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<h1 id="how-to-build-tfe-text-file-editor">How to build tfe (text file
<h2 id="how-to-compile-and-execute-the-text-editor-tfe.">How to compile
and execute the text editor tfe.</h2>
<p>First, source files are in the <a
repository</a>. How to download them is written at the end of the <a
href="sec15.html">previous section</a>.</p>
<p>The following is the instruction of compilation and execution.</p>
<li>You need meson and ninja.</li>
<li>If you have installed gtk4 from the source, you need to set
environment variables to suit your installation.</li>
<li>Change your current directory to <code>src/tfe5</code>
<li>Type <code>meson setup _build</code> for configuration.</li>
<li>Type <code>ninja -C _build</code> for compilation. Then the
application <code>tfe</code> is built under the <code>_build</code>
<li>Type <code>_build/tfe</code> to execute it.</li>
<p>Then the window appears. There are four buttons, <code>New</code>,
<code>Open</code>, <code>Save</code> and <code>Close</code>.</p>
<li>Click on <code>Open</code> button, then a file chooser dialog
appears. Choose a file in the list and click on <code>Open</code>
button. Then the file is read and a new Notebook Page appears.</li>
<li>Edit the file and click on <code>Save</code> button, then the text
is saved to the original file.</li>
<li>Click <code>Close</code>, then the Notebook Page disappears.</li>
<li>Click <code>Close</code> again, then the <code>Untitled</code>
Notebook Page disappears and at the same time the application
<p>This is a very simple editor. It is a good practice for you to add
more features.</p>
<h2 id="total-number-of-lines-words-and-characters">Total number of
lines, words and characters</h2>
<pre><code>$ LANG=C wc tfe5/ tfe5/tfeapplication.c tfe5/tfe.gresource.xml tfe5/tfenotebook.c tfe5/tfenotebook.h tfetextview/tfetextview.c tfetextview/tfetextview.h tfe5/tfe.ui
10 17 294 tfe5/
110 334 3601 tfe5/tfeapplication.c
6 9 153 tfe5/tfe.gresource.xml
144 390 3668 tfe5/tfenotebook.c
15 21 241 tfe5/tfenotebook.h
235 821 8473 tfetextview/tfetextview.c
32 54 624 tfetextview/tfetextview.h
61 100 2073 tfe5/tfe.ui
613 1746 19127 total</code></pre>
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