the key points and leave out other less important parts.
Bison creates C source file of a parser from a bison source file. The bison source file is a text file. A parser analyzes a program source code according to its grammar. Suppose here is a turtle source file.
fc (1,0,0) # Foreground color is red, rgb = (1,0,0).
pd # Pen down.
distance = 100
angle = 90
fd distance # Go forward by distance (100) pixels.
tr angle # Turn right by angle (90) degrees.
The parser calls yylex
to get a token. The token
consists of its type (token kind) and value (semantic value). So, the
parser gets items in the following table whenever it calls
token kind | yylval.ID | yylval.NUM | |
1 | FC | ||
2 | ( | ||
3 | NUM | 1.0 | |
4 | , | ||
5 | NUM | 0.0 | |
6 | , | ||
7 | NUM | 0.0 | |
8 | ) | ||
9 | PD | ||
10 | ID | distance | |
11 | = | ||
12 | NUM | 100.0 | |
13 | ID | angle | |
14 | = | ||
15 | NUM | 90.0 | |
16 | FD | ||
17 | ID | distance | |
18 | TR | ||
19 | ID | angle |
Bison source code specifies the grammar rules of turtle language. For
example, fc (1,0,0)
is called primary procedure. A
procedure is like a void type C function. It doesn’t return any values.
Programmers can define their own procedures. On the other hand,
is a built-in procedure. Such procedures are called
primary procedures. It is described in bison source code like:
primary_procedure: FC '(' expression ',' expression ',' expression ')';
expression: ID | NUM;
This means:
The description above is called BNF (Backus-Naur form). Precisely speaking, it is not exactly the same as BNF. But the difference is small.
The first line is:
FC '(' NUM ',' NUM ',' NUM ')';
The parser analyzes the turtle source code and if the input matches the definition above, the parser recognizes it as a primary procedure.
The grammar of turtle is described in the Turtle manual. The following is an extract from the document.
| program statement
| procedure_definition
| PD
| PW expression
| FD expression
| TR expression
| TL expression
| BC '(' expression ',' expression ',' expression ')'
| FC '(' expression ',' expression ',' expression ')'
| ID '=' expression
| IF '(' expression ')' '{' primary_procedure_list '}'
| RT
| RS
| RP '(' expression ')' '{' primary_procedure_list '}'
| ID '(' ')'
| ID '(' argument_list ')'
DP ID '(' ')' '{' primary_procedure_list '}'
| DP ID '(' parameter_list ')' '{' primary_procedure_list '}'
| parameter_list ',' ID
| argument_list ',' expression
| primary_procedure_list primary_procedure
expression '=' expression
| expression '>' expression
| expression '<' expression
| expression '+' expression
| expression '-' expression
| expression '*' expression
| expression '/' expression
| '-' expression %prec UMINUS
| '(' expression ')'
| ID
The grammar rule defines program
The definition is recursive.
is program.statement statement
is program statement
Therefore, it is program.statement statement statement
program statement
. Therefore, it is program.You can find that a sequence of statements is program like this.
and statement
aren’t tokens. They
don’t appear in the input. They are called non terminal symbols. On the
other hand, tokens are called terminal symbols. The word “token” used
here has wide meaning, it includes tokens and symbols which appear in
the input. Non terminal symbols are often shortened to nterm.
Let’s analyze the program above as bison does.
token kind | yylval.ID | yylval.NUM | parse | S/R | |
1 | FC | FC | S | ||
2 | ( | FC( | S | ||
3 | NUM | 1.0 | FC(NUM | S | |
FC(expression | R | ||||
4 | , | FC(expression, | S | ||
5 | NUM | 0.0 | FC(expression,NUM | S | |
FC(expression,expression | R | ||||
6 | , | FC(expression,expression, | S | ||
7 | NUM | 0.0 | FC(expression,expression,NUM | S | |
FC(expression,expression,expression | R | ||||
8 | ) | FC(expression,expression,expression) | S | ||
primary_procedure | R | ||||
statement | R | ||||
program | R | ||||
9 | PD | program PD | S | ||
program primary_procedure | R | ||||
program statement | R | ||||
program | R | ||||
10 | ID | distance | program ID | S | |
11 | = | program ID= | S | ||
12 | NUM | 100.0 | program ID=NUM | S | |
program ID=expression | R | ||||
program primary_procedure | R | ||||
program statement | R | ||||
program | R | ||||
13 | ID | angle | program ID | S | |
14 | = | program ID= | S | ||
15 | NUM | 90.0 | program ID=NUM | S | |
program ID=expression | R | ||||
program primary_procedure | R | ||||
program statement | R | ||||
program | R | ||||
16 | FD | program FD | S | ||
17 | ID | distance | program FD ID | S | |
program FD expression | R | ||||
program primary_procedure | R | ||||
program statement | R | ||||
program | R | ||||
18 | TR | program TR | S | ||
19 | ID | angle | program TR ID | S | |
program TR expression | R | ||||
program primary_procedure | R | ||||
program statement | R | ||||
program | R |
The right most column shows shift/reduce. Shift is appending an input to the buffer. Reduce is substituting a higher nterm for the pattern in the buffer. For example, NUM is replaced by expression in the forth row. This substitution is “reduce”.
