From 3dcf3a5483ae46bf8bd2424e2cd6824cdd6ce2fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: fondfire <>
Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 22:08:30 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Create
New Python 2 program to decrypt Barnes & Noble encrypted PDF files.
DeDRM_plugin/ | 2179 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 2179 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 DeDRM_plugin/
diff --git a/DeDRM_plugin/ b/DeDRM_plugin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02fa24d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DeDRM_plugin/
@@ -0,0 +1,2179 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import with_statement
+# ignoblepdf.pyw, version 0.1
+# Copyright © 2009-2010 by i♥cabbages
+# Released under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence, version 3
+# Modified 2010–2012 by some_updates, DiapDealer and Apprentice Alf
+# Modified 2015-2017 by Apprentice Harper
+# Modified 2020 by Pu D. Pud
+# Windows users: Before running this program, you must first install Python 2.7
+# from and PyCrypto from
+# (make sure to
+# install the version for Python 2.7). Save this script file as
+# ineptpdf.pyw and double-click on it to run it.
+# Mac OS X users: Save this script file as ineptpdf.pyw. You can run this
+# program from the command line (pythonw ineptpdf.pyw) or by double-clicking
+# it when it has been associated with PythonLauncher.
+# Revision history:
+# 0.1 - Alpha testing release
+Decrypts Barnes & Noble encrypted PDF files.
+__license__ = 'GPL v3'
+__version__ = "0.1"
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+import zlib
+import struct
+import hashlib
+from decimal import *
+from itertools import chain, islice
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
+# Wrap a stream so that output gets flushed immediately
+# and also make sure that any unicode strings get
+# encoded using "replace" before writing them.
+class SafeUnbuffered:
+ def __init__(self, stream):
+ = stream
+ self.encoding = stream.encoding
+ if self.encoding == None:
+ self.encoding = "utf-8"
+ def write(self, data):
+ if isinstance(data,unicode):
+ data = data.encode(self.encoding,"replace")
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ return getattr(, attr)
+iswindows = sys.platform.startswith('win')
+isosx = sys.platform.startswith('darwin')
+def unicode_argv():
+ if iswindows:
+ # Uses shell32.GetCommandLineArgvW to get sys.argv as a list of Unicode
+ # strings.
+ # Versions 2.x of Python don't support Unicode in sys.argv on
+ # Windows, with the underlying Windows API instead replacing multi-byte
+ # characters with '?'.
+ from ctypes import POINTER, byref, cdll, c_int, windll
+ from ctypes.wintypes import LPCWSTR, LPWSTR
+ GetCommandLineW = cdll.kernel32.GetCommandLineW
+ GetCommandLineW.argtypes = []
+ GetCommandLineW.restype = LPCWSTR
+ CommandLineToArgvW = windll.shell32.CommandLineToArgvW
+ CommandLineToArgvW.argtypes = [LPCWSTR, POINTER(c_int)]
+ CommandLineToArgvW.restype = POINTER(LPWSTR)
+ cmd = GetCommandLineW()
+ argc = c_int(0)
+ argv = CommandLineToArgvW(cmd, byref(argc))
+ if argc.value > 0:
+ # Remove Python executable and commands if present
+ start = argc.value - len(sys.argv)
+ return [argv[i] for i in
+ xrange(start, argc.value)]
+ return [u""]
+ else:
+ argvencoding = sys.stdin.encoding
+ if argvencoding == None:
+ argvencoding = "utf-8"
+ return [arg if (type(arg) == unicode) else unicode(arg,argvencoding) for arg in sys.argv]
+class IGNOBLEError(Exception):
+ pass
+import hashlib
+def SHA256(message):
+ ctx = hashlib.sha256()
+ ctx.update(message)
+ return ctx.digest()
+def _load_crypto_libcrypto():
+ from ctypes import CDLL, POINTER, c_void_p, c_char_p, c_int, c_long, \
+ Structure, c_ulong, create_string_buffer, cast
+ from ctypes.util import find_library
+ if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
+ libcrypto = find_library('libeay32')
+ else:
+ libcrypto = find_library('crypto')
+ if libcrypto is None:
+ raise IGNOBLEError('libcrypto not found')
+ libcrypto = CDLL(libcrypto)
+ AES_MAXNR = 14
+ c_char_pp = POINTER(c_char_p)
+ c_int_p = POINTER(c_int)
+ class AES_KEY(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [('rd_key', c_long * (4 * (AES_MAXNR + 1))),
+ ('rounds', c_int)]
+ class RC4_KEY(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [('x', c_int), ('y', c_int), ('box', c_int * 256)]
+ def F(restype, name, argtypes):
+ func = getattr(libcrypto, name)
+ func.restype = restype
+ func.argtypes = argtypes
+ return func
+ AES_cbc_encrypt = F(None, 'AES_cbc_encrypt',
+ [c_char_p, c_char_p, c_ulong, AES_KEY_p, c_char_p,
+ c_int])
+ AES_set_decrypt_key = F(c_int, 'AES_set_decrypt_key',
+ [c_char_p, c_int, AES_KEY_p])
+ RC4_set_key = F(None,'RC4_set_key',[RC4_KEY_p, c_int, c_char_p])
+ RC4_crypt = F(None,'RC4',[RC4_KEY_p, c_int, c_char_p, c_char_p])
+ class ARC4(object):
+ @classmethod
+ def new(cls, userkey):
+ self = ARC4()
+ self._blocksize = len(userkey)
+ key = self._key = RC4_KEY()
+ RC4_set_key(key, self._blocksize, userkey)
+ return self
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._blocksize = 0
+ self._key = None
+ def decrypt(self, data):
+ out = create_string_buffer(len(data))
+ RC4_crypt(self._key, len(data), data, out)
+ return out.raw
+ class AES(object):
+ MODE_CBC = 0
+ @classmethod
+ def new(cls, userkey, mode, iv):
+ self = AES()
+ self._blocksize = len(userkey)
+ # mode is ignored since CBCMODE is only thing supported/used so far
+ self._mode = mode
+ if (self._blocksize != 16) and (self._blocksize != 24) and (self._blocksize != 32) :
+ raise IGNOBLEError('AES improper key used')
+ return
+ keyctx = self._keyctx = AES_KEY()
+ self._iv = iv
+ rv = AES_set_decrypt_key(userkey, len(userkey) * 8, keyctx)
+ if rv < 0:
+ raise IGNOBLEError('Failed to initialize AES key')
+ return self
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._blocksize = 0
+ self._keyctx = None
+ self._iv = 0
+ self._mode = 0
+ def decrypt(self, data):
+ out = create_string_buffer(len(data))
+ rv = AES_cbc_encrypt(data, out, len(data), self._keyctx, self._iv, 0)
+ if rv == 0:
+ raise IGNOBLEError('AES decryption failed')
+ return out.raw
+ return (ARC4, AES)
+def _load_crypto_pycrypto():
+ from Crypto.Cipher import ARC4 as _ARC4
+ from Crypto.Cipher import AES as _AES
+ class ARC4(object):
+ @classmethod
+ def new(cls, userkey):
+ self = ARC4()
+ self._arc4 =
+ return self
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._arc4 = None
+ def decrypt(self, data):
+ return self._arc4.decrypt(data)
+ class AES(object):
+ @classmethod
+ def new(cls, userkey, mode, iv):
+ self = AES()
+ self._aes =, mode, iv)
+ return self
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._aes = None
+ def decrypt(self, data):
+ return self._aes.decrypt(data)
+ return (ARC4, AES)
+def _load_crypto():
+ ARC4 = AES = None
+ cryptolist = (_load_crypto_libcrypto, _load_crypto_pycrypto)
+ if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
+ cryptolist = (_load_crypto_pycrypto, _load_crypto_libcrypto)
+ for loader in cryptolist:
+ try:
+ ARC4, AES = loader()
+ break
+ except (ImportError, IGNOBLEError):
+ pass
+ return (ARC4, AES)
+ARC4, AES = _load_crypto()
+ from cStringIO import StringIO
+except ImportError:
+ from StringIO import StringIO
+# Do we generate cross reference streams on output?
