This tutorial illustrates how to write C programs with the GTK 4 library. It focuses on beginners so the contents are limited to the basics. The table of contents is at the end of this abstract.
(Text File Editor).The latest version of the tutorial is located at GTK4-tutorial GitHub repository. You can read it directly without download.
There’s a GitHub Page of this tutorial at
It is easier to read than the repository.
Please refer to GTK 4 API Reference and GNOME Developer Documentation Website for further information.
These websites were opened in August of 2021. The old documents are located at GTK Reference Manual and GNOME Developer Center.
If you want to know about GObject and the type system, please refer to GObject tutorial. GObject is the base of GTK 4, so it is important for developers to understand GObject as well as GTK 4.
This tutorial is still under development and unstable. Even though
the codes of the examples have been tested on GTK 4 (version 4.8.1),
bugs may still exist. If you find any bugs, errors or mistakes in the
tutorial and C examples, please let me know. You can post it to GitHub
issues. You can also post updated files to pull request.
One thing you need to be careful is to correct the source files, which
are under the ‘src’ directory. Don’t modify the files under
or html
directories. After modifying some
source files , run rake
to create GFM (GitHub Flavoured
Markdown) files and run rake html
to create HTML files.
If you have a question, feel free to post it to issue
All questions are helpful and will make this tutorial get better.
If you want to get HTML or PDF format tutorial, make them with
command, which is a ruby version of make. Type
rake html
for HTML. Type rake pdf
for PDF.
There is a document (“How to build
GTK 4 Tutorial”) for further information.
The license of this repository is GPL and written in Section1.
But new licenses, one of which is GFDL1.3 for documents and the other is GPL3 for programs, are under consideration. The decision will be made on 15/April/2023.
This website uses Bootstrap.