Bison repeats shift and reduction until the end of the input. If the
result is reduced to program
, the input is syntactically
valid. Bison executes an action whenever reduction occurs. Actions build
a tree. The tree is analyzed and executed by runtime routine later.
Bison source files are called bison grammar files. A bison grammar file consists of four sections, prologue, declarations, rules and epilogue. The format is as follows.
Prologue section consists of C codes and the codes are copied to the
parser implementation file. You can use %code
directives to
qualify the prologue and identifies the purpose explicitly. The
following is an extract from turtle.y
%code top{
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <cairo.h>
#include "turtle_parser.h"
/* The following line defines 'debug' so that debug information is printed out during the run time. */
/* However it makes the program slow. */
/* If you want to debug on, uncomment the line. */
/* #define debug 1 */
extern cairo_surface_t *surface;
/* error reporting */
static void yyerror (char const *s) { /* for syntax error */
g_print ("%s from line %d, column %d to line %d, column %d\n",s, yylloc.first_line, yylloc.first_column, yylloc.last_line, yylloc.last_column);
/* Node type */
enum {
... ... ...
The directive %code top
copies its contents to the top
of the parser implementation file. It usually includes
directives, declarations of functions and
definitions of constants. A function yyerror
reports a
syntax error and is called by the parser. Node type identifies a node in
the tree.
Another directive %code requires
copies its contents to
both the parser implementation file and header file. The header file is
read by the scanner C source file and other files.
%code requires {
int yylex (void);
int yyparse (void);
void run (void);
/* semantic value type */
typedef struct _node_t node_t;
struct _node_t {
int type;
union {
struct {
node_t *child1, *child2, *child3;
} child;
char *name;
double value;
} content;
is shared by the parser implementation file and
scanner file.yyparse
and run
is called by
in turtleapplication.c
is the type of the semantic value of nterms. The
header file defines YYSTYPE
, which is the semantic value
type, with all the token and nterm value types. The following is
extracted from the header file./* Value type. */
#if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED
char * ID; /* ID */
double NUM; /* NUM */
node_t * program; /* program */
node_t * statement; /* statement */
node_t * primary_procedure; /* primary_procedure */
node_t * primary_procedure_list; /* primary_procedure_list */
node_t * procedure_definition; /* procedure_definition */
node_t * parameter_list; /* parameter_list */
node_t * argument_list; /* argument_list */
node_t * expression; /* expression */
Other useful macros and declarations are put into the
%code {
/* The following macro is convenient to get the member of the node. */
#define child1(n) (n)->content.child.child1
#define child2(n) (n)->content.child.child2
#define child3(n) (n)->content.child.child3
#define name(n) (n)->content.name
#define value(n) (n)->content.value
/* start of nodes */
static node_t *node_top = NULL;
/* functions to generate trees */
static node_t *tree1 (int type, node_t *child1, node_t *child2, node_t *child3);
static node_t *tree2 (int type, double value);
static node_t *tree3 (int type, char *name);
Bison declarations defines terminal and non-terminal symbols. It also specifies some directives.
%define api.value.type union /* YYSTYPE, the type of semantic values, is union of following types */
/* key words */
%token PU
%token PD
%token PW
%token FD
%token TR
%token TL
%token BC
%token FC
%token DP
%token IF
%token RT
%token RS
%token RP
/* constant */
%token <double> NUM
/* identirier */
%token <char *> ID
/* non terminal symbol */
%nterm <node_t *> program
%nterm <node_t *> statement
%nterm <node_t *> primary_procedure
%nterm <node_t *> primary_procedure_list
%nterm <node_t *> procedure_definition
%nterm <node_t *> parameter_list
%nterm <node_t *> argument_list
%nterm <node_t *> expression
/* logical relation symbol */
%left '=' '<' '>'
/* arithmetic symbol */
%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/'
%precedence UMINUS /* unary minus */
directive inserts the location structure into
the header file. It is like this.
typedef struct YYLTYPE YYLTYPE;
struct YYLTYPE
int first_line;
int first_column;
int last_line;
int last_column;
This type is shared by the scanner file and the parser implementation
file. The error report function yyerror
uses it so that it
can inform the location that error occurs.