+# 0 = never
+# 1 = only if present in input
+# 2 = always
+# This is the value for the current document
+gen_xref_stm = False # will be set in PDFSerializer
+# PDF parsing routines from pdfminer, with changes for EBX_HANDLER
+# Utilities
+def choplist(n, seq):
+ '''Groups every n elements of the list.'''
+ r = []
+ for x in seq:
+ r.append(x)
+ if len(r) == n:
+ yield tuple(r)
+ r = []
+ return
+def nunpack(s, default=0):
+ '''Unpacks up to 4 bytes big endian.'''
+ l = len(s)
+ if not l:
+ return default
+ elif l == 1:
+ return ord(s)
+ elif l == 2:
+ return struct.unpack('>H', s)[0]
+ elif l == 3:
+ return struct.unpack('>L', '\x00'+s)[0]
+ elif l == 4:
+ return struct.unpack('>L', s)[0]
+ else:
+ return TypeError('invalid length: %d' % l)
+# PS Exceptions
+class PSException(Exception): pass
+class PSEOF(PSException): pass
+class PSSyntaxError(PSException): pass
+class PSTypeError(PSException): pass
+class PSValueError(PSException): pass
+# Basic PostScript Types
+# PSLiteral
+class PSObject(object): pass
+class PSLiteral(PSObject):
+ '''
+ PS literals (e.g. "/Name").
+ Caution: Never create these objects directly.
+ Use PSLiteralTable.intern() instead.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ = name
+ return
+ def __repr__(self):
+ name = []
+ for char in
+ if not char.isalnum():
+ char = '#%02x' % ord(char)
+ name.append(char)
+ return '/%s' % ''.join(name)
+# PSKeyword
+class PSKeyword(PSObject):
+ '''
+ PS keywords (e.g. "showpage").
+ Caution: Never create these objects directly.
+ Use PSKeywordTable.intern() instead.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ = name
+ return
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return
+# PSSymbolTable
+class PSSymbolTable(object):
+ '''
+ Symbol table that stores PSLiteral or PSKeyword.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, classe):
+ self.dic = {}
+ self.classe = classe
+ return
+ def intern(self, name):
+ if name in self.dic:
+ lit = self.dic[name]
+ else:
+ lit = self.classe(name)
+ self.dic[name] = lit
+ return lit
+PSLiteralTable = PSSymbolTable(PSLiteral)
+PSKeywordTable = PSSymbolTable(PSKeyword)
+LIT = PSLiteralTable.intern
+KWD = PSKeywordTable.intern
+def literal_name(x):
+ if not isinstance(x, PSLiteral):
+ if STRICT:
+ raise PSTypeError('Literal required: %r' % x)
+ else:
+ return str(x)
+ return
+def keyword_name(x):
+ if not isinstance(x, PSKeyword):
+ if STRICT:
+ raise PSTypeError('Keyword required: %r' % x)
+ else:
+ return str(x)
+ return
+## PSBaseParser
+EOL = re.compile(r'[\r\n]')
+SPC = re.compile(r'\s')
+NONSPC = re.compile(r'\S')
+HEX = re.compile(r'[0-9a-fA-F]')
+END_LITERAL = re.compile(r'[#/%\[\]()<>{}\s]')
+END_HEX_STRING = re.compile(r'[^\s0-9a-fA-F]')
+HEX_PAIR = re.compile(r'[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|.')
+END_NUMBER = re.compile(r'[^0-9]')
+END_KEYWORD = re.compile(r'[#/%\[\]()<>{}\s]')
+END_STRING = re.compile(r'[()\134]')
+OCT_STRING = re.compile(r'[0-7]')
+ESC_STRING = { 'b':8, 't':9, 'n':10, 'f':12, 'r':13, '(':40, ')':41, '\\':92 }
+class PSBaseParser(object):
+ '''
+ Most basic PostScript parser that performs only basic tokenization.
+ '''
+ BUFSIZ = 4096
+ def __init__(self, fp):
+ self.fp = fp
+ return
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '' % (self.fp, self.bufpos)
+ def flush(self):
+ return
+ def close(self):
+ self.flush()
+ return
+ def tell(self):
+ return self.bufpos+self.charpos
+ def poll(self, pos=None, n=80):
+ pos0 = self.fp.tell()
+ if not pos:
+ pos = self.bufpos+self.charpos
+ ##print >>sys.stderr, 'poll(%d): %r' % (pos,
+ return
+ def seek(self, pos):
+ '''
+ Seeks the parser to the given position.
+ '''
+ # reset the status for nextline()
+ self.bufpos = pos
+ self.buf = ''
+ self.charpos = 0
+ # reset the status for nexttoken()
+ self.parse1 = self.parse_main
+ self.tokens = []
+ return
+ def fillbuf(self):
+ if self.charpos < len(self.buf): return
+ # fetch next chunk.
+ self.bufpos = self.fp.tell()
+ self.buf =
+ if not self.buf:
+ raise PSEOF('Unexpected EOF')
+ self.charpos = 0
+ return
+ def parse_main(self, s, i):
+ m =, i)
+ if not m:
+ return (self.parse_main, len(s))
+ j = m.start(0)
+ c = s[j]
+ self.tokenstart = self.bufpos+j
+ if c == '%':
+ self.token = '%'
+ return (self.parse_comment, j+1)
+ if c == '/':
+ self.token = ''
+ return (self.parse_literal, j+1)
+ if c in '-+' or c.isdigit():
+ self.token = c
+ return (self.parse_number, j+1)
+ if c == '.':
+ self.token = c
+ return (self.parse_decimal, j+1)
+ if c.isalpha():
+ self.token = c
+ return (self.parse_keyword, j+1)
+ if c == '(':
+ self.token = ''
+ self.paren = 1
+ return (self.parse_string, j+1)
+ if c == '<':
+ self.token = ''
+ return (self.parse_wopen, j+1)
+ if c == '>':
+ self.token = ''
+ return (self.parse_wclose, j+1)
+ self.add_token(KWD(c))
+ return (self.parse_main, j+1)
+ def add_token(self, obj):
+ self.tokens.append((self.tokenstart, obj))
+ return
+ def parse_comment(self, s, i):
+ m =, i)
+ if not m:
+ self.token += s[i:]
+ return (self.parse_comment, len(s))
+ j = m.start(0)
+ self.token += s[i:j]
+ # We ignore comments.
