require 'fileutils' require 'pathname' include FileUtils class String def partitions pattern a = [] b = self.partition(pattern) until b[1] == "" a += [b[0],b[1]] b = b[2].partition(pattern) end a += [b[0]] end end def change_relative_link src, old_dir, new_dir p_new_dir = buf = src.partitions(/^~~~.*?^~~~\n/m) buf ={|chunk| chunk =~ /\A~~~.*?^~~~\n\z/m ? chunk : chunk.partitions(/(^ .*\n)+/)}.flatten # buf = buf.inject([]){|b,e| b.append(*e)} buf = do |chunk| if (chunk =~ /\A~~~.*?^~~~\n\z/m || chunk =~ /\A(^ .*\n)+\z/) chunk else # change inline codes (`...`) to escape char ("\e"=0x1B) in the link change procedure temporarily. # This avoids the influence of the change in the inline codes. # So, files must not include escape code (0x1B). codes = chunk.scan(/`.*?`/) chunk = chunk.gsub(/`.*?`/,"\e") b = chunk.partitions(/\[.*?\]\(.*?\)/) b = do |c| m = c.match(/(\[.*?\])\((.*?)\)/) if m == nil c else name = m[1] target = m[2] if target.include?("\e") || target =~ /^(http|\/)/ c else n_target ="#{old_dir}/#{target}").relative_path_from(p_new_dir).to_s "#{name}(#{n_target})" end end end a = b.join.split("\e") i = 0 codes.inject([a[0]]){|b, code| i+=1; b.append(code, a[i])}.join end end buf.join end