%define api.value.type union
generates semantic value
type with tokens and nterms and inserts it to the header file. The
inserted part is shown in the previous subsection as the extracts that
shows the value type (YYSTYPE).
and %nterm
directives define tokens
and non terminal symbols respectively.
%token PU
... ...
%token <double> NUM
These directives define a token PU
and NUM
The values of token kinds PU
and NUM
defined as an enumeration constant in the header file.
enum yytokentype
... ... ...
PU = 258, /* PU */
... ... ...
NUM = 269, /* NUM */
... ... ...
typedef enum yytokentype yytoken_kind_t;
In addition, the type of the semantic value of NUM
defined as double in the header file because of
char * ID; /* ID */
double NUM; /* NUM */
... ...
All the nterm symbols have the same type * node_t
of the
semantic value.
and %precedence
directives define the
precedence of operation symbols.
/* logical relation symbol */
%left '=' '<' '>'
/* arithmetic symbol */
%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/'
%precedence UMINUS /* unary minus */
directive defines the following symbols as
left-associated operators. If an operator +
left-associated, then
A + B + C = (A + B) + C
That is, the calculation is carried out the left operator first, then
the right operator. If an operator *
is right-associated,
A * B * C = A * (B * C)
The definition above decides the behavior of the parser. Addition and
multiplication hold associative law so the result of
and A+(B+C)
are equal in terms of
mathematics. However, the parser will be confused if left (or right)
associativity is not specified.
and %precedence
directives show the
precedence of operators. Later declared operators have higher precedence
than former declared ones. The declaration above says, for example,
v=w+z*5+7 is the same as v=((w+(z*5))+7)
Be careful. The operator =
above is an assignment.
Assignment is not expression in turtle language. It is
primary_procedure. But if =
appears in an expression, it is
a logical operator, not an assignment. The logical equal
’ usually used in the conditional expression, for
example, in if
statement. (Turtle language uses ‘=’ instead
of ‘==’ in C language).
Grammar rules section defines the syntactic grammar of the language. It is similar to BNF form.
result: components { action };
The following is a part of the grammar rule in
statement { node_top = $$ = $1; }
FD expression { $$ = tree1 (N_FD, $2, NULL, NULL); }
NUM { $$ = tree2 (N_NUM, $1); }
is reduced to program
an action node_top=$$=$1;
is executed.node_top
is a static variable. It points the top node
of the tree.$$
is a semantic value of the result. For
example, $$
in line 2 is the semantic value of
. It is a pointer to a node_t
is a semantic value of the first component. For
example, $1
in line 2 is the semantic value of
. It is also a pointer to
. There’s no action specified. Then, the
default action $$ = $1
is executed.primary_procedure
followed by expression. The action calls
and assigns its return value to $$
. The
function tree1
makes a tree node. The tree node has type
and union of three pointers to children nodes, string or double.node --+-- type
+-- union contents
+---struct {node_t *child1, *child2, *child3;};
+---char *name
+---double value
assigns the four arguments to type, child1,
child2 and child3 members.expression
makes a tree node. The paremeters of
are a type and a semantic value.Suppose the parser reads the following program.
fd 100
What does the parser do?
. Maybe it is the
start of primary_procedure
, but parser needs to read the
next token.yylex
returns the token kind NUM
and sets
to 100.0 (the type is double). The parser
reduces NUM
to expression
. At the same time,
it sets the semantic value of the expression
to point a new
node. The node has an type N_NUM
and a semantic value
. The parser reduces it to
. And it sets the semantic value of the
to point a new node. The node has an type
and its member child1 points the node of
, whose type is N_NUM
. The semantic value of statement
the same as the one of primary_procedure
, which points to
the node N_FD
to program
The semantic value of statement
is assigned to the one of
and the static variable node_top
points the node N_FD
the node N_FD
points the node N_NUM
.The following is the grammar rule extracted from
. The rules there are based on the same idea above.