+ #self.tokens.append(self.token)
+ return (self.parse_main, j)
+ def parse_literal(self, s, i):
+ m =, i)
+ if not m:
+ self.token += s[i:]
+ return (self.parse_literal, len(s))
+ j = m.start(0)
+ self.token += s[i:j]
+ c = s[j]
+ if c == '#':
+ self.hex = ''
+ return (self.parse_literal_hex, j+1)
+ self.add_token(LIT(self.token))
+ return (self.parse_main, j)
+ def parse_literal_hex(self, s, i):
+ c = s[i]
+ if HEX.match(c) and len(self.hex) < 2:
+ self.hex += c
+ return (self.parse_literal_hex, i+1)
+ if self.hex:
+ self.token += chr(int(self.hex, 16))
+ return (self.parse_literal, i)
+ def parse_number(self, s, i):
+ m =, i)
+ if not m:
+ self.token += s[i:]
+ return (self.parse_number, len(s))
+ j = m.start(0)
+ self.token += s[i:j]
+ c = s[j]
+ if c == '.':
+ self.token += c
+ return (self.parse_decimal, j+1)
+ try:
+ self.add_token(int(self.token))
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ return (self.parse_main, j)
+ def parse_decimal(self, s, i):
+ m =, i)
+ if not m:
+ self.token += s[i:]
+ return (self.parse_decimal, len(s))
+ j = m.start(0)
+ self.token += s[i:j]
+ self.add_token(Decimal(self.token))
+ return (self.parse_main, j)
+ def parse_keyword(self, s, i):
+ m =, i)
+ if not m:
+ self.token += s[i:]
+ return (self.parse_keyword, len(s))
+ j = m.start(0)
+ self.token += s[i:j]
+ if self.token == 'true':
+ token = True
+ elif self.token == 'false':
+ token = False
+ else:
+ token = KWD(self.token)
+ self.add_token(token)
+ return (self.parse_main, j)
+ def parse_string(self, s, i):
+ m =, i)
+ if not m:
+ self.token += s[i:]
+ return (self.parse_string, len(s))
+ j = m.start(0)
+ self.token += s[i:j]
+ c = s[j]
+ if c == '\\':
+ self.oct = ''
+ return (self.parse_string_1, j+1)
+ if c == '(':
+ self.paren += 1
+ self.token += c
+ return (self.parse_string, j+1)
+ if c == ')':
+ self.paren -= 1
+ if self.paren:
+ self.token += c
+ return (self.parse_string, j+1)
+ self.add_token(self.token)
+ return (self.parse_main, j+1)
+ def parse_string_1(self, s, i):
+ c = s[i]
+ if OCT_STRING.match(c) and len(self.oct) < 3:
+ self.oct += c
+ return (self.parse_string_1, i+1)
+ if self.oct:
+ self.token += chr(int(self.oct, 8))
+ return (self.parse_string, i)
+ if c in ESC_STRING:
+ self.token += chr(ESC_STRING[c])
+ return (self.parse_string, i+1)
+ def parse_wopen(self, s, i):
+ c = s[i]
+ if c.isspace() or HEX.match(c):
+ return (self.parse_hexstring, i)
+ if c == '<':
+ self.add_token(KEYWORD_DICT_BEGIN)
+ i += 1
+ return (self.parse_main, i)
+ def parse_wclose(self, s, i):
+ c = s[i]
+ if c == '>':
+ self.add_token(KEYWORD_DICT_END)
+ i += 1
+ return (self.parse_main, i)
+ def parse_hexstring(self, s, i):
+ m =, i)
+ if not m:
+ self.token += s[i:]
+ return (self.parse_hexstring, len(s))
+ j = m.start(0)
+ self.token += s[i:j]
+ token = HEX_PAIR.sub(lambda m: chr(int(, 16)),
+ SPC.sub('', self.token))
+ self.add_token(token)
+ return (self.parse_main, j)
+ def nexttoken(self):
+ while not self.tokens:
+ self.fillbuf()
+ (self.parse1, self.charpos) = self.parse1(self.buf, self.charpos)
+ token = self.tokens.pop(0)
+ return token
+ def nextline(self):
+ '''
+ Fetches a next line that ends either with \\r or \\n.
+ '''
+ linebuf = ''
+ linepos = self.bufpos + self.charpos
+ eol = False
+ while 1:
+ self.fillbuf()
+ if eol:
+ c = self.buf[self.charpos]
+ # handle '\r\n'
+ if c == '\n':
+ linebuf += c
+ self.charpos += 1
+ break
+ m =, self.charpos)
+ if m:
+ linebuf += self.buf[self.charpos:m.end(0)]
+ self.charpos = m.end(0)
+ if linebuf[-1] == '\r':
+ eol = True
+ else:
+ break
+ else:
+ linebuf += self.buf[self.charpos:]
+ self.charpos = len(self.buf)
+ return (linepos, linebuf)
+ def revreadlines(self):
+ '''
+ Fetches a next line backword. This is used to locate
+ the trailers at the end of a file.
+ '''
+, 2)
+ pos = self.fp.tell()
+ buf = ''
+ while 0 < pos:
+ prevpos = pos
+ pos = max(0, pos-self.BUFSIZ)
+ s =
+ if not s: break
+ while 1:
+ n = max(s.rfind('\r'), s.rfind('\n'))
+ if n == -1:
+ buf = s + buf
+ break
+ yield s[n:]+buf
+ s = s[:n]
+ buf = ''
+ return
+## PSStackParser
+class PSStackParser(PSBaseParser):
+ def __init__(self, fp):
+ PSBaseParser.__init__(self, fp)
+ self.reset()
+ return
+ def reset(self):
+ self.context = []
+ self.curtype = None
+ self.curstack = []
+ self.results = []
+ return
+ def seek(self, pos):
+, pos)
+ self.reset()
+ return
+ def push(self, *objs):
+ self.curstack.extend(objs)
+ return
+ def pop(self, n):
+ objs = self.curstack[-n:]
+ self.curstack[-n:] = []
+ return objs
+ def popall(self):
+ objs = self.curstack
+ self.curstack = []
+ return objs
+ def add_results(self, *objs):
+ self.results.extend(objs)
+ return
+ def start_type(self, pos, type):
+ self.context.append((pos, self.curtype, self.curstack))
+ (self.curtype, self.curstack) = (type, [])
+ return
+ def end_type(self, type):
+ if self.curtype != type:
+ raise PSTypeError('Type mismatch: %r != %r' % (self.curtype, type))
+ objs = [ obj for (_,obj) in self.curstack ]
+ (pos, self.curtype, self.curstack) = self.context.pop()
+ return (pos, objs)
+ def do_keyword(self, pos, token):
+ return
+ def nextobject(self, direct=False):
+ '''
+ Yields a list of objects: keywords, literals, strings,
+ numbers, arrays and dictionaries. Arrays and dictionaries
+ are represented as Python sequence and dictionaries.
+ '''
+ while not self.results:
+ (pos, token) = self.nexttoken()
+ ##print (pos,token), (self.curtype, self.curstack)
+ if (isinstance(token, int) or
+ isinstance(token, Decimal) or
+ isinstance(token, bool) or
+ isinstance(token, str) or
+ isinstance(token, PSLiteral)):
+ # normal token
+ self.push((pos, token))
+ elif token == KEYWORD_ARRAY_BEGIN:
+ # begin array
+ self.start_type(pos, 'a')
+ elif token == KEYWORD_ARRAY_END:
+ # end array
+ try:
+ self.push(self.end_type('a'))
+ except PSTypeError:
+ if STRICT: raise
+ elif token == KEYWORD_DICT_BEGIN:
+ # begin dictionary
+ self.start_type(pos, 'd')
+ elif token == KEYWORD_DICT_END:
+ # end dictionary
+ try:
+ (pos, objs) = self.end_type('d')
+ if len(objs) % 2 != 0:
+ print "Incomplete dictionary construct"
+ objs.append("") # this isn't necessary.
+ # temporary fix. is this due to rental books?
+ # raise PSSyntaxError(
+ # 'Invalid dictionary construct: %r' % objs)
+ d = dict((literal_name(k), v) \
+ for (k,v) in choplist(2, objs))
+ self.push((pos, d))
+ except PSTypeError:
+ if STRICT: raise
+ else:
+ self.do_keyword(pos, token)
+ if self.context:
+ continue
+ else:
+ if direct:
+ return self.pop(1)[0]
+ self.flush()
+ obj = self.results.pop(0)
+ return obj
+LITERAL_CRYPT = PSLiteralTable.intern('Crypt')
+LITERALS_FLATE_DECODE = (PSLiteralTable.intern('FlateDecode'), PSLiteralTable.intern('Fl'))
+LITERALS_LZW_DECODE = (PSLiteralTable.intern('LZWDecode'), PSLiteralTable.intern('LZW'))
+LITERALS_ASCII85_DECODE = (PSLiteralTable.intern('ASCII85Decode'), PSLiteralTable.intern('A85'))
+## PDF Objects
+class PDFObject(PSObject): pass
+class PDFException(PSException): pass
+class PDFTypeError(PDFException): pass
+class PDFValueError(PDFException): pass
+class PDFNotImplementedError(PSException): pass
+## PDFObjRef
+class PDFObjRef(PDFObject):
+ def __init__(self, doc, objid, genno):
+ if objid == 0:
+ if STRICT:
+ raise PDFValueError('PDF object id cannot be 0.')
