Prerequisite and License


GTK 4 on a Linux OS

This tutorial describes GTK 4 libraries. It is originally used on Linux with C compiler, but now it is used more widely, on Windows and MacOS, with Vala, Python, Ruby and so on. However, this tutorial describes only C programs on Linux.

If you want to try the examples in the tutorial, you need:

The stable version of GTK is 4.10.1 at present (24/April/2023). The version 4.10 adds some new classes and functions and makes some classes and functions deprecated. Some example programs in this tutorial don’t work on the older version.

Ruby and rake for making the document

This repository includes Ruby programs. They are used to make GFM (GitHub Flavoured Markdown) files, HTML files, Latex files and a PDF file.

You need:


Copyright (C) 2020,2023 ToshioCP (Toshio Sekiya)

GTK4-tutorial repository contains tutorial documents and programs such as converters, generators and controllers. All of them make up the ‘GTK4-tutorial’ package. This package is simply called ‘GTK4-tutorial’ in the following description.

GTK4-tutorial is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under terms of the following licenses.

GTK4-tutorial is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU License web pages for more details.

The licenses above is effective since 15/April/2023. Before that, GPL covered all the contents of the GTK4-tutorial. But GFDL1.3 is more appropriate for documents so the license was changed. The license above is the only effective license since 15/April/2023.