I don’t want to explain the whole rules below. Please look into each
line carefully so that you will understand all the rules and
statement { node_top = $$ = $1; }
| program statement {
node_top = $$ = tree1 (N_program, $1, $2, NULL);
| procedure_definition
PU { $$ = tree1 (N_PU, NULL, NULL, NULL); }
| PD { $$ = tree1 (N_PD, NULL, NULL, NULL); }
| PW expression { $$ = tree1 (N_PW, $2, NULL, NULL); }
| FD expression { $$ = tree1 (N_FD, $2, NULL, NULL); }
| TR expression { $$ = tree1 (N_TR, $2, NULL, NULL); }
| TL expression { $$ = tree1 (N_TL, $2, NULL, NULL); } /* ver 0.5 */
| BC '(' expression ',' expression ',' expression ')' { $$ = tree1 (N_BC, $3, $5, $7); }
| FC '(' expression ',' expression ',' expression ')' { $$ = tree1 (N_FC, $3, $5, $7); }
/* assignment */
| ID '=' expression { $$ = tree1 (N_ASSIGN, tree3 (N_ID, $1), $3, NULL); }
/* control flow */
| IF '(' expression ')' '{' primary_procedure_list '}' { $$ = tree1 (N_IF, $3, $6, NULL); }
| RT { $$ = tree1 (N_RT, NULL, NULL, NULL); }
| RS { $$ = tree1 (N_RS, NULL, NULL, NULL); }
| RP '(' expression ')' '{' primary_procedure_list '}' { $$ = tree1 (N_RP, $3, $6, NULL); }
/* user defined procedure call */
| ID '(' ')' { $$ = tree1 (N_procedure_call, tree3 (N_ID, $1), NULL, NULL); }
| ID '(' argument_list ')' { $$ = tree1 (N_procedure_call, tree3 (N_ID, $1), $3, NULL); }
DP ID '(' ')' '{' primary_procedure_list '}' {
$$ = tree1 (N_procedure_definition, tree3 (N_ID, $2), NULL, $6);
| DP ID '(' parameter_list ')' '{' primary_procedure_list '}' {
$$ = tree1 (N_procedure_definition, tree3 (N_ID, $2), $4, $7);
ID { $$ = tree3 (N_ID, $1); }
| parameter_list ',' ID { $$ = tree1 (N_parameter_list, $1, tree3 (N_ID, $3), NULL); }
| argument_list ',' expression { $$ = tree1 (N_argument_list, $1, $3, NULL); }
| primary_procedure_list primary_procedure {
$$ = tree1 (N_primary_procedure_list, $1, $2, NULL);
expression '=' expression { $$ = tree1 (N_EQ, $1, $3, NULL); }
| expression '>' expression { $$ = tree1 (N_GT, $1, $3, NULL); }
| expression '<' expression { $$ = tree1 (N_LT, $1, $3, NULL); }
| expression '+' expression { $$ = tree1 (N_ADD, $1, $3, NULL); }
| expression '-' expression { $$ = tree1 (N_SUB, $1, $3, NULL); }
| expression '*' expression { $$ = tree1 (N_MUL, $1, $3, NULL); }
| expression '/' expression { $$ = tree1 (N_DIV, $1, $3, NULL); }
| '-' expression %prec UMINUS { $$ = tree1 (N_UMINUS, $2, NULL, NULL); }
| '(' expression ')' { $$ = $2; }
| ID { $$ = tree3 (N_ID, $1); }
| NUM { $$ = tree2 (N_NUM, $1); }
The epilogue is written in C language and copied to the parser implementation file. Generally, you can put anything into the epilogue. In the case of turtle interpreter, the runtime routine and some other functions are in the epilogue.
There are three functions, tree1
, tree2
creates a node and sets the node type and
pointers to its three children (NULL is possible).tree2
creates a node and sets the node type and a value
creates a node and sets the node type and a
pointer to a string.Each function gets memories first and build a node on them. The memories are inserted to the list. They will be freed when runtime routine finishes.
The three functions are called in the actions in the rules section.
/* Dynamically allocated memories are added to the single list. They will be freed in the finalize function. */
*list = NULL;
node_t (int type, node_t *child1, node_t *child2, node_t *child3) {
tree1 *new_node;
= g_slist_prepend (list, g_malloc (sizeof (node_t)));
list = (node_t *) list->data;
new_node ->type = type;
new_node(new_node) = child1;
child1(new_node) = child2;
child2(new_node) = child3;
child3return new_node;
node_t (int type, double value) {
tree2 *new_node;
= g_slist_prepend (list, g_malloc (sizeof (node_t)));
list = (node_t *) list->data;
new_node ->type = type;
new_node(new_node) = value;
valuereturn new_node;
node_t (int type, char *name) {
tree3 *new_node;
= g_slist_prepend (list, g_malloc (sizeof (node_t)));
list = (node_t *) list->data;
new_node ->type = type;
new_node(new_node) = name;
namereturn new_node;
Variables and user defined procedures are registered in a symbol table. This table is a C array. It should be replaced by more appropriate data structure with memory allocation in the future version
Therefore the table has the following fields.