+ self.doc = doc
+ self.objid = objid
+ self.genno = genno
+ return
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '' % (self.objid, self.genno)
+ def resolve(self):
+ return self.doc.getobj(self.objid)
+# resolve
+def resolve1(x):
+ '''
+ Resolve an object. If this is an array or dictionary,
+ it may still contains some indirect objects inside.
+ '''
+ while isinstance(x, PDFObjRef):
+ x = x.resolve()
+ return x
+def resolve_all(x):
+ '''
+ Recursively resolve X and all the internals.
+ Make sure there is no indirect reference within the nested object.
+ This procedure might be slow.
+ '''
+ while isinstance(x, PDFObjRef):
+ x = x.resolve()
+ if isinstance(x, list):
+ x = [ resolve_all(v) for v in x ]
+ elif isinstance(x, dict):
+ for (k,v) in x.iteritems():
+ x[k] = resolve_all(v)
+ return x
+def decipher_all(decipher, objid, genno, x):
+ '''
+ Recursively decipher X.
+ '''
+ if isinstance(x, str):
+ return decipher(objid, genno, x)
+ decf = lambda v: decipher_all(decipher, objid, genno, v)
+ if isinstance(x, list):
+ x = [decf(v) for v in x]
+ elif isinstance(x, dict):
+ x = dict((k, decf(v)) for (k, v) in x.iteritems())
+ return x
+# Type cheking
+def int_value(x):
+ x = resolve1(x)
+ if not isinstance(x, int):
+ if STRICT:
+ raise PDFTypeError('Integer required: %r' % x)
+ return 0
+ return x
+def decimal_value(x):
+ x = resolve1(x)
+ if not isinstance(x, Decimal):
+ if STRICT:
+ raise PDFTypeError('Decimal required: %r' % x)
+ return 0.0
+ return x
+def num_value(x):
+ x = resolve1(x)
+ if not (isinstance(x, int) or isinstance(x, Decimal)):
+ if STRICT:
+ raise PDFTypeError('Int or Float required: %r' % x)
+ return 0
+ return x
+def str_value(x):
+ x = resolve1(x)
+ if not isinstance(x, str):
+ if STRICT:
+ raise PDFTypeError('String required: %r' % x)
+ return ''
+ return x
+def list_value(x):
+ x = resolve1(x)
+ if not (isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(x, tuple)):
+ if STRICT:
+ raise PDFTypeError('List required: %r' % x)
+ return []
+ return x
+def dict_value(x):
+ x = resolve1(x)
+ if not isinstance(x, dict):
+ if STRICT:
+ raise PDFTypeError('Dict required: %r' % x)
+ return {}
+ return x
+def stream_value(x):
+ x = resolve1(x)
+ if not isinstance(x, PDFStream):
+ if STRICT:
+ raise PDFTypeError('PDFStream required: %r' % x)
+ return PDFStream({}, '')
+ return x
+# ascii85decode(data)
+def ascii85decode(data):
+ n = b = 0
+ out = ''
+ for c in data:
+ if '!' <= c and c <= 'u':
+ n += 1
+ b = b*85+(ord(c)-33)
+ if n == 5:
+ out += struct.pack('>L',b)
+ n = b = 0
+ elif c == 'z':
+ assert n == 0
+ out += '\0\0\0\0'
+ elif c == '~':
+ if n:
+ for _ in range(5-n):
+ b = b*85+84
+ out += struct.pack('>L',b)[:n-1]
+ break
+ return out
+## PDFStream type
+class PDFStream(PDFObject):
+ def __init__(self, dic, rawdata, decipher=None):
+ length = int_value(dic.get('Length', 0))
+ eol = rawdata[length:]
+ # quick and dirty fix for false length attribute,
+ # might not work if the pdf stream parser has a problem
+ if decipher != None and decipher.__name__ == 'decrypt_aes':
+ if (len(rawdata) % 16) != 0:
+ cutdiv = len(rawdata) // 16
+ rawdata = rawdata[:16*cutdiv]
+ else:
+ if eol in ('\r', '\n', '\r\n'):
+ rawdata = rawdata[:length]
+ self.dic = dic
+ self.rawdata = rawdata
+ self.decipher = decipher
+ = None
+ self.decdata = None
+ self.objid = None
+ self.genno = None
+ return
+ def set_objid(self, objid, genno):
+ self.objid = objid
+ self.genno = genno
+ return
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if self.rawdata:
+ return '' % \
+ (self.objid, len(self.rawdata), self.dic)
+ else:
+ return '' % \
+ (self.objid, len(, self.dic)
+ def decode(self):
+ assert is None and self.rawdata is not None
+ data = self.rawdata
+ if self.decipher:
+ # Handle encryption
+ data = self.decipher(self.objid, self.genno, data)
+ if gen_xref_stm:
+ self.decdata = data # keep decrypted data
+ if 'Filter' not in self.dic:
+ = data
+ self.rawdata = None
+ ##print self.dict
+ return
+ filters = self.dic['Filter']
+ if not isinstance(filters, list):
+ filters = [ filters ]
+ for f in filters:
+ # will get errors if the document is encrypted.
+ data = zlib.decompress(data)
+ data = ''.join(LZWDecoder(StringIO(data)).run())
+ data = ascii85decode(data)
+ elif f == LITERAL_CRYPT:
+ raise PDFNotImplementedError('/Crypt filter is unsupported')
+ else:
+ raise PDFNotImplementedError('Unsupported filter: %r' % f)
+ # apply predictors
+ if 'DP' in self.dic:
+ params = self.dic['DP']
+ else:
+ params = self.dic.get('DecodeParms', {})
+ if 'Predictor' in params:
+ pred = int_value(params['Predictor'])
+ if pred:
+ if pred != 12:
+ raise PDFNotImplementedError(
+ 'Unsupported predictor: %r' % pred)
+ if 'Columns' not in params:
+ raise PDFValueError(
+ 'Columns undefined for predictor=12')
+ columns = int_value(params['Columns'])
+ buf = ''
+ ent0 = '\x00' * columns
+ for i in xrange(0, len(data), columns+1):
+ pred = data[i]
+ ent1 = data[i+1:i+1+columns]
+ if pred == '\x02':
+ ent1 = ''.join(chr((ord(a)+ord(b)) & 255) \
+ for (a,b) in zip(ent0,ent1))
+ buf += ent1
+ ent0 = ent1
+ data = buf
+ = data
+ self.rawdata = None
+ return
+ def get_data(self):
+ if is None:
+ self.decode()
+ return
+ def get_rawdata(self):
+ return self.rawdata
+ def get_decdata(self):
+ if self.decdata is not None:
+ return self.decdata
+ data = self.rawdata
+ if self.decipher and data:
+ # Handle encryption
+ data = self.decipher(self.objid, self.genno, data)
+ return data
+## PDF Exceptions
+class PDFSyntaxError(PDFException): pass
+class PDFNoValidXRef(PDFSyntaxError): pass
+class PDFEncryptionError(PDFException): pass
+class PDFPasswordIncorrect(PDFEncryptionError): pass
+# some predefined literals and keywords.
+LITERAL_OBJSTM = PSLiteralTable.intern('ObjStm')
+LITERAL_XREF = PSLiteralTable.intern('XRef')
+LITERAL_PAGE = PSLiteralTable.intern('Page')
+LITERAL_PAGES = PSLiteralTable.intern('Pages')
+LITERAL_CATALOG = PSLiteralTable.intern('Catalog')
+## XRefs
+## PDFXRef
+class PDFXRef(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.offsets = None
+ return
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '' % len(self.offsets)
+ def objids(self):
+ return self.offsets.iterkeys()
+ def load(self, parser):
+ self.offsets = {}
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ (pos, line) = parser.nextline()
+ except PSEOF:
+ raise PDFNoValidXRef('Unexpected EOF - file corrupted?')
