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synced 2024-11-16 19:50:35 +01:00
Bug fixed. Readme_for_developers.src.md is Updated.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 88 additions and 83 deletions
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# .gitignore
@ -34,4 +32,3 @@ latex/*
# backup file
@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ abstract_tex = "latex/"+abstract.to_tex
CLEAN << "Readme.md"
def pair array1, array2
n = [array1.size, array2.size].max
(0...n).map{|i| [array1[i], array2[i], i]}
# tasks
task default: :md
@ -46,11 +51,10 @@ file "Readme.md" => [abstract] + secfiles do
# srcfiles => mdfiles
(0...srcfiles.size).each do |i|
file mdfiles[i] => [srcfiles[i]] + srcfiles[i].c_files do
src2md srcfiles[i], mdfiles[i], "gfm"
if srcfiles[i].instance_of? Sec_file
i = srcfiles[i].num.to_i - 1
pair(srcfiles, mdfiles).each do |src, dst, i|
file dst => [src] + src.c_files do
src2md src, dst, "gfm"
if src.instance_of? Sec_file
if secfiles.size == 1
nav = "Up: [Readme.md](../Readme.md)\n"
elsif i == 0
@ -60,7 +64,7 @@ end
nav = "Up: [Readme.md](../Readme.md), Prev: [Section #{i}](#{secfiles[i-1].to_md}), Next: [Section #{i+2}](#{secfiles[i+1].to_md})\n"
File.write(mdfiles[i], nav + "\n" + File.read(mdfiles[i]) + "\n" + nav)
File.write(dst, nav + "\n" + File.read(dst) + "\n" + nav)
@ -84,12 +88,11 @@ file "html/index.html" => [abstract] + secfiles do
add_head_tail_html "html/index.html"
(0...srcfiles.size).each do |i|
file htmlfiles[i] => [srcfiles[i]] + srcfiles[i].c_files do
html_md = "html/#{srcfiles[i].to_md}"
src2md srcfiles[i], html_md, "html"
if srcfiles[i].instance_of? Sec_file
i = srcfiles[i].num.to_i - 1 # 0 based index
pair(srcfiles, htmlfiles).each do |src, dst, i|
file dst => [src] + src.c_files do
html_md = "html/#{src.to_md}"
src2md src, html_md, "html"
if src.instance_of? Sec_file
if secfiles.size == 1
nav = "Up: [index.html](index.html)\n"
elsif i == 0
@ -101,9 +104,9 @@ end
File.write(html_md, nav + "\n" + File.read(html_md) + "\n" + nav)
sh "pandoc -o #{htmlfiles[i]} #{html_md}"
sh "pandoc -o #{dst} #{html_md}"
add_head_tail_html htmlfiles[i]
add_head_tail_html dst
@ -124,14 +127,14 @@ file abstract_tex => abstract do
(0...texfiles.size).each do |i|
file texfiles[i] => [srcfiles[i]] + srcfiles[i].c_files do
tex_md = "latex/#{srcfiles[i].to_md}"
src2md srcfiles[i], tex_md, "latex"
if srcfiles[i] == "src/Readme_for_developers.src.md"
sh "pandoc -o #{texfiles[i]} #{tex_md}"
pair(srcfiles, texfiles).each do |src, dst, i|
file dst => [src] + src.c_files do
tex_md = "latex/#{src.to_md}"
src2md src, tex_md, "latex"
if src == "src/Readme_for_developers.src.md"
sh "pandoc -o #{dst} #{tex_md}"
sh "pandoc --listings -o #{texfiles[i]} #{tex_md}"
sh "pandoc --listings -o #{dst} #{tex_md}"
@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ EOS
main += " \\input{#{filename}}\n"
main += "\\newpage\n"
main += "\\appendix\n"
appendixfiles.each do |filename|
main += "\\appendix\n" if appendixfiles
appendixfiles.to_a.each do |filename|
filename = filename.sub(/^#{directory}\//, "")
main += " \\input{#{filename}}\n"
@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ def change_link src, old_dir, type, new_dir=nil
p_target = Pathname.new "#{old_dir}/#{target}"
target = p_target.relative_path_from(p_new_dir).to_s
if type == "latex"
if type == "latex" && name[0] != '!'