#define MAX_TABLE_SIZE 100
enum {
typedef union _object_t object_t;
union _object_t {
node_t double value;
struct {
int type;
char *name;
object_t object} table[MAX_TABLE_SIZE];
int tp;
(void) {
init_table = 0;
tp }
initializes the table. This must be called
before registrations.
There are five functions to access the table,
installs a procedure.var_install
installs a variable.proc_lookup
looks up a procedure. If the procedure is
found, it returns a pointer to the node. Otherwise it returns NULL.var_lookup
looks up a variable. If the variable is
found, it returns TRUE and sets the pointer (argument) to point the
value. Otherwise it returns FALSE.var_replace
replaces the value of a variable. If the
variable hasn’t registered yet, it installs the variable.int
(int type, char *name) {
tbl_lookup int i;
if (tp == 0)
return -1;
for (i=0; i<tp; ++i)
if (type == table[i].type && strcmp(name, table[i].name) == 0)
return i;
return -1;
(int type, char *name, object_t object) {
tbl_install if (tp >= MAX_TABLE_SIZE)
("Symbol table overflow.\n");
runtime_error else if (tbl_lookup (type, name) >= 0)
("Name %s is already registered.\n", name);
runtime_error else {
[tp].type = type;
table[tp].name = name;
tableif (type == PROC)
[tp++].object.node = object.node;
[tp++].object.value = object.value;
(char *name, node_t *node) {
proc_install ;
object_t object.node = node;
object(PROC, name, object);
tbl_install }
(char *name, double value) {
var_install ;
object_t object.value = value;
object(VAR, name, object);
tbl_install }
(char *name, double value) {
var_replace int i;
if ((i = tbl_lookup (VAR, name)) >= 0)
[i].object.value = value;
(name, value);
var_install }
node_t (char *name) {
proc_lookup int i;
if ((i = tbl_lookup (PROC, name)) < 0)
return NULL;
return table[i].object.node;
gboolean(char *name, double *value) {
var_lookup int i;
if ((i = tbl_lookup (VAR, name)) < 0)
return FALSE;
else {
*value = table[i].object.value;
return TRUE;
Stack is a last-in first-out data structure. It is shortened to LIFO.
Turtle uses a stack to keep parameters and arguments. They are like
class variables in C language. They are pushed to the
stack whenever the procedure is called. LIFO structure is useful for
recursive calls.
Each element of the stack has name and value.
#define MAX_STACK_SIZE 500
struct {
char *name;
double value;
} stack[MAX_STACK_SIZE];
int sp, sp_biggest;
(void) {
init_stack = sp_biggest = 0;
sp }
is a stack pointer. It is an index of the array
and it always points an element of the array to store
the next data. sp_biggest
is the biggest number assigned to
. We can know the amount of elements used in the array
during the runtime. The purpose of the variable is to find appropriate
. It will be unnecessary in the future
version if the stack is implemented with better data structure and
memory allocation.
The runtime routine push data to the stack when it executes a node of
a procedure call. (The type of the node is
dp drawline (angle, distance) { ... ... ... }
drawline (90, 100)
. The
runtime routine stores the name drawline
and the node of
the procedure to the symbol table.angle
.The following diagram shows the structure of the stack. First,
procedure 1
is called. The procedure has two parameters. In
the procedure 1
, another procedure procedure 2
is called. It has one parameter. In the procedure 2
another procedure procedure 3
is called. It has three
parameters. These three procedures are nested.
Programs push data to a stack from a low address memory to a high address memory. In the following diagram, the lowest address is at the top and the highest address is at the bottom. That is the order of the address. However, “the top of the stack” is the last pushed data and “the bottom of the stack” is the first pushed data. Therefore, “the top of the stack” is the bottom of the rectangle in the diagram and “the bottom of the stack” is the top of the rectangle.
There are four functions to access the stack.