+ if not line:
+ raise PDFNoValidXRef('Premature eof: %r' % parser)
+ if line.startswith('trailer'):
+ break
+ f = line.strip().split(' ')
+ if len(f) != 2:
+ raise PDFNoValidXRef('Trailer not found: %r: line=%r' % (parser, line))
+ try:
+ (start, nobjs) = map(int, f)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise PDFNoValidXRef('Invalid line: %r: line=%r' % (parser, line))
+ for objid in xrange(start, start+nobjs):
+ try:
+ (_, line) = parser.nextline()
+ except PSEOF:
+ raise PDFNoValidXRef('Unexpected EOF - file corrupted?')
+ f = line.strip().split(' ')
+ if len(f) != 3:
+ raise PDFNoValidXRef('Invalid XRef format: %r, line=%r' % (parser, line))
+ (pos, genno, use) = f
+ if use != 'n': continue
+ self.offsets[objid] = (int(genno), int(pos))
+ self.load_trailer(parser)
+ return
+ KEYWORD_TRAILER = PSKeywordTable.intern('trailer')
+ def load_trailer(self, parser):
+ try:
+ (_,kwd) = parser.nexttoken()
+ assert kwd is self.KEYWORD_TRAILER
+ (_,dic) = parser.nextobject(direct=True)
+ except PSEOF:
+ x = parser.pop(1)
+ if not x:
+ raise PDFNoValidXRef('Unexpected EOF - file corrupted')
+ (_,dic) = x[0]
+ self.trailer = dict_value(dic)
+ return
+ def getpos(self, objid):
+ try:
+ (genno, pos) = self.offsets[objid]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise
+ return (None, pos)
+## PDFXRefStream
+class PDFXRefStream(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.index = None
+ = None
+ self.entlen = None
+ self.fl1 = self.fl2 = self.fl3 = None
+ return
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '' % self.index
+ def objids(self):
+ for first, size in self.index:
+ for objid in xrange(first, first + size):
+ yield objid
+ def load(self, parser, debug=0):
+ (_,objid) = parser.nexttoken() # ignored
+ (_,genno) = parser.nexttoken() # ignored
+ (_,kwd) = parser.nexttoken()
+ (_,stream) = parser.nextobject()
+ if not isinstance(stream, PDFStream) or \
+ stream.dic['Type'] is not LITERAL_XREF:
+ raise PDFNoValidXRef('Invalid PDF stream spec.')
+ size = stream.dic['Size']
+ index = stream.dic.get('Index', (0,size))
+ self.index = zip(islice(index, 0, None, 2),
+ islice(index, 1, None, 2))
+ (self.fl1, self.fl2, self.fl3) = stream.dic['W']
+ = stream.get_data()
+ self.entlen = self.fl1+self.fl2+self.fl3
+ self.trailer = stream.dic
+ return
+ def getpos(self, objid):
+ offset = 0
+ for first, size in self.index:
+ if first <= objid and objid < (first + size):
+ break
+ offset += size
+ else:
+ raise KeyError(objid)
+ i = self.entlen * ((objid - first) + offset)
+ ent =[i:i+self.entlen]
+ f1 = nunpack(ent[:self.fl1], 1)
+ if f1 == 1:
+ pos = nunpack(ent[self.fl1:self.fl1+self.fl2])
+ genno = nunpack(ent[self.fl1+self.fl2:])
+ return (None, pos)
+ elif f1 == 2:
+ objid = nunpack(ent[self.fl1:self.fl1+self.fl2])
+ index = nunpack(ent[self.fl1+self.fl2:])
+ return (objid, index)
+ # this is a free object
+ raise KeyError(objid)
+## PDFDocument
+## A PDFDocument object represents a PDF document.
+## Since a PDF file is usually pretty big, normally it is not loaded
+## at once. Rather it is parsed dynamically as processing goes.
+## A PDF parser is associated with the document.
+class PDFDocument(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.xrefs = []
+ self.objs = {}
+ self.parsed_objs = {}
+ self.root = None
+ self.catalog = None
+ self.parser = None
+ self.encryption = None
+ self.decipher = None
+ return
+ # set_parser(parser)
+ # Associates the document with an (already initialized) parser object.
+ def set_parser(self, parser):
+ if self.parser: return
+ self.parser = parser
+ # The document is set to be temporarily ready during collecting
+ # all the basic information about the document, e.g.
+ # the header, the encryption information, and the access rights
+ # for the document.
+ self.ready = True
+ # Retrieve the information of each header that was appended
+ # (maybe multiple times) at the end of the document.
+ self.xrefs = parser.read_xref()
+ for xref in self.xrefs:
+ trailer = xref.trailer
+ if not trailer: continue
+ # If there's an encryption info, remember it.
+ if 'Encrypt' in trailer:
+ #assert not self.encryption
+ try:
+ self.encryption = (list_value(trailer['ID']),
+ dict_value(trailer['Encrypt']))
+ # fix for bad files
+ except:
+ self.encryption = ('ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff',
+ dict_value(trailer['Encrypt']))
+ if 'Root' in trailer:
+ self.set_root(dict_value(trailer['Root']))
+ break
+ else:
+ raise PDFSyntaxError('No /Root object! - Is this really a PDF?')
+ # The document is set to be non-ready again, until all the
+ # proper initialization (asking the password key and
+ # verifying the access permission, so on) is finished.
+ self.ready = False
+ return
+ # set_root(root)
+ # Set the Root dictionary of the document.
+ # Each PDF file must have exactly one /Root dictionary.
+ def set_root(self, root):
+ self.root = root
+ self.catalog = dict_value(self.root)
+ if self.catalog.get('Type') is not LITERAL_CATALOG:
+ if STRICT:
+ raise PDFSyntaxError('Catalog not found!')
+ return
+ # initialize(password='')
+ # Perform the initialization with a given password.
+ # This step is mandatory even if there's no password associated
+ # with the document.
+ def initialize(self, password=''):
+ if not self.encryption:
+ self.is_printable = self.is_modifiable = self.is_extractable = True
+ self.ready = True
+ raise PDFEncryptionError('Document is not encrypted.')
+ return
+ (docid, param) = self.encryption
+ type = literal_name(param['Filter'])
+ if type == 'Adobe.APS':
+ return self.initialize_adobe_ps(password, docid, param)
+ if type == 'Standard':
+ return self.initialize_standard(password, docid, param)
+ if type == 'EBX_HANDLER':
+ return self.initialize_ebx(password, docid, param)
+ raise PDFEncryptionError('Unknown filter: param=%r' % param)
+ def initialize_adobe_ps(self, password, docid, param):
+ self.decrypt_key = self.genkey_adobe_ps(param)
+ self.genkey = self.genkey_v4
+ self.decipher = self.decrypt_aes
+ self.ready = True
+ return
+ def genkey_adobe_ps(self, param):
+ # nice little offline principal keys dictionary
+ # global static principal key for German Onleihe / Bibliothek Digital
+ principalkeys = { '': 'rRwGv2tbpKov1krvv7PO0ws9S436/lArPlfipz5Pqhw='.decode('base64')}
+ self.is_printable = self.is_modifiable = self.is_extractable = True
+ length = int_value(param.get('Length', 0)) / 8
+ edcdata = str_value(param.get('EDCData')).decode('base64')
+ pdrllic = str_value(param.get('PDRLLic')).decode('base64')
+ pdrlpol = str_value(param.get('PDRLPol')).decode('base64')
+ edclist = []
+ for pair in edcdata.split('\n'):
+ edclist.append(pair)
+ # principal key request
+ for key in principalkeys:
+ if key in pdrllic:
+ principalkey = principalkeys[key]
+ else:
+ raise IGNOBLEError('Cannot find principal key for this pdf')
+ shakey = SHA256(principalkey)
+ ivector = 16 * chr(0)
+ plaintext =,AES.MODE_CBC,ivector).decrypt(edclist[9].decode('base64'))
+ if plaintext[-16:] != 16 * chr(16):
+ raise IGNOBLEError('Offlinekey cannot be decrypted, aborting ...')