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
require_relative 'lib/lib_mktbl.rb'
require_relative 'lib/lib_src2md.rb'
src = File.read ARGV[0]
buf = src.partitions(/^@@@table\n.*?@@@\n/m)
buf = buf.map{|chunk| chunk=~/\A@@@table/ ? at_table(chunk) : chunk}.join
File.write file+".bak", src # backup
File.write file, buf
dst = buf.map{|chunk| chunk=~/\A@@@table/ ? at_table(chunk) : chunk}.join
File.write ARGV[0]+".bak", src # backup
File.write ARGV[0], dst
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Src.md file has ".src.md" suffix.
The syntax of .src.md file is similar to markdown but it has a special command which isn't included in markdown syntax.
It is @@@ command.
The command starts with a line that begins with "@@@" and it ends with a line "@@@".
For example,
For example,
@ -239,30 +239,16 @@ They are `gfm`, `html` or `latex` so far.
Other type of conditions may be available in the future version.
## Conversion
The @@@ commands above (@@@include, @@@shell and @@@if series) are carried out by `src2md.rb`.
In addition, some other conversions are made by `src2md.rb`.
- Relative links are changed according to the change of the base directory.
- Size option in image link is removed when the destination is GFM or html.
- Relative link is removed when the destination is latex.
There's a method `src2md` in the `lib/lib_src2md.rb`.
This method converts src.md file into md file.
The script `src2md.rb` just invokes this method.
In the same way, the method is called in the action in `Rakefile`.
The code analyzing @@@if series command is rather complicated.
It is based on the state diagram below.
![state diagram](../image/state_diagram.png){width=15cm height=8.4cm}
## mktbl.rb script
### @@@table
The fourth @@@ command begins with "@@@table".
This type of @@@ command starts with a line begins with "@@@table".
The contents of this command is a table of GFM or pandoc's markdown.
The script `mktbl.rb` in `src` directory makes a table easy to read.
The command makes a table easy to read.
For example, a text file `sample.md` has a table like this:
Price list
@ -274,14 +260,7 @@ For example, a text file `sample.md` has a table like this:
Run the script.
$ cd src
$ ruby mktbl.rb sample.md
Then, the file is changed to:
The command changes this into:
Price list
@ -292,11 +271,21 @@ Price list
| PC |$500 |
The script makes a backup file `sample.md.bak`.
This command just changes the appearance of the table.
There's no influence on html/latex files that is converted from the markdown.
A script `mktbl.rb` supports this command.
If you run the script like this:
$ ruby mktbl.rb sample.md
Then, the appearance of the table will be changed
The script also makes a backup file `sample.md.bak`.
The task of the script seems easy, but the program is not so simple.
The script `mktbl.rb` uses a library `lib/lib_mktbl.rb`
This script is independent from `src2md.rb`.
The script `mktbl.rb` uses a library `lib/lib_src2md.rb`
@@@commands are effective in the whole text.
This means you can't stop the @@@commands.
@ -304,6 +293,29 @@ But sometimes you want to show the commands literally like this document.
One solution is to add four blanks at the top of the line.
Then @@@commands are not effective because @@@commands must be at the top of the line.
## Conversion
The @@@ commands above (@@@include, @@@shell, @@@if series and @@@table) are carried out by a method `src2md`,
which is in the file `lib/lib_src2md.rb`.
This method converts `src.md` file into `md` file.
In addition, some other conversions are made by `src2md` method.
- Relative links are changed according to the change of the base directory.
- Size option in image link is removed when the destination is GFM or html.
- Relative link is removed when the destination is latex.
