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<title>GTK 4 tutorial</title>
2022-04-21 23:53:28 +09:00
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2022-04-17 20:54:42 +09:00
<h1 id="tfetextview-api-reference">TfeTextView API reference</h1>
2022-12-21 22:31:33 +09:00
<p>TfeTextView – Child object of GtkTextView. It is connected to a
certain file.</p>
2022-04-17 20:54:42 +09:00
<h2 id="functions">Functions</h2>
2022-04-22 12:04:27 +09:00
<li>GFile *tfe_text_view_get_file ()</li>
<li>void tfe_text_view_open ()</li>
<li>void tfe_text_view_save ()</li>
<li>void tfe_text_view_saveas ()</li>
<li>GtkWidget *tfe_text_view_new_with_file ()</li>
<li>GtkWidget *tfe_text_view_new ()</li>
2022-04-17 20:54:42 +09:00
<h2 id="signals">Signals</h2>
2022-04-22 12:04:27 +09:00
<li>void change-file</li>
<li>void open-response</li>
2022-04-17 20:54:42 +09:00
<h2 id="types-and-values">Types and Values</h2>
2022-04-22 12:04:27 +09:00
2022-04-17 20:54:42 +09:00
<h2 id="object-hierarchy">Object Hierarchy</h2>
<h2 id="includes">Includes</h2>
<pre><code>#include <gtk/gtk.h></code></pre>
<h2 id="description">Description</h2>
2022-12-21 22:31:33 +09:00
<p>TfeTextView holds GFile corresponds to the contents of GtkTextBuffer.
It has some file manipulation functions.</p>
2022-04-17 20:54:42 +09:00
<h2 id="functions-1">Functions</h2>
<h3 id="tfe_text_view_get_file">tfe_text_view_get_file()</h3>
<pre><code>GFile *
tfe_text_view_get_file (TfeTextView *tv);</code></pre>
<p>Returns the copy of the GFile in the TfeTextView.</p>
<li>tv: a TfeTextView</li>
<h3 id="tfe_text_view_open">tfe_text_view_open()</h3>
tfe_text_view_open (TfeTextView *tv, GtkWidget *win);</code></pre>
2022-12-21 22:31:33 +09:00
<p>Just shows a GtkFileChooserDialog so that a user can choose a file to
read. This function doesn’t do any I/O operations. They are done by the
signal handler connected to the <code>response</code> signal emitted by
GtkFileChooserDialog. Therefore the caller can’t know the I/O status
directly from <code>tfe_text_view_open</code>. Instead, the status is
informed by <code>open-response</code> signal. The caller needs to set a
handler to this signal in advance.</p>
2022-04-17 20:54:42 +09:00
<li>tv: a TfeTextView</li>
<li>win: the top level window</li>
<h3 id="tfe_text_view_save">tfe_text_view_save()</h3>
tfe_text_view_save (TfeTextView *tv);</code></pre>
2022-12-21 22:31:33 +09:00
<p>Saves the contents of the TfeTextView to a file. If <code>tv</code>
holds a GFile, it is used. Otherwise, this function shows
GtkFileChooserDialog so that the user can choose a file to save.</p>
2022-04-17 20:54:42 +09:00
<li>tv: a TfeTextView</li>
<h3 id="tfe_text_view_saveas">tfe_text_view_saveas()</h3>
tfe_text_view_saveas (TfeTextView *tv);</code></pre>
2022-12-21 22:31:33 +09:00
<p>Saves the content of a TfeTextView to a file. This function shows
GtkFileChooserDialog so that a user can choose a file to save.</p>
2022-04-17 20:54:42 +09:00
<li>tv: a TfeTextView</li>
<h3 id="tfe_text_view_new_with_file">tfe_text_view_new_with_file()</h3>
<pre><code>GtkWidget *
tfe_text_view_new_with_file (GFile *file);</code></pre>
2022-12-21 22:31:33 +09:00
<p>Creates a new TfeTextView and reads the contents of the
<code>file</code> and set it to the GtkTextBuffer corresponds to the
newly created TfeTextView. Then returns the TfeTextView as GtkWidget. If
an error happens, it returns <code>NULL</code>.</p>
2022-04-17 20:54:42 +09:00
<li>file: a GFile</li>
<li>a new TfeTextView.</li>
<h3 id="tfe_text_view_new">tfe_text_view_new()</h3>
<pre><code>GtkWidget *
tfe_text_view_new (void);</code></pre>
2022-12-21 22:31:33 +09:00
<p>Creates a new TfeTextView and returns the TfeTextView as GtkWidget.
If an error happens, it returns <code>NULL</code>.</p>
2022-04-17 20:54:42 +09:00
<li>a new TfeTextView.</li>
<h2 id="types-and-values-1">Types and Values</h2>
<h3 id="tfetextview">TfeTextView</h3>
<pre><code>typedef struct _TfeTextView TfeTextView
struct _TfeTextView
GtkTextView parent;
GFile *file;
2022-12-21 22:31:33 +09:00
<p>The members of this structure are not allowed to be accessed by any
outer objects. If you want to obtain a copy of the GFile, use
2022-04-17 20:54:42 +09:00
<h3 id="tfetextviewclass">TfeTextViewClass</h3>
<pre><code>typedef struct {
GtkTextViewClass parent_class;
} TfeTextViewClass;</code></pre>
<p>No member is added because TfeTextView is a final type object.</p>
2022-12-21 22:31:33 +09:00
<h3 id="enum-tfetextviewopenresponsetype">enum
<p>Predefined values for the response id given by
<code>open-response</code> signal.</p>
2022-04-17 20:54:42 +09:00
<li>TFE_OPEN_RESPONSE_SUCCESS: The file is successfully opened.</li>
<li>TFE_OPEN_RESPONSE_CANCEL: Reading file is canceled by the user.</li>
2022-12-21 22:31:33 +09:00
<li>TFE_OPEN_RESPONSE_ERROR: An error happened during the opening or
reading process.</li>
2022-04-17 20:54:42 +09:00
2022-12-21 22:31:33 +09:00
<h2 id="properties">Properties</h2>
<h3 id="wrap-mode">wrap-mode</h3>
<p>The property “wrap-mode” belongs to GtkTextView. TfeTextView inherits
it and the value is set to GTK_WRAP_WORD_CHAR as a default.</p>
2022-04-17 20:54:42 +09:00
<h2 id="signals-1">Signals</h2>
<h3 id="change-file">change-file</h3>
user_function (TfeTextView *tv,
gpointer user_data)</code></pre>
2022-12-21 22:31:33 +09:00
<p>Emitted when the GFile in the TfeTextView object is changed. The
signal is emitted when:</p>
2022-04-17 20:54:42 +09:00
<li>a new file is opened and read</li>
2022-12-21 22:31:33 +09:00
<li>a user choose a file with GtkFileChooserDialog and save the
<li>an error occured during I/O operation, and GFile is removed as a
2022-04-17 20:54:42 +09:00
<h3 id="open-response">open-response</h3>
user_function (TfeTextView *tv,
TfeTextViewOpenResponseType response-id,
gpointer user_data)</code></pre>
2022-12-21 22:31:33 +09:00
<p>Emitted after the user calls <code>tfe_text_view_open</code>. This
signal informs the status of file opening and reading.</p>
2022-04-21 23:53:28 +09:00
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