+ pdrlpol =[16:32],AES.MODE_CBC,edclist[2].decode('base64')).decrypt(pdrlpol)
+ if ord(pdrlpol[-1]) < 1 or ord(pdrlpol[-1]) > 16:
+ raise IGNOBLEError('Could not decrypt PDRLPol, aborting ...')
+ else:
+ cutter = -1 * ord(pdrlpol[-1])
+ pdrlpol = pdrlpol[:cutter]
+ return plaintext[:16]
+ PASSWORD_PADDING = '(\xbfN^Nu\x8aAd\x00NV\xff\xfa\x01\x08..' \
+ '\x00\xb6\xd0h>\x80/\x0c\xa9\xfedSiz'
+ # experimental aes pw support
+ def initialize_standard(self, password, docid, param):
+ # copy from a global variable
+ V = int_value(param.get('V', 0))
+ if (V <=0 or V > 4):
+ raise PDFEncryptionError('Unknown algorithm: param=%r' % param)
+ length = int_value(param.get('Length', 40)) # Key length (bits)
+ O = str_value(param['O'])
+ R = int_value(param['R']) # Revision
+ if 5 <= R:
+ raise PDFEncryptionError('Unknown revision: %r' % R)
+ U = str_value(param['U'])
+ P = int_value(param['P'])
+ try:
+ EncMetadata = str_value(param['EncryptMetadata'])
+ except:
+ EncMetadata = 'True'
+ self.is_printable = bool(P & 4)
+ self.is_modifiable = bool(P & 8)
+ self.is_extractable = bool(P & 16)
+ self.is_annotationable = bool(P & 32)
+ self.is_formsenabled = bool(P & 256)
+ self.is_textextractable = bool(P & 512)
+ self.is_assemblable = bool(P & 1024)
+ self.is_formprintable = bool(P & 2048)
+ # Algorithm 3.2
+ password = (password+self.PASSWORD_PADDING)[:32] # 1
+ hash = hashlib.md5(password) # 2
+ hash.update(O) # 3
+ hash.update(struct.pack('= 3:
+ # Algorithm 3.5
+ hash = hashlib.md5(self.PASSWORD_PADDING) # 2
+ hash.update(docid[0]) # 3
+ x =[:16]) # 4
+ for i in xrange(1,19+1):
+ k = ''.join( chr(ord(c) ^ i) for c in key )
+ x =
+ u1 = x+x # 32bytes total
+ if R == 2:
+ is_authenticated = (u1 == U)
+ else:
+ is_authenticated = (u1[:16] == U[:16])
+ if not is_authenticated:
+ raise IGNOBLEError('Password is not correct.')
+ self.decrypt_key = key
+ # genkey method
+ if V == 1 or V == 2:
+ self.genkey = self.genkey_v2
+ elif V == 3:
+ self.genkey = self.genkey_v3
+ elif V == 4:
+ self.genkey = self.genkey_v2
+ #self.genkey = self.genkey_v3 if V == 3 else self.genkey_v2
+ # rc4
+ if V != 4:
+ self.decipher = self.decipher_rc4 # XXX may be AES
+ # aes
+ elif V == 4 and Length == 128:
+ elf.decipher = self.decipher_aes
+ elif V == 4 and Length == 256:
+ raise PDFNotImplementedError('AES256 encryption is currently unsupported')
+ self.ready = True
+ return
+ def initialize_ebx(self, keyb64, docid, param):
+ self.is_printable = self.is_modifiable = self.is_extractable = True
+ key = keyb64.decode('base64')[:16]
+ aes =,AES.MODE_CBC,"\x00" * len(key))
+ length = int_value(param.get('Length', 0)) / 8
+ rights = str_value(param.get('ADEPT_LICENSE')).decode('base64')
+ rights = zlib.decompress(rights, -15)
+ rights = etree.fromstring(rights)
+ expr = './/{}encryptedKey'
+ bookkey = ''.join(rights.findtext(expr)).decode('base64')
+ bookkey = aes.decrypt(bookkey)
+ bookkey = bookkey[:-ord(bookkey[-1])]
+ bookkey = bookkey[-16:]
+ ebx_V = int_value(param.get('V', 4))
+ ebx_type = int_value(param.get('EBX_ENCRYPTIONTYPE', 6))
+ # added because of improper booktype / decryption book session key errors
+ if length > 0:
+ if len(bookkey) == length:
+ if ebx_V == 3:
+ V = 3
+ else:
+ V = 2
+ elif len(bookkey) == length + 1:
+ V = ord(bookkey[0])
+ bookkey = bookkey[1:]
+ else:
+ print "ebx_V is %d and ebx_type is %d" % (ebx_V, ebx_type)
+ print "length is %d and len(bookkey) is %d" % (length, len(bookkey))
+ print "bookkey[0] is %d" % ord(bookkey[0])
+ raise IGNOBLEError('error decrypting book session key - mismatched length')
+ else:
+ # proper length unknown try with whatever you have
+ print "ebx_V is %d and ebx_type is %d" % (ebx_V, ebx_type)
+ print "length is %d and len(bookkey) is %d" % (length, len(bookkey))
+ print "bookkey[0] is %d" % ord(bookkey[0])
+ if ebx_V == 3:
+ V = 3
+ else:
+ V = 2
+ self.decrypt_key = bookkey
+ self.genkey = self.genkey_v3 if V == 3 else self.genkey_v2
+ self.decipher = self.decrypt_rc4
+ self.ready = True
+ return
+ # genkey functions
+ def genkey_v2(self, objid, genno):
+ objid = struct.pack(' PDFObjStmRef.maxindex:
+ PDFObjStmRef.maxindex = index
+## PDFParser
+class PDFParser(PSStackParser):
+ def __init__(self, doc, fp):
+ PSStackParser.__init__(self, fp)
+ self.doc = doc
+ self.doc.set_parser(self)
+ return
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return ''
+ KEYWORD_R = PSKeywordTable.intern('R')
+ KEYWORD_ENDOBJ = PSKeywordTable.intern('endobj')
+ KEYWORD_STREAM = PSKeywordTable.intern('stream')
+ KEYWORD_XREF = PSKeywordTable.intern('xref')
+ KEYWORD_STARTXREF = PSKeywordTable.intern('startxref')
+ def do_keyword(self, pos, token):
+ if token in (self.KEYWORD_XREF, self.KEYWORD_STARTXREF):
+ self.add_results(*self.pop(1))
+ return
+ if token is self.KEYWORD_ENDOBJ:
+ self.add_results(*self.pop(4))
+ return
+ if token is self.KEYWORD_R:
+ # reference to indirect object
+ try:
+ ((_,objid), (_,genno)) = self.pop(2)
+ (objid, genno) = (int(objid), int(genno))
+ obj = PDFObjRef(self.doc, objid, genno)
+ self.push((pos, obj))
+ except PSSyntaxError:
+ pass
+ return
+ if token is self.KEYWORD_STREAM:
+ # stream object
+ ((_,dic),) = self.pop(1)
+ dic = dict_value(dic)
+ try:
+ objlen = int_value(dic['Length'])
+ except KeyError:
+ if STRICT:
+ raise PDFSyntaxError('/Length is undefined: %r' % dic)
+ objlen = 0
+ try:
+ (_, line) = self.nextline() # 'stream'
+ except PSEOF:
+ if STRICT:
+ raise PDFSyntaxError('Unexpected EOF')
+ return
+ pos += len(line)
+ data =
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ (linepos, line) = self.nextline()
+ except PSEOF:
+ if STRICT:
+ raise PDFSyntaxError('Unexpected EOF')
+ break
+ if 'endstream' in line:
+ i = line.index('endstream')
+ objlen += i
+ data += line[:i]
+ break
+ objlen += len(line)
+ data += line
+ obj = PDFStream(dic, data, self.doc.decipher)
+ self.push((pos, obj))
+ return
+ # others
+ self.push((pos, token))
+ return
+ def find_xref(self):
+ # search the last xref table by scanning the file backwards.