pushes data to the stack.stack_lookup
searches the stack for the variable given
its name as an argument. It searches only the parameters of the latest
procedure. It returns TRUE and sets the argument value
point the value, if the variable has been found. Otherwise it returns
replaces the value of the variable in the
stack. If it succeeds, it returns TRUE. Otherwise returns FALSE.stack_return
throws away the latest parameters. The
stack pointer goes back to the point before the latest procedure call so
that it points to parameters of the previous called procedure.void
(char *name, double value) {
stack_push if (sp >= MAX_STACK_SIZE)
("Stack overflow.\n");
runtime_error else {
[sp].name = name;
stack[sp++].value = value;
stack= sp > sp_biggest ? sp : sp_biggest;
sp_biggest }
(char *name) {
stack_search int depth, i;
if (sp == 0)
return -1;
= (int) stack[sp-1].value;
depth if (depth + 1 > sp) /* something strange */
("Stack error.\n");
runtime_error for (i=0; i<depth; ++i)
if (strcmp(name, stack[sp-(i+2)].name) == 0) {
return sp-(i+2);
return -1;
gboolean(char *name, double *value) {
stack_lookup int i;
if ((i = stack_search (name)) < 0)
return FALSE;
else {
*value = stack[i].value;
return TRUE;
gboolean(char *name, double value) {
stack_replace int i;
if ((i = stack_search (name)) < 0)
return FALSE;
else {
[i].value = value;
stackreturn TRUE;
(void) {
stack_returnint depth;
if (sp <= 0)
= (int) stack[sp-1].value;
depth if (depth + 1 > sp) /* something strange */
("Stack error.\n");
runtime_error -= depth + 1;
sp }
A global variable surface
is shared by
and turtle.y
. It is
initialized in turtleapplication.c
The runtime routine has its own cairo context. This is different from
the cairo of GtkDrawingArea. Runtime routine draws a shape on the
with the cairo context. After runtime routine
returns to run_cb
, run_cb
adds the
GtkDrawingArea widget to the queue to redraw. When the widget is
redraw,the drawing function draw_func
is called. It copies
the surface
to the surface in the GtkDrawingArea
has two functions init_cairo
initializes static variables and cairo
context. The variables keep pen status (up or down), direction, initial
location, line width and color. The size of the surface
changes according to the size of the window. Whenever a user drags and
resizes the window, the surface
is also resized.
gets the size first and sets the initial
location of the turtle (center of the surface) and the transformation
just destroys the cairo context.Turtle has its own coordinate. The origin is at the center of the surface, and positive direction of x and y axes are right and up respectively. But surfaces have its own coordinate. Its origin is at the top-left corner of the surface and positive direction of x and y are right and down respectively. A plane with the turtle’s coordinate is called user space, which is the same as cairo’s user space. A plane with the surface’s coordinate is called device space.
Cairo provides a transformation which is an affine transformation. It transforms a user-space coordinate (x, y) into a device-space coordinate (z, w).
gets the width and height of the
(See the program below).
You can determine a, b, c, d, p and q by substituting the numbers above for x, y, z and w in the equation above. The solution of the simultaneous equations is:
a = 1, b = 0, c = 0, d = -1, p = width/2, q = height/2
Cairo provides a structure cairo_matrix_t
uses it and sets the cairo transformation (See
the program below). Once the matrix is set, the transformation always
performs whenever cairo_stroke
function is invoked.
/* status of the surface */
static gboolean pen = TRUE;
static double angle = 90.0; /* angle starts from x axis and measured counterclockwise */
/* Initially facing to the north */
static double cur_x = 0.0;
static double cur_y = 0.0;
static double line_width = 2.0;
struct color {
double red;
double green;
double blue;
static struct color bc = {0.95, 0.95, 0.95}; /* white */
static struct color fc = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; /* black */
/* cairo */
static cairo_t *cr;
gboolean(void) {
init_cairo int width, height;
cairo_matrix_t matrix
pen = 90.0;
angle = 0.0;
cur_x = 0.0;
cur_y = 2.0;
line_width .red = 0.95; bc.green = 0.95; bc.blue = 0.95;
bc.red = 0.0; fc.green = 0.0; fc.blue = 0.0;
if (surface) {
= cairo_image_surface_get_width (surface);
width = cairo_image_surface_get_height (surface);
height .xx = 1.0; matrix.xy = 0.0; matrix.x0 = (double) width / 2.0;
matrix.yx = 0.0; matrix.yy = -1.0; matrix.y0 = (double) height / 2.0;
= cairo_create (surface);
cr (cr, &matrix);
cairo_transform (cr, bc.red, bc.green, bc.blue);
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr);
cairo_paint (cr, fc.red, fc.green, fc.blue);
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, cur_x, cur_y);
cairo_move_to return TRUE;
} else
return FALSE;
() {
destroy_cairo (cr);
cairo_destroy }
A function eval
evaluates an expression and returns the
value of the expression. It calls itself recursively. For example, if
the node is N_ADD
, then:
This is performed by a macro calc
defined in the sixth
line in the following program.