The order of the conversions are:
1. @@@if
2. @@@table
3. @@@include
4. @@@shell
5. others
There is `src2md.rb` file in the top directory of this repository.
It just invokes the method `src2md`.
In the same way, the method is called in the action in `Rakefile`.
## Directory structure
There are six directories under `gtk4_tutorial` directory.
@ -318,7 +330,7 @@ It is possible that these three directories don't exist before the conversion.
- latex: This directory is empty at first. `rake latex` will convert src.md files to latex files and store them in this directory.
`rake pdf` creates pdf file in `latex` directory.
- lib: This directory includes ruby library files.
## Src directory and the top directory
Src directory contains .src.md files and C-related source files.
@ -358,7 +370,7 @@ You can make a temporary section 4.5, that is a rational number between 4 and 5.
However, section numbers are usually integer so section 4.5 must be changed to section 5.
And the numbers of the following sections must be increased by one.
This renumbering is done by a method `renum` of the class `Sec_files`.
This renumbering is done by a method `renum!` of the class `Sec_files`.
The method and class is written in `lib/lib_sec_file.rb`.
- It changes file names.
@ -372,8 +384,7 @@ Rakefile in this tutorial has the following tasks.
- md: generate GFM markdown files. This is the default.
- html: generate html files.
- pdf: generate latex files and a pdf file, which is compiled by lualatex.
- latex: generate latex files.
- all: generate md, html, latex and pdf files.
- all: generate md, html and pdf files.
Rake does renumbering before the tasks above.
@ -450,18 +461,18 @@ You can customize the style by modifying `lib/lib_add_head_tail_html.rb`.
`html` directory contains all the necessary html files.
So if you want to upload the html files to your own web site, just upload the files in the `html` directory.
## Generate latex files and a pdf file
## Generate a pdf file
You need pandoc to convert .src.md files to latex source files.
You need pandoc to convert markdown files into latex source files.
Type `rake latex` to generate latex files.
Type `rake pdf` to generate latex files and finally make a pdf file.
$ rake latex
$ rake pdf
First, it generates pandoc's markdown files under `latex` directory.
Then, pandoc converts them to latex files.
Then, pandoc converts them into latex files.
Links to files or directories are removed because latex doesn't support them.
However, links to full URL are kept.
However, links to full URL and image files are kept.
Image size is set with the size between the left brace and right brace.
![sample image](../image/sample_image.png){width=10cm height=6cm}
@ -470,24 +481,18 @@ You need to specify appropriate width and height.
It is almost `0.015 x pixels` cm.
For example, if the width of an image is 400 pixels, the width in a latex file will be almost 6cm.
`main.tex` is the top latex file.
It is a root file and it includes each section file between `\begin{document}` and `\end{document}`.
It also includes `helper.tex` in its preamble.
`main.tex` and `helper.tex` is created by `lib/lib_gen_main_tex.rb`.
It has a sample markdown code and convert it witn pandoc and `-s` option.
Pandoc generates preamble.
`lib/lib_gen_main_tx.rb` extracts the preamble and put a part of it into `helper.tex`.
A file `main.tex` is the root file of all the generated latex files.
It has `\input` commands, which inserts each section file, between `\begin{document}` and `\end{document}`.
It also has `\input`, which inserts `helper.tex`, in the preamble.
Two files `main.tex` and `helper.tex` are created by `lib/lib_gen_main_tex.rb`.
It has a sample markdown code and converts it witn `pandoc -s`.
Then, it extracts the preamble in the generated file and puts it into `helper.tex`.
You can customize `helper.tex` by modifying `lib/lib_gen_main_tex.rb`.
You can generate pdf file by typing `rake pdf`.
$ rake pdf
This does `rake latex` and compiles the latex files with lualatex.
Finally, lualatex compiles the `main.tex` into a pdf file.
If you want to clean `latex` directory, type `rake cleanlatex`
$ rake cleanlatex
This removes all the latex source files and a pdf file.
Reference in a new issue