+ prev = None
+ for line in self.revreadlines():
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line == 'startxref': break
+ if line:
+ prev = line
+ else:
+ raise PDFNoValidXRef('Unexpected EOF')
+ return int(prev)
+ # read xref table
+ def read_xref_from(self, start, xrefs):
+ self.reset()
+ try:
+ (pos, token) = self.nexttoken()
+ except PSEOF:
+ raise PDFNoValidXRef('Unexpected EOF')
+ if isinstance(token, int):
+ # XRefStream: PDF-1.5
+ if GEN_XREF_STM == 1:
+ global gen_xref_stm
+ gen_xref_stm = True
+ self.reset()
+ xref = PDFXRefStream()
+ xref.load(self)
+ else:
+ if token is not self.KEYWORD_XREF:
+ raise PDFNoValidXRef('xref not found: pos=%d, token=%r' %
+ (pos, token))
+ self.nextline()
+ xref = PDFXRef()
+ xref.load(self)
+ xrefs.append(xref)
+ trailer = xref.trailer
+ if 'XRefStm' in trailer:
+ pos = int_value(trailer['XRefStm'])
+ self.read_xref_from(pos, xrefs)
+ if 'Prev' in trailer:
+ # find previous xref
+ pos = int_value(trailer['Prev'])
+ self.read_xref_from(pos, xrefs)
+ return
+ # read xref tables and trailers
+ def read_xref(self):
+ xrefs = []
+ trailerpos = None
+ try:
+ pos = self.find_xref()
+ self.read_xref_from(pos, xrefs)
+ except PDFNoValidXRef:
+ # fallback
+ pat = re.compile(r'^(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+obj\b')
+ offsets = {}
+ xref = PDFXRef()
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ (pos, line) = self.nextline()
+ except PSEOF:
+ break
+ if line.startswith('trailer'):
+ trailerpos = pos # remember last trailer
+ m = pat.match(line)
+ if not m: continue
+ (objid, genno) = m.groups()
+ offsets[int(objid)] = (0, pos)
+ if not offsets: raise
+ xref.offsets = offsets
+ if trailerpos:
+ xref.load_trailer(self)
+ xrefs.append(xref)
+ return xrefs
+## PDFObjStrmParser
+class PDFObjStrmParser(PDFParser):
+ def __init__(self, data, doc):
+ PSStackParser.__init__(self, StringIO(data))
+ self.doc = doc
+ return
+ def flush(self):
+ self.add_results(*self.popall())
+ return
+ def do_keyword(self, pos, token):
+ if token is self.KEYWORD_R:
+ # reference to indirect object
+ try:
+ ((_,objid), (_,genno)) = self.pop(2)
+ (objid, genno) = (int(objid), int(genno))
+ obj = PDFObjRef(self.doc, objid, genno)
+ self.push((pos, obj))
+ except PSSyntaxError:
+ pass
+ return
+ # others
+ self.push((pos, token))
+ return
+### My own code, for which there is none else to blame
+class PDFSerializer(object):
+ def __init__(self, inf, userkey):
+ global GEN_XREF_STM, gen_xref_stm
+ gen_xref_stm = GEN_XREF_STM > 1
+ self.version =
+ self.doc = doc = PDFDocument()
+ parser = PDFParser(doc, inf)
+ doc.initialize(userkey)
+ self.objids = objids = set()
+ for xref in reversed(doc.xrefs):
+ trailer = xref.trailer
+ for objid in xref.objids():
+ objids.add(objid)
+ trailer = dict(trailer)
+ trailer.pop('Prev', None)
+ trailer.pop('XRefStm', None)
+ if 'Encrypt' in trailer:
+ objids.remove(trailer.pop('Encrypt').objid)
+ self.trailer = trailer
+ def dump(self, outf):
+ self.outf = outf
+ self.write(self.version)
+ self.write('\n%\xe2\xe3\xcf\xd3\n')
+ doc = self.doc
+ objids = self.objids
+ xrefs = {}
+ maxobj = max(objids)
+ trailer = dict(self.trailer)
+ trailer['Size'] = maxobj + 1
+ for objid in objids:
+ obj = doc.getobj(objid)
+ if isinstance(obj, PDFObjStmRef):
+ xrefs[objid] = obj
+ continue
+ if obj is not None:
+ try:
+ genno = obj.genno
+ except AttributeError:
+ genno = 0
+ xrefs[objid] = (self.tell(), genno)
+ self.serialize_indirect(objid, obj)
+ startxref = self.tell()
+ if not gen_xref_stm:
+ self.write('xref\n')
+ self.write('0 %d\n' % (maxobj + 1,))
+ for objid in xrange(0, maxobj + 1):
+ if objid in xrefs:
+ # force the genno to be 0
+ self.write("%010d 00000 n \n" % xrefs[objid][0])
+ else:
+ self.write("%010d %05d f \n" % (0, 65535))
+ self.write('trailer\n')
+ self.serialize_object(trailer)
+ self.write('\nstartxref\n%d\n%%%%EOF' % startxref)
+ else: # Generate crossref stream.
+ # Calculate size of entries
+ maxoffset = max(startxref, maxobj)
+ maxindex = PDFObjStmRef.maxindex
+ fl2 = 2
+ power = 65536
+ while maxoffset >= power:
+ fl2 += 1
+ power *= 256
+ fl3 = 1
+ power = 256
+ while maxindex >= power:
+ fl3 += 1
+ power *= 256
+ index = []
+ first = None
+ prev = None
+ data = []
+ # Put the xrefstream's reference in itself
+ startxref = self.tell()
+ maxobj += 1
+ xrefs[maxobj] = (startxref, 0)
+ for objid in sorted(xrefs):
+ if first is None:
+ first = objid
+ elif objid != prev + 1:
+ index.extend((first, prev - first + 1))
+ first = objid
+ prev = objid
+ objref = xrefs[objid]
+ if isinstance(objref, PDFObjStmRef):
+ f1 = 2
+ f2 = objref.stmid
+ f3 = objref.index
+ else:
+ f1 = 1
+ f2 = objref[0]
+ # we force all generation numbers to be 0
+ # f3 = objref[1]
+ f3 = 0
+ data.append(struct.pack('>B', f1))
+ data.append(struct.pack('>L', f2)[-fl2:])
+ data.append(struct.pack('>L', f3)[-fl3:])
+ index.extend((first, prev - first + 1))
+ data = zlib.compress(''.join(data))
+ dic = {'Type': LITERAL_XREF, 'Size': prev + 1, 'Index': index,
+ 'W': [1, fl2, fl3], 'Length': len(data),
+ 'Root': trailer['Root'],}
+ if 'Info' in trailer:
+ dic['Info'] = trailer['Info']
+ xrefstm = PDFStream(dic, data)
+ self.serialize_indirect(maxobj, xrefstm)
+ self.write('startxref\n%d\n%%%%EOF' % startxref)
+ def write(self, data):
+ self.outf.write(data)
+ self.last = data[-1:]
+ def tell(self):
+ return self.outf.tell()
+ def escape_string(self, string):
+ string = string.replace('\\', '\\\\')
+ string = string.replace('\n', r'\n')
+ string = string.replace('(', r'\(')
+ string = string.replace(')', r'\)')
+ # get rid of ciando id
+ regularexp = re.compile(r'\d{5}')
+ if regularexp.match(string): return ('')
+ return string
+ def serialize_object(self, obj):
+ if isinstance(obj, dict):
+ # Correct malformed Mac OS resource forks for Stanza
+ if 'ResFork' in obj and 'Type' in obj and 'Subtype' not in obj \
+ and isinstance(obj['Type'], int):
+ obj['Subtype'] = obj['Type']
+ del obj['Type']
+ # end - hope this doesn't have bad effects
+ self.write('<<')
+ for key, val in obj.items():
+ self.write('/%s' % key)
+ self.serialize_object(val)
+ self.write('>>')
+ elif isinstance(obj, list):
+ self.write('[')
+ for val in obj:
+ self.serialize_object(val)
+ self.write(']')
+ elif isinstance(obj, str):
+ self.write('(%s)' % self.escape_string(obj))
+ elif isinstance(obj, bool):
+ if self.last.isalnum():
+ self.write(' ')
+ self.write(str(obj).lower())
+ elif isinstance(obj, (int, long)):
+ if self.last.isalnum():
+ self.write(' ')
+ self.write(str(obj))
+ elif isinstance(obj, Decimal):
+ if self.last.isalnum():
+ self.write(' ')
+ self.write(str(obj))
+ elif isinstance(obj, PDFObjRef):
+ if self.last.isalnum():
+ self.write(' ')
+ self.write('%d %d R' % (obj.objid, 0))
+ elif isinstance(obj, PDFStream):
+ ### If we don't generate cross ref streams the object streams
+ ### are no longer useful, as we have extracted all objects from
+ ### them. Therefore leave them out from the output.