(node_t *node) {
eval double value = 0.0;
if (node == NULL)
("No expression to evaluate.\n");
runtime_error #define calc(op) eval (child1(node)) op eval (child2(node))
switch (node->type) {
case N_EQ:
= (double) calc(==);
value break;
case N_GT:
= (double) calc(>);
value break;
case N_LT:
= (double) calc(<);
value break;
case N_ADD:
= calc(+);
value break;
case N_SUB:
= calc(-);
value break;
case N_MUL:
= calc(*);
value break;
case N_DIV:
if (eval (child2(node)) == 0.0)
("Division by zerp.\n");
runtime_error else
= calc(/);
value break;
case N_UMINUS:
= -(eval (child1(node)));
value break;
case N_ID:
if (! (stack_lookup (name(node), &value)) && ! var_lookup (name(node), &value) )
("Variable %s not defined.\n", name(node));
runtime_error break;
case N_NUM:
= value(node);
value break;
("Illegal expression.\n");
runtime_error }
return value;
Primary procedures and procedure definitions are analyzed and
executed by the function execute
. It doesn’t return any
values. It calls itself recursively. The process of N_RT
and N_procedure_call
is complicated. It will explained
after the following program. Other parts are not so difficult. Read the
program below carefully so that you will understand the process.
/* procedure - return status */
static int proc_level = 0;
static int ret_level = 0;
(node_t *node) {
execute double d, x, y;
char *name;
int n, i;
if (node == NULL)
("Node is NULL.\n");
runtime_error if (proc_level > ret_level)
switch (node->type) {
case N_program:
execute (child2(node));
execute break;
case N_PU:
pen break;
case N_PD:
pen break;
case N_PW:
= eval (child1(node)); /* line width */
line_width break;
case N_FD:
= eval (child1(node)); /* distance */
d = d * cos (angle*M_PI/180);
x = d * sin (angle*M_PI/180);
y /* initialize the current point = start point of the line */
(cr, cur_x, cur_y);
cairo_move_to += x;
cur_x += y;
cur_y (cr, line_width);
cairo_set_line_width (cr, fc.red, fc.green, fc.blue);
cairo_set_source_rgb if (pen)
(cr, cur_x, cur_y);
cairo_line_to else
(cr, cur_x, cur_y);
cairo_move_to (cr);
cairo_stroke break;
case N_TR:
-= eval (child1(node));
angle for (; angle < 0; angle += 360.0);
for (; angle>360; angle -= 360.0);
case N_BC:
.red = eval (child1(node));
bc.green = eval (child2(node));
bc.blue = eval (child3(node));
bc#define fixcolor(c) c = c < 0 ? 0 : (c > 1 ? 1 : c)
fixcolor (bc.green);
fixcolor (bc.blue);
fixcolor /* clear the shapes and set the background color */
(cr, bc.red, bc.green, bc.blue);
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr);
cairo_paint break;
case N_FC:
.red = eval (child1(node));
fc.green = eval (child2(node));
fc.blue = eval (child3(node));
fixcolor (fc.green);
fixcolor (fc.blue);
fixcolor break;
case N_ASSIGN:
= name(child1(node));
name = eval (child2(node));
d if (! stack_replace (name, d)) /* First, tries to replace the value in the stack (parameter).*/
(name, d); /* If the above fails, tries to replace the value in the table. If the variable isn't in the table, installs it, */
var_replace break;
case N_IF:
if (eval (child1(node)))
execute break;
case N_RT:
case N_RS:
pen = 90.0;
angle = 0.0;
cur_x = 0.0;
cur_y = 2.0;
line_width .red = 0.0; fc.green = 0.0; fc.blue = 0.0;
fc/* To change background color, use bc. */
case N_procedure_call:
= name(child1(node));
name *proc = proc_lookup (name);
node_t if (! proc)
("Procedure %s not defined.\n", name);
runtime_error if (strcmp (name, name(child1(proc))) != 0)
("Unexpected error. Procedure %s is called, but invoked procedure is %s.\n", name, name(child1(proc)));
runtime_error /* make tuples (parameter (name), argument (value)) and push them to the stack */
node_t *arg_list;
node_t = child2(proc);
param_list = child2(node);
arg_list if (param_list == NULL) {
if (arg_list == NULL) {
(NULL, 0.0); /* number of argument == 0 */
stack_push } else
("Procedure %s has different number of argument and parameter.\n", name);
runtime_error }else {
/* Don't change the stack until finish evaluating the arguments. */
#define TEMP_STACK_SIZE 20
char *temp_param[TEMP_STACK_SIZE];
double temp_arg[TEMP_STACK_SIZE];
= 0;
n for (; param_list->type == N_parameter_list; param_list = child1(param_list)) {
if (arg_list->type != N_argument_list)
("Procedure %s has different number of argument and parameter.\n", name);
runtime_error if (n >= TEMP_STACK_SIZE)
("Too many parameters. the number must be %d or less.\n", TEMP_STACK_SIZE);
runtime_error [n] = name(child2(param_list));
temp_param[n] = eval (child2(arg_list));
temp_arg= child1(arg_list);
arg_list ++n;
if (param_list->type == N_ID && arg_list -> type != N_argument_list) {
[n] = name(param_list);
temp_param[n] = eval (arg_list);
temp_argif (++n >= TEMP_STACK_SIZE)
("Too many parameters. the number must be %d or less.\n", TEMP_STACK_SIZE);
runtime_error [n] = NULL;
temp_param[n] = (double) n;
} else
("Unexpected error.\n");
runtime_error for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
(temp_param[i], temp_arg[i]);
stack_push }
= ++proc_level;
ret_level (child3(proc));
execute = --proc_level;
ret_level ();
stack_return break;
case N_procedure_definition:
= name(child1(node));
name (name, node);
proc_install break;
case N_primary_procedure_list:
execute (child2(node));
execute break;
("Unknown statement.\n");
runtime_error }
A node N_procedure_call
is created by the parser when it
has found a user defined procedure call. The procedure has been defined
in the prior statement. Suppose the parser reads the following example
dp drawline (angle, distance) {
tr angle
fd distance
drawline (90, 100)
drawline (90, 100)
drawline (90, 100)
drawline (90, 100)
This example draws a square.
When The parser reads the lines from one to four, it creates nodes like this:
Runtime routine just stores the procedure to the symbol table with its name and node.
When the parser reads the fifth line in the example, it creates nodes like this:
When the runtime routine meets N_procedure_call
node, it
behaves like this:
by one. Sets ret_level
to the same value as proc_level
. proc_level
zero when runtime routine runs on the main routine. If it goes into a
procedure, proc_level
increases by one. Therefore,
is the depth of the procedure call.
is the level to return. If it is the same as
, runtime routine executes commands in order of
the commands in the procedure. If it is smaller than
, runtime routine doesn’t execute commands until
it becomes the same level as proc_level
is used to return the procedure.proc_level
by one. Sets
to the same value as proc_level
Calls stack_return
.When the runtime routine meets N_RT
node, it decreases
by one so that the following commands in the
procedure are ignored by the runtime routine.
A function run
is the entry of the runtime routine. A
function runtime_error
reports an error occurred during the
runtime routine runs. (Errors which occur during the parsing are called
syntax error and reported by yyerror
.) After
reports an error, it stops the command
execution and goes back to run
to exit.
Setjmp and longjmp functions are used. They are declared in
. setjmp (buf)
saves state
information in buf
and returns zero.
longjmp(buf, 1)
restores the state information from
and returns 1
(the second argument).
Because the information is the status at the time setjmp
called, so longjmp resumes the execution at the next of setjmp function
call. In the following program, longjmp resumes at the assignment to the
variable i
. When setjmp is called, 0 is assigned to
and execute(node_top)
is called. On the
other hand, when longjmp is called, 1 is assigned to i
is not called..
frees all the allocated memories.
static jmp_buf buf;
(void) {
run int i;
if (! init_cairo()) {
("Cairo not initialized.\n");
g_print return;
init_stack= proc_level = 1;
ret_level = setjmp (buf);
i if (i == 0)
execute/* else ... get here by calling longjmp */
destroy_cairo (g_steal_pointer (&list), g_free);
g_slist_free_full }
/* format supports only %s, %f and %d */
static void
(char *format, ...) {
runtime_error va_list args;
char *f;
char b[3];
char *s;
double v;
int i;
(args, format);
va_start for (f = format; *f; f++) {
if (*f != '%') {
[0] = *f;
b[1] = '\0';
b("%s", b);
g_print continue;
switch (*++f) {
case 's':
= va_arg(args, char *);
s ("%s", s);
g_print break;
case 'f':
= va_arg(args, double);
v ("%f", v);
case 'd':
= va_arg(args, int);
i ("%d", i);
[0] = '%';
b[1] = *f;
b[2] = '\0';
b("%s", b);
g_print break;
(buf, 1);
longjmp }
A function runtime_error
has a variable-length argument
void runtime_error (char *format, ...)
This is implemented with <stdarg.h>
header file.
The va_list
type variable args
will refer to
each argument in turn. A function va_start
. A function va_arg
returns an argument
and moves the reference of args
to the next. A function
cleans up everything necessary at the end.
The function runtime_error
has a similar format of
printf standard function. But its format has only %s
and %d
The functions declared in <setjmp.h>
are explained in the very famous book “The
C programming language” written by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie. I
referred to the book to write the program above.
The program turtle
is unsophisticated and unpolished. If
you want to make your own language, you need to know more and more. I
don’t know any good textbook about compilers and interpreters. If you
know a good book, please let me know.
However, the following information is very useful (but old).
Lately, lots of source codes are in the internet. Maybe reading source codes is the most useful for programmers.