+ if obj.dic.get('Type') == LITERAL_OBJSTM and not gen_xref_stm:
+ self.write('(deleted)')
+ else:
+ data = obj.get_decdata()
+ self.serialize_object(obj.dic)
+ self.write('stream\n')
+ self.write(data)
+ self.write('\nendstream')
+ else:
+ data = str(obj)
+ if data[0].isalnum() and self.last.isalnum():
+ self.write(' ')
+ self.write(data)
+ def serialize_indirect(self, objid, obj):
+ self.write('%d 0 obj' % (objid,))
+ self.serialize_object(obj)
+ if self.last.isalnum():
+ self.write('\n')
+ self.write('endobj\n')
+def decryptBook(userkey, inpath, outpath):
+ if AES is None:
+ raise IGNOBLEError(u"PyCrypto or OpenSSL must be installed.")
+ with open(inpath, 'rb') as inf:
+ #try:
+ serializer = PDFSerializer(inf, userkey)
+ #except:
+ # print u"Error serializing pdf {0}. Probably wrong key.".format(os.path.basename(inpath))
+ # return 2
+ # hope this will fix the 'bad file descriptor' problem
+ with open(outpath, 'wb') as outf:
+ # help construct to make sure the method runs to the end
+ try:
+ serializer.dump(outf)
+ except Exception, e:
+ print u"error writing pdf: {0}".format(e.args[0])
+ return 2
+ return 0
+def cli_main():
+ sys.stdout=SafeUnbuffered(sys.stdout)
+ sys.stderr=SafeUnbuffered(sys.stderr)
+ argv=unicode_argv()
+ progname = os.path.basename(argv[0])
+ if len(argv) != 4:
+ print u"usage: {0} ".format(progname)
+ return 1
+ keypath, inpath, outpath = argv[1:]
+ userkey = open(keypath,'rb').read()
+ result = decryptBook(userkey, inpath, outpath)
+ if result == 0:
+ print u"Successfully decrypted {0:s} as {1:s}".format(os.path.basename(inpath),os.path.basename(outpath))
+ return result
+def gui_main():
+ try:
+ import Tkinter
+ import Tkconstants
+ import tkFileDialog
+ import tkMessageBox
+ import traceback
+ except:
+ return cli_main()
+ class DecryptionDialog(Tkinter.Frame):
+ def __init__(self, root):
+ Tkinter.Frame.__init__(self, root, border=5)
+ self.status = Tkinter.Label(self, text=u"Select files for decryption")
+ self.status.pack(fill=Tkconstants.X, expand=1)
+ body = Tkinter.Frame(self)
+ body.pack(fill=Tkconstants.X, expand=1)
+ sticky = Tkconstants.E + Tkconstants.W
+ body.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=2)
+ Tkinter.Label(body, text=u"Key file").grid(row=0)
+ self.keypath = Tkinter.Entry(body, width=30)
+ self.keypath.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=sticky)
+ if os.path.exists(u"bnpdfkey.b64"):
+ self.keypath.insert(0, u"bnpdfkey.b64")
+ button = Tkinter.Button(body, text=u"...", command=self.get_keypath)
+ button.grid(row=0, column=2)
+ Tkinter.Label(body, text=u"Input file").grid(row=1)
+ self.inpath = Tkinter.Entry(body, width=30)
+ self.inpath.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=sticky)
+ button = Tkinter.Button(body, text=u"...", command=self.get_inpath)
+ button.grid(row=1, column=2)
+ Tkinter.Label(body, text=u"Output file").grid(row=2)
+ self.outpath = Tkinter.Entry(body, width=30)
+ self.outpath.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=sticky)
+ button = Tkinter.Button(body, text=u"...", command=self.get_outpath)
+ button.grid(row=2, column=2)
+ buttons = Tkinter.Frame(self)
+ buttons.pack()
+ botton = Tkinter.Button(
+ buttons, text=u"Decrypt", width=10, command=self.decrypt)
+ botton.pack(side=Tkconstants.LEFT)
+ Tkinter.Frame(buttons, width=10).pack(side=Tkconstants.LEFT)
+ button = Tkinter.Button(
+ buttons, text=u"Quit", width=10, command=self.quit)
+ button.pack(side=Tkconstants.RIGHT)
+ def get_keypath(self):
+ keypath = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(
+ parent=None, title=u"Select Barnes & Noble \'.b64\' key file",
+ defaultextension=u".b64",
+ filetypes=[('base64-encoded files', '.b64'),
+ ('All Files', '.*')])
+ if keypath:
+ keypath = os.path.normpath(keypath)
+ self.keypath.delete(0, Tkconstants.END)
+ self.keypath.insert(0, keypath)
+ return
+ def get_inpath(self):
+ inpath = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(
+ parent=None, title=u"Select B&N-encrypted PDF file to decrypt",
+ defaultextension=u".pdf", filetypes=[('PDF files', '.pdf')])
+ if inpath:
+ inpath = os.path.normpath(inpath)
+ self.inpath.delete(0, Tkconstants.END)
+ self.inpath.insert(0, inpath)
+ return
+ def get_outpath(self):
+ outpath = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(
+ parent=None, title=u"Select unencrypted PDF file to produce",
+ defaultextension=u".pdf", filetypes=[('PDF files', '.pdf')])
+ if outpath:
+ outpath = os.path.normpath(outpath)
+ self.outpath.delete(0, Tkconstants.END)
+ self.outpath.insert(0, outpath)
+ return
+ def decrypt(self):
+ keypath = self.keypath.get()
+ inpath = self.inpath.get()
+ outpath = self.outpath.get()
+ if not keypath or not os.path.exists(keypath):
+ self.status['text'] = u"Specified key file does not exist"
+ return
+ if not inpath or not os.path.exists(inpath):
+ self.status['text'] = u"Specified input file does not exist"
+ return
+ if not outpath:
+ self.status['text'] = u"Output file not specified"
+ return
+ if inpath == outpath:
+ self.status['text'] = u"Must have different input and output files"
+ return
+ userkey = open(keypath,'rb').read()
+ self.status['text'] = u"Decrypting..."
+ try:
+ decrypt_status = decryptBook(userkey, inpath, outpath)
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.status['text'] = u"Error; {0}".format(e.args[0])
+ return
+ if decrypt_status == 0:
+ self.status['text'] = u"File successfully decrypted"
+ else:
+ self.status['text'] = u"The was an error decrypting the file."
+ root = Tkinter.Tk()
+ if AES is None:
+ root.withdraw()
+ tkMessageBox.showerror(
+ "This script requires OpenSSL or PyCrypto, which must be installed "
+ "separately. Read the top-of-script comment for details.")
+ return 1
+ root.title(u"Barnes & Noble PDF Decrypter v.{0}".format(__version__))
+ root.resizable(True, False)
+ root.minsize(370, 0)
+ DecryptionDialog(root).pack(fill=Tkconstants.X, expand=1)
+ root.mainloop()
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+ sys.exit(cli_main())
+ sys.exit(gui_main())